Ohh! Sweet! That will make it alot easier! smile

Great! smile

I'll do that. Probably releasing the new ver soon (not much updates, just easier to install/reinstall).

zc923 wrote:

Nevermind, I got it. Deleted the poll table in the sql database. Solved the problem. Thanks.

So it works now then? (Or was the solution not to use the poll at all?)

Okey, then it should be no problem...

If you enables debug mode (see one of the first lines in include/common.php) and try to post a poll again, what's the error message this time?

Yes, you're right, it's most probably the database.

Can you use for example phpmyqdmin to check if the yourprefix_polls table are installed or not? It sounds like you have it installed
before, or axidently ran the install_mod twice. You could try removing the options-part of the install and see what happens.

Remove from install_mod.php:

$config = array(
    'o_polls'            => "'1'",
    'o_poll_change'    => "'1'",
    'o_poll_multi'        => "'0'",
    'p_guests_poll'    => "'0'"
while (list($conf_name, $conf_value) = @each($config)){
    $db->query('INSERT INTO '.$db->prefix."config (conf_name, conf_value) VALUES('$conf_name', $conf_value)")
        or exit(mysql_error().'Unable to insert into table '.$db->prefix.'config. Please check your configuration and try again. <a href="JavaScript: history.go(-1)">Go back</a>.');
ihavenoidea wrote:

I was hoping i could get some mysql commands that would help me whipe out his name in the last post section as well as delete all topics started by him.

I'll help you smile

Just run this file from the punbb root. There's no "Run"-button or such fancy stuff though... A warning too, I've just tested it quickly on my database, so make a backup or something before using it.

Edit: It's not taking care of the forums, but since there's only three of them, Kennels  manual suggestion works fine there.

Cactuz wrote:

But it looked pretty easy to understand, if not easier than the readme files we are using now, but the extreme width could lead to mistakes I think.

On some places yes, but where there's no extreme-lines it's really easy to see the difference between the files.

Kennel wrote:

Yeah, maybe that's the way to go. However, if you distribute the HTML output of that program hdiff, you might as well include the actuall diff file as well so people can patch it automatically if they want to.

Yeah, that's no problem. Though, not everybody has access to diff/hdiff, and we don't want the modders to end up using alot of different types of files either...

dR slIzer wrote:

Yeah, diff och patch are great tools for this such of thing. But as mentioned most Windows users don't have them. 'comp' (built in command in CMD) can be used to compare files on a windows box but I don't think there is any program that can substitute the real unix tools wink

Yes, but with hdiff the users must do the changes themselves instead of having path doing it. The question is if it's as easy as the readme.txt-files to understand.

Don't know how well the programs work if there's other mods installed before...

Another one found: Using hdiff instead gives a few line above and under the changed/added/removed line. See the example... I think this one is better, but maybe not enough though?


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yeah, one table per post should be enough to fix it. On CSpotkill's page the table have the right size, but the text expands outside the table instead (it's not finished yet either though).


(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

Name: David Djurbäck
Age: 22
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Interests: Programming/web-design
What I do: Studying Electrical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Short answer to a long post: I think the tables has a certain purpose... noticed what happens if you post a LOOONG line (or a large image) in your forum now? It ruines the whole page. This was the first amazing thing I noticed when I first got here. Don't think its worth the page size if it can't be solved without tables (or can it?).

Other than that, good work! smile

Kennel wrote:

True. I've never written a mod, but I can imagine writing and updating the readme can be a lot of work for the larger mods. An alternative to Beyond Compare is to use diff/patch. However, I hardly know any Windows users that have it installed.

Is it that hard to install it if you want a mod then?

Well, I'm written some mods now... and I'm getting really tired of writing the readme.txt files. I don't like them at all anymore, it's just frustrating to write something twice! (especially since I sometimes forget to do update the readme.txt file...)

So, a solition to the problem could be to use some program to compare a clean PunBB-istall with one where the mod is install. I've tried one and it works quite well smile

Example page for the new version of such report can be seen here (its for PunPoll 1.2) The page only shows changes, so if there are other mods installed, the line-numbering wont work. The header is made by me, so it's some work to do anyway... and it's not that obvious what to do all the time (A "Lxy" without a following "Rxy" means that you should remove the lines starting at line xy).

Does people understand the file? Is it easy to do something wrong? What do you think?

Edit: The program I used was Beyond Compare. I'm sure there's better programs out there though, this popped up first when I asked Google smile

Rob wrote:

Would be nice if you could actually download the mod. The site that its on goes around in circles. Just post a direct link it the mod.... geez

True, I forgot to change the url when I started using PunRes...

Thanx for telling me smile


It could probably be done easier someway... maybe use some userlist to change people's access instead of the profile? And maybe use groups as many other forums does.

It requires alot of recoding though, so go tell Cactus to start coding! wink

Oxygen for me too... don't like the contrast between links and background on for examle Mercury.

Made a really blue style today... it might be too blue though smile


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

ps21 wrote:
lukepuuk wrote:

Thanks, now it looks perfect!


Not quite, you have fallen victim of the IE5 bug. Your forum is aligning left in IE5. See the post Kennel referred you to and my solution.

Hmm, what's happened with that url?


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

There's one more thing to do on the index page, you see the thick black line? You must change the "colspan" value for the Category-field:

<td class="puncon3" colspan="6"><?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['cat_name']) ?></td>

<td class="puncon3" colspan="5"><?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_forum['cat_name']) ?></td>


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I think it might be better to remove them if the forum is "inside" the page design (with menus and such things). It's not that often I want to find out who's "moderating" the forum (you often know it anyway wink)

An option could work, then it's up to the owner to decide. Maybe with a "Show moderator list" over or under the "Jump to"-list when it's not shown on the fronpage?


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

ps21 wrote:

Incidentally, I have been contemplating suggesting removal of the moderators column for ages. I am relieved I am not alone in thinking it was taking up screen real estate  without providing any real benefit.

True! I've had that thought too when looking at this forum smile Instead of the list on the index page, there could be a "List moderators"-link in the forum instead.

Although, it do looks kinda silly if you remove it completely and have the brower-window wide...


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

Jocke wrote:

Har precis installerat punbb, men jag vet inte hur jag kommer in i adminpanelen.

mvh: jocke

Du loggar in med det användarnamn och lösenord som du valde vid installationen, på så vis får du en extra länk i menyn längst upp.


(93 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Nice work smile

Don't like the scrollbars though... One more thing, add a:

border-top: 0px

or something for punpost. I don't like the "double" black line there smile

Edit: Just noticed there are the same black line in this forum too...

I might know what the problem is. Are you SURE every post has a real user? That is, there must be a user with the post-user-id, or else the post will be skipped.

I had this problem with the converter, 12 users out of 815 were lost when converting the forum (due to ' in some field). This led to the exact same problem: The topic-list said one amount of posts and pages, but when I viewed the pages, there were some empty ones.


(93 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

CSpotkill wrote:
chacmool wrote:

I'm not fully convinced yet though wink

This didn't convince you either? ? Just wait. wink When I'm done the transition of the current page to CSS, I'll do my own version and it'll look much different from "Oxygen" but with the exact same XHTML. smile

Cool! (The page didn't work yesterday for some reason)

Don't fully understand how it works, byt anyway smile