I don't know, I just assumes it will be some problems :) Actually, I've not hade the time/will to test it yet... The test forum is online when I'm home (=my computer is on), maybe I should have mentioned that in the first post :)

cuteseal wrote:

Yeah, was just about to post that one about the delete topic... i think it's when the user is a guest / not logged in.  When you log in as another user, then the "delete" disappears.

True. Added a check so that the user is logged in too.

Just change line 51 (might differ for different versions) in include/punpoll/viewtopic.php:

<?php    if($is_admmod || (!$cookie['is_guest'] && $cur_user['username'] == $poster)){ ?>


I've uploaded PunPoll v1.2.6 to the directory. Just replace ./punbb/include/punpoll/viewtopic.php with the corresponding file in the zip-package and It should work fine... hopefully.

cuteseal wrote:

Oh wihtout it, the error messages (no question / less than 2 answers) didn't show up.  it just displayed a blank message box! :)

Yeah, you're right :) I'll change it.

And I saw the "delete"-comment in another topic here, I'll look at it right away.

wataresistant wrote:

I tried using it on 1.1.4, but I get this when running install mod:

You are running a version of PunBB that this mod does not support. This mod supports PunBB versions: 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3

Yet, you say it works on 1.1.4... am I doing something wrong?

Sorry, my fault. I forgot to upload the "new" (only a value in the array in the install-file that's changed) version to my temporary page. Download it again and it should work.

Death Angel wrote:

=== Private_Message_System_v1.0.6
== readme.txt

##      Mod version:  1.0.4
##   Works on PunBB:  1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2


Well, I SUCK at updating the readme-file. Even had some thoughts about removing it from the readme or making a scripts that fixes it for me :)


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)


cuteseal wrote:

I think you're missing 'EditPostPoll' in your lang file, but that's easily fixed.

Yes I do :) Forgot to colpy the lang-file from my test-forum to the release-dir. Thanks.

cuteseal wrote:

Oh one more thing...

I think in edit_save.php, it's missing:

global $pun_root, $language;
require $pun_root.'lang/'.$language.'/'.$language.'_poll.php';

No, it's not needed in edit_save.php. It's just database-stuff, so there's no language-file needed there.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I'm not sure which mods are included in PunBB++, but I don't think it should be any problems. Though, If you've used for example Polls in the forum, they will not be visible in the new forum.

You can try this maybe:
1. Unpack a clean install of PunBB to a new directory (do not install it!)
2. Copy the config.php from the punbb++-installation
3. Check the new forum if it's okay.

This way the two forums use the same database (it'll not work perfectly as the basedir is different in the two forums). I don't know what happens if you try to run install.php in the "new" forum, so be careful there. A good solution is to backup the forum before playing around to much.

The host looks weird... Try removing ".localdomain" from the host (I assume the database-server is on the same machine as the webserver).

Is it okay if you must press the checkbox even if there is a new poll? (It makes it alot easier this way: it does not require me to do another query or move some code outside the included files.)


Open: edit.php

    if (isset($checkboxes))
        $checkboxes = implode('<br>'."ntttt", $checkboxes);

After add:
    require $pun_root.'lang/'.$language.'/'.$language.'_poll.php';
    if(($pun_config['o_polls'] || $cur_user['status'] > 0)                // Polls allowed OR user is moderator or admin
            && (!$cookie['is_guest'] || $pun_config['p_guests_poll'])){    // AND NOT guest OR Guest allowed to post polls
        $checkboxes .= "\n\t\t\t\t".'<br><input type="checkbox" name="showpoll" onClick="change(this);" tabindex="'.($cur_index++).'"> '.$lang_poll['EditPostPoll'];

Download the new version and replace form_edit.php. If you've made changes to
your form_edit.php, I can show you what's changed. (You ONLY need
to follow the steps abovve and replace this file).


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hdiff is a script that generates html-files as output when "comparing" files. This helps people to alter the code instead of downloading new files to replace the old ones with.

It's not supporting preview when editing posts. I've not had the time to fix this yet. I might fix it someday though, but untill then there's no preview there.

cuteseal wrote:

Hey Chacmool!  I'm a fan of your work...

I've installed PunPoll v1.2.4, and it works a treat: http://shuttertalk.com

However, just some feedback - when editing topics, the poll section should be hidden unless there is already a poll on the topic.  I suggest maybe making it like the new post form -- where there's a checkbox to show the poll section or not, and then make it checked by default if there is a poll on the topic already.

What do you think?

Hehe, great you like and use it! :D

I agree on the edit-post-part, I'll probably fix this until the next release. Thanks for the feedback.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yes, you need PHP and a database. Download the files and then follow the instructions in install.html in the file package.

cuteseal wrote:

Hey Chamcool, now that punres is down, where can I download this mod?

Sure! I've put all my mods here.

Yes it does.

I'll fix a download-link for you.

Edit: Download the mods from this server.


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

Raz dubbelt upp :)

Det är bara att flytta och sen ändra Admin -> Option -> Base URL.


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks, I'll look at it :)

Oh, btw, its a drop-down menu I want (were almost only ordinary menus on tha page). This This one seems to work fine, though it's really ugly and don't validate so it's out of the picture.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've looked at the webbrowser-statistics on (among others) w3school.com homepage. Is this numbers trustworthy? I know that Opera per default is identified as IE6.0, and this is probably the case in many other browsers too.

Edit: Another statistics image:


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've been working on a menu in css but had (as always) problems in IE. Searching google gave me a few solutions, like this one. It works fine in IE, Opera 7 and Netscape 7, but not in alot of other browsers.

So, the question is: Should I make a css-menu that works fine for most users (not necessarily the solution given in the link), or make one wich javascripts or something like that so it works for more people?


(142 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I think I've found the biggest ones:

barrowfc.com - 31854 posts, 1020 users
forum gitara.pl - 2257 users, 17629 posts

I've been thinking/working on a "punbb-big-boards" and made som research :) Btw, the largest board listed at big-boards.com has 80'259'040 posts! Thats waaaay more than alot of posts :D

pen wrote:

dont know if its been mentioned.. but this would be better if you got some notifiaction when you get a PM.. like the messages button turns red or likewise

i always forget to check my messages :D

There should be a link: "There are new messages" when you have new messages. It's positioned at the same place as the "There are new reports"-link.

Which version of the PMS du you use?