Yeah, maybe that's a good idea.
I just remembered that the version number is also visible on the admin index page.
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Rickard
Yeah, maybe that's a good idea.
I just remembered that the version number is also visible on the admin index page.
If you don't know what version you are running, you will have to check the database. There should be a field called cur_version and it will tell you what you are running.
You will then have to update in steps:
1.0 RC2 -
1.0 -
1.0.1 -
If you are running an even older version, e-mail me and I'll send you the files you need.
Well, the referrer check is only done for admins and moderators, so your visitors will not be affected unless they are "crew" and then I guess they can all use the same domain name?
Are you saying that you can't make it work at all? Have you read this topic?
Might I ask why?
It doesn't look "messed up" to me. You haven't done the changes i posted above though.
Displaying the "name" of the topic is not easy. It will require some rewriting of the code.
I don't understand what you mean by: it would dispaly not the date and then by ""
Look for {pun_navlinks}. That's where the links are inserted by the script.
There's no problem in doing that. Just search and replace punbb_cookie for something else in all the php-files.
I'm sure it's just a temporary problem. It will probably come up later today.
Well, I would have to see pl_post.php to be sure, a guess would be that you are using the character ' in one of the strings. If you do, you must put a backslash in front of it. Like this:
'Some variable' => 'Haven\'t we met before?',
The install script does that for you. Read the install documentation. It's in /docs
Open up index.php and go to row 72. Replace:
<td class="puncon3" colspan="6"><?php print pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['cat_name']) ?></td>
<table class="punplain" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4"><tr><td> </td></tr></table>
<table class="punmain" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
<td class="puncon3" colspan="6"><?php print pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['cat_name']) ?></td>
About the links. Have a look at main.tpl in /include/template.
The second thing you asked for is quite difficult to do.
There is no short answer to that question, so I'll refer you to the MySQL documentation on "Creating and Using a database":
Yes, some sort of admin log is on the todo list. It won't appear in version 1.1 though.
I'm not sure I understand. EOF and EOT tags?
Fixed a few more things today. Mostly "under the hood" stuff.
This is fixed in version 1.1 of punbb. If you want to use it in 1.0.1, you can just open up include/email.php and replace the funktion smtp_email() with the following:
function smtp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers = '')
global $options;
$recipients = explode(',', $to);
// Are we using port 25 or a custom port?
if (strpos($options['smtp_host'], ':') !== false)
list($smtp_host, $smtp_port) = explode(':', $options['smtp_host']);
$smtp_host = $options['smtp_host'];
$smtp_port = 25;
if (!($socket = fsockopen($smtp_host, $smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, 15)))
error('Could not connect to smtp host "'.$options['smtp_host'].'" ('.$errno.') ('.$errstr.')', __FILE__, __LINE__);
server_parse($socket, '220');
if ($options['smtp_user'] != '' && $options['smtp_pass'] != '')
fwrite($socket, 'EHLO '.$smtp_host."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '250');
fwrite($socket, 'AUTH LOGIN'."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '334');
fwrite($socket, base64_encode($options['smtp_user'])."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '334');
fwrite($socket, base64_encode($options['smtp_pass'])."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '235');
fwrite($socket, 'HELO '.$smtp_host."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '250');
fwrite($socket, 'MAIL FROM: <'.$options['webmaster_email'].'>'."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '250');
$to_header = 'To: ';
while (list(, $email) = @each($recipients))
fwrite($socket, 'RCPT TO: <'.$email.'>'."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '250');
$to_header .= '<'.$email.'>, ';
fwrite($socket, 'DATA'."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '354');
fwrite($socket, 'Subject: '.$subject."\r\n".$to_header."\r\n".$headers."\r\n\r\n".$message."\r\n");
fwrite($socket, '.'."\r\n");
server_parse($socket, '250');
fwrite($socket, 'QUIT'."\r\n");
return true;
Could it be that you are somehow changing the access rights to the file when you overwrite it?
I'll look into this.
I'm running out of nice things to put here when some nice person sends me a new language pack. This time my thanks go out to Denis Labat for putting together a French language pack for PunBB. As usual, it's available on the download page.
Mike from CS wrote:
I told the owner of our site about this mod, but apparently he has concerns:
Mr Slugger wrote:
The only downside to that mod is that everything goes into the database. And our message board database is huge already. Hopefully someone will come up with a ftp upload version so it doesn't bog down the database.
I don't quite understand what he's talking about, but I'm sure it makes sense to you guys. Would something like this be possible?
Is the website he is talking about running PunBB?
gduncan229 wrote:
The only question I got is do we have any idea how big this software can handle?
It will handle just about any number of members/topics/posts. The limits are not in PunBB, but in the server.
A few months ago I converted a vBulletin database with 300.000 posts and about 15.000 members for use with PunBB and it worked fine. Actually I discovered that the database was missing an index, so I fixed that :)
To answer the question of the topic, no.
You can turn off persistent connections by setting $p_connect to false in your config.php.
PunBB Forums → Posts by Rickard
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