
(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Well, maybe. Not in 1.1 though.


(87 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

The list gets shorter and shorter...


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I fixed it by storing last_visit in the database and last_action in the cookie. So, for every page view, last_action is updated, but it's only when the user times out that the database is updated.


(13 replies, posted in Programming)

Well, there's ini_set(), but it won't work for stuff like variables_order since that affects stuff that happens before the script is executed.


(13 replies, posted in Programming)

The only thing I think can be related is variables_order. Try setting it back to it's default value.

http://se2.php.net/manual/en/configurat … bles-order


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Frank H wrote:

true, but on the other hand, those is possible to generate when the forums is added/removed ... so one just fetch one textstring from database for this ... instead of generating them every time one enters a page...

A good idea. However, that was just an example. What happens on the front page when/if you want to display more than one level of forums? There you want to display stuff like number of topics and posts, so a caching solution like the one you suggested for the "Jump to" isn't really doable.

I've been thinking about having some form of identifier column for every forum. You could then order by this identifier column. The column would look something like this for the different forums RNisson sugguested:

Cat Games
     SubCat PC           1
          Forum RPG      1.1
          Forum Action   1.1
     SubCat Mac          2
          Forum RPG      2.1
          Forum Action   2.1
     SubCat Console      3
          Forum RPG      3.1
          Forum Action   3.2


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Yeah, that's the way it's usually implemented, but it's not very effecient. You run into trouble when you want to select more than one level of forums in a single query. E.g. creating the "Jump to" drop down menu.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

If I can come up with a simple and effective way of implementing subforums, I will consider it, I have yet to see a good implementation though.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Honestly, no :)

Nice. Something like this is actually on my internal todo-list for 1.1 :)

Sweet! I hope a lot of you guys will try this out because it's a really high quality mod.


(13 replies, posted in Programming)

I can't access the page you linked to.

Edit: I now managed to access it, but it's really wierd. Sometimes it works and sometimes it just "hangs" and appears to never time out.

Edit2: I'm played around with it a bit, and it's really odd. If I log in, close the browsers and then return, it sets a cookie called fh_member_cookie and the contents of the cookie is only "deleted". Do you know why that might be?

Edit3: It only does the above when using Moz Firebird. Not in IE.

I'm sorry, but I have no clue what the hell is going on.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

PunBB does not support subforums. You can only have one level of forums.


(142 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I just figured out why the e-mail to gduncan above never got through. My ISP (Telia) blocks all outgoing e-mail to aol.com as a part of their fight against spam. Go figure :)


(87 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Updated again.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

It should be noted that anything that involves adding more columns to the different database tables goes through a more thorough screening process than other, simpler changes and add-ons. "User-time-change" requires the addition of a new column in the user table.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

JoeWesthead wrote:

Well concessions have been made to change the whole of PunBB for a specific language. Seems like concessions for a date format could be possible.

Yeah, that's what "Time format" and "Date format" in admin/options are for :)


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

denisjl: Sweet, but the zip archive is corrupt. Could you perhaps e-mail it to me and I will upload it to this website. Please don't forget to include what name (and any other info) you want me to include in the credits on the download page.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

And then the American versions:

11/16/03 22:06
11/16/03 10:06 PM

And then whatever they use in India, Japan, Taiwan...


(13 replies, posted in Programming)

Could you perhaps link to the documents so that we can try it out from here?


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

JoeWesthead wrote:

But if theres a default in the text box such as "Y-M-d" then surely a User can understand what to change.

And if the user doesn't understand then they can leave it.

If they manage to balls it up then there can always be a "Revert to Default" function couldn't there?

You wouldn't believe the things some users try out. I'm certain such a function would lead to confusion and questions like "Why doesn't PunBB display any times?" and other stupid things.

Having a radio button with a number of predefined selections is an option, but I'm not sure I like it. It's not only a matter of solving the problem. The solution has to be elegant.

Why can't people everywhere just use the international standard? YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS that is :)


(1 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Well, it's certainly possible, but as you noted yourself, it's not very punbbish. A mod perhaps?


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yes, all passwords are encrypted. I still don't understand exactly what you want to do though :)


(13 replies, posted in Programming)

Is the clock set?


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Could you explain exactly why you want to pull the password from the database? I don't understand.