(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I've got the test forum here you want to try it out.

The users must click on the "New posts"-link for it to work. Only reading the topic won't remove the icon.


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Paul wrote:

As the section of code that handles all of this in viewforum uses the last_post id couldn't that be appended to the [new posts] link in some form. If there have been new posts since the last visit then the last_post id is bound to be different so it will be a new link.

I've implemented this and it seems to work fine. One problem is that viewtopic does a "header redirect", and then it's not checked as visited by the browsers. Changing the redirect to use meta-refresh instead solves the problem, but it's quite ugly (the page loads twice).

Edit: It also looks weird to have lines without the icon when pressing "Show unanswered posts". Though, this lines can probably be removed completely in v1.2 when we have more markup.


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Another way to "punish" the spammers is to reset their post-count :) (maybe after a warning...) This way all other users are not affected by it.

Henke wrote:

I found a little bug in message_list.php
They should be switched that is. Else the page title will contain the "a href blabla...."

True, thanks! I've changed it and uploaded a new ver (only need to follow Henke's steps or replace message_list.php).


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Rickard wrote:

Remember, the goal is to keep PunBB nice and simple.

Though, it will be nice and simple for most of the users (only moderators are affected by adding more admin functionality).


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Paul wrote:

I knew there had to be a catch. The only way around that one is to append either a timestamp or the id of the new post to the link so it is a unique link each time. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

Yeah, exactly what I was trying to explain :)

Chacmool wrote:

Well, it would work if people only visit the link once. You do want to see the image the second time you visit a page... (or does the visit-thing "resets" when the browser is restarted?)

An id or somehing sounds okay. I think this solution is way better than any other "cookie-solution" that has been mentioned earlier.


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Paul wrote:

There is actually no need to get rid of the image or anything else. Changing the colour of [new posts] or going from bold to normal would probably be enough of an indicator. In fact if you just left the default behaviour of A:visited most people would recognise it.

Why not remove it completely? Maybe change to a "gray" image instead.

Another problem is the image on the first page...


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Ohhh, NOW I see why it work :)

You have different links for each new post in the topic-list! Like this:


I think it's a great idea! :D


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Well, it would work if people only visit the link once. You do want to see the image the second time you visit a page... (or does the visit-thing "resets" when the browser is restarted?)

deusiah wrote:

Well you think it only contains a forum,. just becuase you don't know the address to the site dosn't mean its not there ;)

As I suspected :)

deusiah wrote:

Well I guessed it wouldn't be a problem accessing the user info, a db query is a db query but I was wondering if its a simple as using a funtion?

It's easier. Example: Put this code at the top of the page...

$pun_root = './';
require $pun_root.'include/common.php';

...to use the userinfo like this:

if($cur_user['status'] < PUN_ADM)
   ...do stuff...

echo $cur_user['username'];

   ...do something...
deusiah wrote:

Anyway... thats kind of off-topic so here is my next ques. phpBB to punBB? Anyone done it before, any pitfalls I should be aware of?

There's some. PunBB does not have groups, so they're gone. Also, the converter don't convert moderator info. Other than that, it's easy (I wrote the converter... so for me it's easy :D)


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Well, hard to say, but at least a couple of months I think (note: this is a guess, not something i know)

I think PunBB is easy to integrate into other systems. I don't know exactly what you want to do with it as your website (?) only contains the forum now, but it's no problem to access user information from pages outside the forum.

Rod wrote:

Because there is a          '              the user is not recognized ...

How to fix it ?

Seems to work fine for me. Which version do you run? When does it happen?


Try adding this line instead of the require-line:

$links[] = '<a href="message_list.php">'.$lang_pms['Messages'].'</a>';

Do you have the mod enabled? Beqause it checks if the admin-option is on, and if it's not, the link is not shown.

*topic closed*

Continue the discussion in this topic instead.

The "Send new message"-link is located at the list (where the "Post reply"-link is located in a topic).

Don't you have the navigation bar like this?:

Home | User list | Search | Profile | Admin | Messages | Logout

Step 10 to 14 should add the Messages-link in the navigation bar...


I've now added a "Send new message"-link to the message-list-page as I should have done a long time ago...

Though, I need help translating this line into french and spanish:

'New message'                =>        'Send new message',

To update your installation you ONLY have to replace the files "message_list.php", "message_send.php" and "??_pms.php" (language file), NOT follow the steps in the readme! Download the new version here.

1. There is a link in the navigation bar on the top.

2. True. I should have done this a long time ago. Got it fixed now, a new version is released (read this topic).

3. This will have to wait.

4. Exactly what do you mean? There is a "Send private message"-box in the user profile.

I've uploaded PunPMS v1.0.9 now. The only thing I changed was to add 1.1.5 to the list in the install-file (so there's no reason to update if you already installed it).

lebel wrote:

I had more than 300.000 posts (250Mo for the database) and the script time out with apache since 30 minutes ...

Okay, it should not do that... At which part does it tomeout? I assume it's the post-conversion... though, it should not be a problem.

I've never tried converting a forum with 300'000 posts myself (I don't have anyone to test with).

Rickard wrote:

Aha. I haven't actually tested the converter, but I imagined it would refresh the page now and then to prevent it from timing out. I do that in admin/maintenance when rebuilding the search index.

Chacmool: You don't do that?

Yes, I do.

Rod wrote:

If you don't want to have a Time Out, do your conversion with Mozilla or Firefox (which don't know the notion of Time Out)

Nice forum! Added it to punbbig, it's at pos #8 now :)

Yes, the mod works fine with 1.1.5.

Yes, I should update the mod with the suggestions you have, I've just not got the will/time to do it yet. Sorry for that :(

Rod wrote:

Thanx lebel, but ...
Since I have began coding (1998) I have always use NOTEPAD ... so I don't want to count the lines ... :)

If you could post old and new code, it would be perfect :)

Maybe a reason to switch to ultraedit or another nice editor :)

jacobswell wrote:

I've tested with phpMyAdmin and found the same result.

for example with phpMyAdmin I tested with the query "select id, message from punbb_posts where message like 'kundjänst';" and the result is no rows. interesting.

Maybe beqause it's called "kundtjänst" ;D


(30 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Nice :)

As soon I'm away for a few days, there's a new release ;P