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With a challenge handshake there is more involt than only a MD5. So in theory it is saver then just clear text passwd.
But why this discussion ???. So far the bugs that rise to the surface are sql-injection aan XSS related. So far the protection scheme is working like it should ??
But then again I haven't really reviewed the authentication code yet.
How did you intergrate punBB in WordPress ?? Im curious yesterday i started to use wordpress. Would be nice to integrate punBB with it.
Do you have ssh access to your web hosting server. If so you could try to ping it. Maybe has blocked out some ip's ?
Very nice done. Normally I hate working on CSS files . So this will make my life a little easier
This feature has been requested before. And in some recent topics you can find that they are working on a solution to provide support for mod_rewrite.
Alltough it is not really needed. punbb get's indexed by google without any trouble.
I wanted to mod punBB myself to support url rewrite. My first idea was to let the script generates it's pages like it does in normal situation. When finished procces the output with a function like str_replace to replace al the links with the new url_rewrite strings. this could be done like the languages are handled.
unfortunally this is offcourse not going to work because of the way punbb is coded.
regarding your code. How are you going to handle the forms ? Are you going to rewrite those also ?
thx no need to do the translation twice.
Connorhd wrote:i'll add it now
oh wait... the Dutch pack for 1.2.x isn't finished yet you'll have to wait till someone translates it
Waiting for that as well . Well maybe when i finally have some time left I can start working on it myself.
As https (SSL) is nothing more than the secure protocol version of http you don't have to expect to much trouble. In fact it is nothing more then setting the correct options in your httpd.conf to enable this.
You can make everthing ssl without much problems. But be aware of the fact that enabling something like a forum to run on ssl your server will gain more stress.
Is it realy necessary to encrypt the traffic to your forum. ???
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