
(17 replies, posted in Feature requests)

A good split feature is difficult to implement. Especially when you consider the fact that post dates must make sense even after a split or a merge. I'll give it some thought.


(16 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I like the idea of designing the user group/permission page after the Windows form above. We just have to be really careful that we don't start thinking up a hugely advanced permissions system that doesn't at all fit in with the "philosophy of PunBB". PunBB will have users groups and more fine-grained access control that it has now, but a feature such as topic level access control is out of the question.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I will probably change the default from true to false in the next version.


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

gunny wrote:

How about...Bradyn?

Do you mean that you want me to change your username to Bradyn?


(17 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I did that because someone requested that I do it :) I don't mind discussions going off topic. It's how we humans discuss things.

Could you perhaps tell us what was wrong?

Also, make sure that the permissions are correctly set for the files in lang/. If in doubt, chmod to 777.

quentin: Nice to hear you like PunBB. I've checked out your site a few times before. It's cool :)

I've asked the author of the EFAM mod (the one you spoke of) to e-mail the latest version to me and I will update it myself. Just give me a day or two and I will have it for you.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yes, with this mod. However, it is currently not available for PunBB 1.1/1.1.1. I've asked the author of the mod to e-mail the latest version to me and I will update it myself.


(16 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Yes, I would also like to have a good user group implementation. However, it's quite a large change and not something you whip up in an afternoon. Every single permission check in the code will have to be rewritten.


(17 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I'll consider it. I never really liked the idea of splitting and merging topics though.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh no! Not more Westhead DNA!! :D


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

Your wish is my command :D


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hehehe :)

Yes. You will however have to upgrade in steps. First to 1.0, then to 1.1 and then to 1.1.1 :) Just be sure to make backups and read the upgrade instructions in install.html.

In the function check_cookie() in include/functions.php. The function is called from include/common.php.

You should be able to do that by a little search and replacing in the scripts. Search for the string "'.$db->prefix.'users" (without quotes) in all files and replace it with, i.e. "all_users". I'm not absolutely sure it will work, but you can give it a go :)


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Oh, my mistake. Replace it with

$result = $db->query('SELECT u.email, u.title, u.url, u.location, u.use_avatar, u.signature, u.email_setting, u.num_posts, u.status, u.registered, u.admin_note, p.id, p.poster, p.poster_id, p.poster_ip, p.poster_email, p.message, p.smilies, p.posted, p.edited, p.edited_by FROM '.$db->prefix.'posts AS p INNER JOIN '.$db->prefix.'users AS u ON u.id=p.poster_id WHERE p.topic_id='.$id.' ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT '.$start_from.','.$disp_posts) or error('Unable to fetch post info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Open up viewtopic.php and go to line 213. Replace:

$result = $db->query('SELECT u.email, u.title, u.url, u.location, u.use_avatar, u.signature, u.email_setting, u.num_posts, u.status, u.registered, u.admin_note, p.id, p.poster, p.poster_id, p.poster_ip, p.poster_email, p.message, p.smilies, p.posted, p.edited, p.edited_by FROM '.$db->prefix.'posts AS p INNER JOIN '.$db->prefix.'users AS u ON u.id=p.poster_id WHERE p.topic_id='.$id.' ORDER BY p.id LIMIT '.$start_from.','.$disp_posts) or error('Unable to fetch post info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());


$result = $db->query('SELECT u.email, u.title, u.url, u.location, u.use_avatar, u.signature, u.email_setting, u.num_posts, u.status, u.registered, u.admin_note, p.id, p.poster, p.poster_id, p.poster_ip, p.poster_email, p.message, p.smilies, p.posted, p.edited, p.edited_by FROM '.$db->prefix.'posts AS p INNER JOIN '.$db->prefix.'users AS u ON u.id=p.poster_id WHERE p.topic_id='.$id.' ORDER BY p.id LIMIT '.$start_from.','.$disp_posts.' DESC') or error('Unable to fetch post info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());


(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I agree with zargoth. Adding lots of features and "fluff" isn't really what I want to do with PunBB. If I do, PunBB will be no different from boards like phpBB or IPB.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Have a look in faq.html that is included in the package :)


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hmm. That's odd. I really don't know what could be causing this. Could you check that PHP has read access to the language files. If uncertain, try chmod:ing everything in the lang-directory to 777.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Have you made any modifications to any of the language files? I'm thinking it might be this problem.

Nope. One template, many styles.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

What does your directory structure look like? It should look something like this:


It almost sounds as if you placed the language pack PHP scripts directly into the lang directory.