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shii wrote:You don't seem to have put any constraints on it... like a maximum subject or name length. Also I'd like control over bumping threads :<
Those constraints would be a trivial addition. Also, you can sort by newest post to see the topics recently posted to.
I can give you the script that runs if you want. Or are you looking for something like the Magic Thread?
Oh, that's nice. Why even post something like this if you're going to hoard it? Geez.
I think those would be great ideas for mods. (At least the photo and birthday ideas. Skype creates VoIP islands and will hopefully be obsolete soon.)
You also need to modify help.php so that it mentions the possibility of using [ strike ].
Someone should make a mod that adds a [ strike ] tag.
Why are you even using <li> there at all if you don't want a bulleted list? Just do it the old fashioned way:
<p>Line 1<br />
Line 2<br />
etc<br />
Line N</p>
Wow, it looks really nice now. I'll remember to post on the PunBB forums if I ever have trouble making a decent color scheme.
If you take a look at the validator output, it tells you the exact problem (in this case: you have <li>s that aren't inside <ol>s or <ul>s).
I'm afraid that color scheme sucks a bit. I'm not a designer, so I can't tell you exactly why... but it needs improving.
Here's my best effort at explaining why I don't like it: the contrast between the black and white backgrounds is too much, and the blue text in the main body doesn't stick out enough. Hope that helps.
Those are normally called "subforums." PunBB does not have them. You can try Unclassified NewsBoard. I haven't used it, but it seems to have this feature.
PunBB is made to be light and fast, not to have tons of features... and although there are lots of mods that add features, I don't think there are any that add subforums.
No, you won't be screwed if the company goes bankrupt, because you didn't get one of these accounts. They're all gone. Silly.
HTTP includes an Accept-Language: header for things like this.
I too found the redirect annoying. When I make a post, it can simply go to my post. When I mark all topics as read, I can see something happened because all the "new posts" images are gone. The redirect is awfully distracting and confusing, if you ask me... especially because the text in it is so long, but I don't think it's needed at all.
TextDrive has gzip on, and they claim you get much more out of your bandwidth that way.
Didn't they just have those?
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