Too much AD, but it looks cool
26 2005-02-06 03:06
Re: Best french FM station 'NOVA' uses punBB (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
27 2005-02-05 21:43
Re: Very EASY BBcode ?! (18 replies, posted in Feature requests)
If a user has safari, the BUTTONS don't work ... but TEXTAREA WORKS in Safari no ? (hahahahaa).
What's so funny ? And what's your point ? Safari is a very cool browser, and I'm not a Mac addict, I just own an iBook. My point here is to not bloat PunBB, you can do what you want in a mod, or you can use BB extensions for firefox, but it's wrong to ask Rickard to put it in the core release.
28 2005-02-05 13:28
Re: Very EASY BBcode ?! (18 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Rod, you are acting exactly the same as those webmasters doing crappy MS-HTML, except you are doing it for Gecko. The purpose of the web is to be usable on any platform and browser, and by any I'm even talking about web clients not running on computers or browsers which event out yet.
29 2005-02-05 13:21
Re: La fenêtre se ferme toute seule ?? (5 replies, posted in Archive)
Mets juste
<img src="data/logo.png" alt="Logo" />
30 2005-02-05 02:46
Re: Very EASY BBcode ?! (18 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I see specific Gecko/IE code, I'm actually using Safari.
Specific browser code is the worst, JS is lame because it always need different code for each browser.
I vote no.
31 2005-02-04 00:56
Re: La fenêtre se ferme toute seule ?? (5 replies, posted in Archive)
Ton problème est bizarre. Par contre, j'ai trouvé ca dans le haut de ton forum:
<img src=""><embed src="logo.png" width="350" height="50"></embed></object></span><br>
Oh mon dieu ! STP remplace cette chose illico par quelque-chose du style:
<img src="" alt="Logo" />
<img src="logo.png" alt="Logo" />
32 2005-02-02 16:25
Re: Couple Suggestions (19 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Please don't add PM ! There is a mod, fine, but I don't wanna see PunBB bloated (this is bloat as it's not required, a PM should use mail IMHO) as it become more popular.
If you add PM, I'm pretty sure there will be some PunBB-light fork
33 2005-02-02 16:18
Re: PunBB 1.2.1 (76 replies, posted in News)
(now if we could convince you of the PM adder..... would donation help.....? )....
No PM please Don't bloat it.
34 2005-02-01 13:35
Re: Une modération à priori est-elle possible ? (7 replies, posted in Archive)
Oui effectivement, il reste donc la solution de mettre la main dans le camboui
Ca ne devrait pas être très dur à développer avec PunBB de par sa simplicité, mais il faut y passer un peu de temps.
35 2005-01-31 23:49
Re: Une modération à priori est-elle possible ? (7 replies, posted in Archive)
J'avais mal lu ton post si tu entendais par à prioris une validation des posts par un modérateur avant leur publication. Mais tu peux peut-etre y arriver en jouant avec les droits des forums, par exemple une section fourre-tout privée et une section publique triée ou tu mets tous les posts acceptés.
36 2005-01-29 19:23
Re: nouveau champ à remplir lors inscription (5 replies, posted in Archive)
Non, il faut donc tapper du code et modifier le forum pour pouvoir le faire
37 2005-01-28 07:49
Re: Problème mode maintenance (11 replies, posted in Archive)
Bah normalement Free doit avoir un gestionnaire de base de donnée (genre PHPMyAdmin). Ouvre ta base de donnée avec celui-ci, va dans la table "config", affiche-la et remplace la valeur 1 de la ligne "o_maintenance" par 0.
38 2005-01-27 16:32
Re: Problème mode maintenance (11 replies, posted in Archive)
Extrait de la faq:
2.6 - I've set the forum into maintenance mode and I'm logged out. How do I turn it off?
Copy/upload the script turn_off_maintenance_mode.php from the directory extras/ into the forum root directory and run it through your browser. A message will appear when the operation has completed. Don't forget to remove the script from the forum root directory when finished.
Si tu as besoin d'une traduction, demande
39 2005-01-27 16:30
Re: Présentations (1 replies, posted in Archive)
S'il est possible de mettre ce post en 'sticky' ?
Que chaque utilisateur du forum francophone se présente sur ce thread. Ce sera plus sympa comme ca.
Non, ca n'est pas le but des stickies
40 2005-01-27 16:29
Re: Une modération à priori est-elle possible ? (7 replies, posted in Archive)
Oui, sans problème
41 2005-01-27 16:29
Re: Installation de PunBB en local (2 replies, posted in Archive)
le module MySQL pour PHP n'est pas installé. Cela dépnds de ta distribution mais il doit s'appeller du genre php-mysql
42 2005-01-25 06:48
Re: Liste de sites francophones utilisant PunBB (31 replies, posted in Archive) -> Site de clan
43 2005-01-23 11:11
Re: Check out my styles i made (16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Zoey's quite cool
45 2005-01-23 07:31
Re: Bug langue francaise ... (12 replies, posted in Archive)
Par contre si c'est parce que "scotcher" est un anglicisme que ça n'a pas été mis, pour être cohérent alors c'est "courriel" qu'il faut utiser plutôt que "email" ou e-mail" ...
Argh, help ! (anglicisme)
46 2005-01-23 06:50
Re: PunBB integration (18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Here we go, sorry about the delay :
SELECT, t.subject, p.message, p.poster_id, p.poster, p.posted
FROM punbb_topics AS t, punbb_posts AS p
WHERE t.forum_id = 1
AND = p.topic_id
AND t.posted = p.posted
ORDER BY t.posted DESC
- Replace the 1 in t.forum_id = 1 by the ID of the forum you are using for publishing the news displayed on the front page.
- LIMIT 5 is limiting the number of news to get to 5, increase, decrease or remove it as you like.
You then get a nice result set with:
- id: the ID of the post so you can link to it (for comments)
- subject: the title of the post
- message: the content of the post
- poster_id: the ID of the author of the post, so you can link to his profile
- poster: the name of the author
- posted: the date of the post, use date() to format it.
I still miss the number of comments, shouldn't be hard to get, I'll update this post when I'll find some time to work on it
For the memberlist, it's even easier:
SELECT, u.username, u.realname, u.url, u.jabber, u.icq, u.msn, u.aim,, u.use_avatar
FROM punbb_users as u
WHERE u.group_id=1
OR u.group_id=2
OR u.group_id=5
ORDER BY u.username ASC
The group_id WHERE clauses are the groups you want the users from. The result set is self_explanatory.
Check the PunBB Developer Information for information about the tables, it's easy as 1.2.3
47 2005-01-20 22:09
Re: Mettre un mot de passe (3 replies, posted in Archive)
Non, par contre tu peux bien sur limiter l'accès à un forum à un certain groupe d'utilisateurs.
Si cela ne te convient pas, il te reste à commencer à bosser sur un mod
48 2005-01-20 21:25
Re: French section moderator ? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
That was fast, cool
49 2005-01-20 21:01
Topic: French section moderator ? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Is there any moderator in the french section of the forum ? If not, I'd be glad to help
Two recent exemples (<24h) :
- Someone sticked this while it's only a poor way to divide the already small french PunBB community.
- Someone thinks the french section is a good way to promote his new guestbook script.
50 2005-01-20 20:50
Re: Forum de Support Francophone ! (8 replies, posted in Archive)
Ils sont pas bien ceux-ci ?
Pourquoi vouloir scinder la communauté, déjà pas énorme, en 2 ?
Je reste ici...