I have now installed the mod from scratch myself, and it works fine.

Scriptweaver: Could you send me your viewtopic.php so I can take a closer look at it?

Scriptweaver wrote:
What are the differences between 1.0 and 1.1 actually?

The "major" thing is the "gust post poll permission"-setting, but I think I fided some other issues to. For example, the "echo <<<EOF"-thing someone hade problem with.

Kennel: Ahh, no problem. I did the same smile

Im done with all my exams now, so there's some time for php instead. I'm gonna look at Scriptweaver's problem right away. Still dont'n know how to solve the mozilla-issue though...

Hmm, seems weird. I've never experienced this problem sad
Have you tried with PunPoll v1.1?

Edit: I think it's better to ask questions in the PunPoll-mod topic btw...

Hmm, still some problems regarding quote-marks in the answers though. Can't figure out how to solve it when using serialize/un serialize sad ... suggestions?

I'll look at the multipoll-thing... install the mod myself from scratch or something. I've fixed the quote-mark-issue now, thanx alot for telling me!

Ok, I've updated v1.1 so it's not using EOF's anymore. Does the multiple-choice works for you?

Do you have the forum up and running? I've not seen this problem myself...

notnamed wrote:Have you figured out a fix for the mozilla problem (page not updating?) I downloaded 1.1 and addded it, but it still doesn't work sad

No, I've not looked at it yet...

notnamed wrote:Also, multiple choice doesn't work at all...

Can you explain more what happens? Is this only in mozilla?

Ahh, I should have mentioned that... the "EOF;"-text must be on its own row with no tabs och spaces before.

Or was it another problem?

Good idea!. I usually disable images in the signatures, but with this it might be better smile One signature / user / page:

#---------[ 1. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------------


#---------[ 2. FIND (line: 323) ]---------------------------------------------

    if ($cur_post['signature'] != '' && $cur_user['show_sig'] != '0')
        $signature = '<br><br>_______________________________________<br>'.parse_signature($cur_post['signature']).'<br><br>';
        $signature = NULL;

#---------[ 3. REPLACE ]------------------------------------------------------

    if ($cur_post['signature'] != '' && $cur_user['show_sig'] != '0' && !isset($signatures[$cur_post['poster_id']])){
        $signature = '<br><br>_______________________________________<br>'.parse_signature($cur_post['signature']).'<br><br>';
        $signatures[$cur_post['poster_id']] = true;
        $signature = NULL;

#---------[ 4. SAVE / UPLOAD ]------------------------------------------------

I fixed a typo and added a !isset() so that it won't complain about the element not being initialized /Kennel

Kox wrote:

url please smile

Look at the first post on the first page smile


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Everything seems to be ok. It's probably another row, maybe the one over this row?

Arne wrote:Tried it and it works great (on my IE environment)! Great work - 1000+ thanks!
Just a thought about a feature I might miss or which isn't included:

I would suggest to add an option to "admin_permissions.php" which defines if "Guests" and/or "Users" are allowed to create polls. While I would allow it Users I would prefer if not registered users can't create a poll; so registering is just another benefit.

What do you think?

Done! Added a "Guests may post poll"-option to the admin-permissions page. Made an update-file for v.1.0 to (which hopfully works fine smile)

True, all true. I'll fix it tomorrow smile

Kennel wrote:
chacmool: Nice! Could you upload it to PunRes?

Sure, but the page seems to be down at the moment...

scuba wrote:
It seems it doesn't work with mozilla firebird / netscape browser but it worked fine with internet explorer. It doesn't update the page after you have marked "new poll". It's a smart feature with the box hope you can fix it because it isn't as nice if you always shows the poll when posting.

Ok, I'll look at it.

My work here is done! (hopefully wink)

I think it'll work fine now. If it's not, please tell me and I'll fix it asap.

Download: PunPoll.v1.0.zip


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

Tollezone wrote:

med forumet... alltså, vi har ett punbb-forum, men undrar om det går att ladda upp filer i ett inlägg...

Det är på gång, Frank H skriver en mod för det. Se topic: http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2394

There's a link: "Move topic" in the bottom left corner of the page.


(142 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Approximately 28.000 posts... Forum at Chalmers (Electrical Engineering). Not up yet though. (Might switch back to our old (own made) forum agan though, not my decision)

Rows: 420764
Size: 21.97 MB

Well, I have a few things left to test. For example, I havent done anything about the poll if the topic is closed...

Wooty: You know he won't do that smile

Whats the problem with mods? I can give you my php-files if it makes things easier...

ps21 wrote:

Nice one. Been there, voted, got the T-Shirt and returned intact. Everything seems to work fine. One question. How do members start on new poll, I could not see a link? Or is the idea that only admins/mods can start polls.

You press the "Post new poll"-checkbox in the options-area when adding a new topic.

The multivote poll are done.

I have a test-forum up and running at chacmool.home.barock.nu for you who want to try it out smile (It's up as long as I am home)

Thanx smile

And no, I've decided that you'll have to delete the poll and add it all over again.

Ahh, I see. Clever smile

You could use checkboxes instead of radiobuttons, and allow people to vote one time. Implementing it right away.