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CSpotkill wrote:It would be more useful if there was an option to show the new posts underneath the new threads, maybe with a java/CSS toggle. New posts would be hidden by default, you'd click a thread and poof, the new posts would appear right underneath using display:none to hide them on load, and javascript to set display:inline on click ... maybe with up/down arrows to read the beginning of the thread and a box to make a reply in. Hmm, I'm getting interested in this, maybe when 1.1 is finally released I'll try modding the Show new posts page ;)
That does sound like a classic mod. In other words, not something I would like to put into the "official" source :D
Edit: Not that it's a bad idea. Its just very "unpunbb:ish".
CSpotkill wrote:Well ... I didn't expect it to actually parse the code inside of a code tag.
What I did was attempt to post the invalid quote tags inside of a code tag to show you ... it returend an error about missing the starting code tag. But I had written both starting and ending code tags and as far as I could tell, this should have been valid BBcode.
Sure the quote tag was invalid, but it was INSIDE the code tag and therefore shouldn't have affected the code tag itself, correct? So why return an error about the code tag? If you must parse the inside of a code tag, why not tell me it's an error with the quote tag?
Hmm .... Maybe it's me, I can't seem to quite reproduce it exactly, again ... bah. Forget it. It's probably just me, trying to nest two code tags and somehow cancelling out the second code tag, leaving an orphaned code end tag ...
Yes, I am quite sure it must be something like that. Text between [code.] and [/code.] isn't parsed and can therefore not produce a BBCode syntax error.
CSpotkill wrote:I understand and figured that was the "excuse" :rolleyes: Still, it was kind of confusing to put all that inside a code tag, but it wouldn't let me post it because I was "missing the start tag" of code! I had the start tag of code, it was quote that had the error. Why didn't it just post it or say, Invalid Quote Syntax or similar ...
That's what you said in your e-mail. I didn't understand it then and I don't understand it now. Could you please try to explain it one more time.
I use it all the time. I also use it in really large forums, so the feature works there too :)
"[ New Posts ]" is the link in the subject field that leads to the first unread post (if any) in that topic. "Show new posts since last visit" is the link at the bottom of the index page that searches for topics with new posts.
JoeWesthead wrote:Well if you choose to view all the posts since your last visit, and it's a busy board, then you're going to get a huge long list of new threads, which won't be as useful.
On a board this size I believe the feature is ideal, because most people will want to read each new post - but if there are thousands of posts a day, you're going to get lost in a list of threads that you've no interest in.
I know what I'm thinking, it's hard to explain :)
I don't we're talking about the same thing here. It sounds as if you're talking about "Show new posts since last visit" and not "[ New posts ]".
I'll explain a little more how it works. When you quote someone, the forum looks at the username and determines if it should enclose the username in singlequotes, doublequotes or not at all. Here are some examples:
Username: Tag when quoting that user:
PBB-Kennel [quote=PBB-Kennel]
[PBB]Kennel [quote='[PBB]Kennel']
[PBB]"Kennel [quote='[PBB]"Kennel']
[PBB]'Kennel [quote="[PBB]'Kennel"]
I hope that clears some things up.
JoeWesthead wrote:Yeh it's nice - could get difficult with a massive board, but we'll worry about that when we get to it :D
How is that?
CSpotkill wrote:Yeah, one thing I don't like about the new quote syntax: Before, you could move the quote all to one line, now you can't. Could you adjust this in a stylesheet or template? Like making quotes start right after the semi-colon (and a space), or move the quote author info to the bottom-right of the box (with CSS perhaps?). Besides that, it makes quoting multiple people a lot more intuitive.
Sure. Just edit line 224 in include/parser.php.
Edit: I guess you'll have to wait a few more hours though :)
CSpotkill wrote:Aww, it can't do four nested quotes. Then again, it couldn't before either. (I assume this is a feature.)
Yes, it's a feature. Its there to prevent very deep quote depths that clutter up the page. You can manually set the maximum allowed quote depth in include/parser.php.
CSpotkill wrote:Edit: Damn, even trying to show what I did, gives me "The BBCode syntax in the message is incorrect. Missing start tag for [/code.]"
What I did was ... oh never mind, I just sent you an email...
Well, the new quote syntax comes with a price. Usernames cannot contain a square bracket and a singlequote and a doublequote at the same time. You cannot register with a username containing all those characters. The reason is that if usernames were allowed to contain them all, there would be no way to determine when the username stops and the quote starts.
Getting a message stating that the BBCode syntax is incorrect when trying to quote a user called ?"?Test\""[]["]?"? is expected because there can be no such user :) It is possible to make up an illegal username and quote it, but it will not look good.
Not really. At least not on the "outside".
Check out the changelog:
Tomorrow. I forgot that I have to update a few more things before I can make it available for download. Sorry :(
I also have to e-mail all the translators to see if they would be willing to update their translations to the new 1.1 format.
ps21: If you read this, can you update your skinning guide as well? The new stuff is TABLE.punspacer, .punedited and .puntitle.
Feel free to play around in the test forum. Especially concerning the new quote syntax.
I'm really sorry, but I very much doubt I will be able to finish the FAQ/readme tonight. I'll work as hard as I can, but I don't believe it will be done until tomorrow.
I have to finish this damned FAQ first!
alexz wrote:
Oh my god! He got wasted!
I'm not sure wasted is the appropriate term. I sure as hell wasn't sober though :)
JoeWesthead wrote:
Hang on - since when did a programmer ever have a social life? Was something good on TV?
Then again, I'm not your average programmer now am I? :D
More! There must be more!
ConnyT wrote:
- Why can I not include an image in the signature?
Yeah, but I'll probably do something more general about BBCode.
ps21 wrote:
Couldn't that happen with any browser if you had cookies turned off or if you were using a cookie killer of some kind?
If you have the knowledge to turn off cookies or to use a "cookie killer", I believe you will also understand that that might be the reason you can't login.
JoeWesthead wrote:
Oh, the way you put it, you made it sound as if the problem was Internet Explorer.
The thing I was referring to was the framed redirect and cookie problem
Well, the frame redirect domain issue only applies to Internet Explorer, so yes :)
JoeWesthead wrote:
-I log in, and it says "Logged In Successfully, redirecting...", but then I still won't be logged in. Why?
Isn't that the same as question 3 above?
I'm gonna write a FAAQ (Frequently Asked and Anticipated Questions) for PunBB tomorrow. The document will be distributed with PunBB. I need some help coming up with good questions though. This is what I've come up with so far:
1. Sometimes usernames are underlined. Why?
2. I keep seeing messages like "Bad referer. You were referred to this page from an unauthorized source.". How can I get rid of them?
3. How come I can't login with Internet Explorer 6?
4. Where do I grant a user moderator access to a certain forum?
5. How do I enable "DEBUG mode"?
6. I want to display information from the forums on my site front page. How can I do this?
I will gladly accept suggestions on more questions to include in the FAAQ.
ps21 wrote:
It's Puntastic. It's Punpostponed.
Hehehe :D
I don't think I should do any programming in my current state :D
It'll be tomorrow. I'm heading out now for the evening. Partyyyyyyyy!! :D
Yeah. I was also thinking of the links in posts: "E-mail", "Website", "Report" etc.
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