I was screwing around with bookmarklets and decided to try "open all links," which is as follows:

javascript:(function(){var n_to_open,dl,dll,i; function linkIsSafe(u) { if (u.substr(0,7)=='mailto:') return false; if (u.substr(0,11)=='javascript:') return false; return true; } n_to_open = 0; dl = document.links; dll = dl.length; for(i = 0; i < dll; ++i) { if (linkIsSafe(dl[i].href)) ++n_to_open; } if (!n_to_open) alert ('no links'); else { if (confirm('Open ' + n_to_open + ' links in new windows?')) for (i = 0; i < dll; ++i) if (linkIsSafe(dl[i].href)) window.open(dl[i].href); } })();

on the PunBB forum index, http://punbb.org/forums/ (85 links).

The first few pages load fine, but then I suddenly get logged out, and remain that way for all pages loaded thereafter; very noticeable because the color scheme goes back to the default (I've changed it).

Now, I know most users will not try to load 85 pages at once, but does this indicate some sort of deeper bug or unreliableness? I'd be interested in any thoughts on what might cause me to get logged out when doing that.

I tried "open all selected links" with 11 links selected and there was no problem.

Mark topics as read is great. You're a good man, Miles.


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

reinet.org appears to be a domain squatter. Did you mistype?


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

No. That works, but there's no reason to do it that way.

PHP is basically just HTML with code embedded in it, inside "<?php" and "?>". All you have to do is make sure no HTML is inside "<?php" and "?>".

What is it you're trying to do, exactly?


(10 replies, posted in Programming)

Rename the .html file .php.

You can make it cached by sending Cache-Control: headers. See PHP documentation and RFC 2616.

Smartys has a point, here. Being able to prune unverified users would be cool.

If you put [ url ] around it, you can force it to work, so it isn't really a problem.

The MIME type is the content type presented to the web user; if you did that, the MIME type returned would be that of PHP source code.

Try renaming the .css file .php, and putting this at the top of it:

header('Content-type: text/css');

That should do the trick.

Gary13579 wrote:

http://punbb.org/Not exactley a 'bug', but its quite annoying.

I posted a reply using the

tag, and the first line withen the quote is a URL. It wouldnt turn the URL into a link, because it was right next to the quote tag.
I tried editing it, and it just moves the URL right back to the top (after trying to add spaces and a new line).

In the end I just added '123' to the top, but it is annoying hmm

Works if you do that.


(48 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I actually like boring sites.

Provided they have interesting content.


(72 replies, posted in General discussion)

He must mean the Book of Mozilla. That's a good book.


(48 replies, posted in Feature requests)



(48 replies, posted in Feature requests)

It's totally pointless! Just hold Shift or middle-click, for crying out loud. Or right-click and get a menu with the exact options you want.

You're free to setup your own site however you want it, but I really don't see why you're bothering with this.

n3Twork, parlez anglais ici s'il vous plait.

Paul, I believe the active topics table is taking up 50% of the available width, and he would like it to fill 100%, as seen at http://www.shuttertalk.com/forums/ and he is wondering how to change the line "include('mod_active_topics.php');" to achieve this. I'm not totally certain, but it's something like that.


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Take a look at the readme. You might have some luck asking for a mod to add subforums, but it isn't likely to be added to PunBB itself.


(48 replies, posted in Feature requests)

The book analogy makes sense to me, but that's why you can middle-click or shift-click or whatever it is in your browser, and choose to open a link in a new window. I do it all the time (okay, I actually open them in new tabs, but same idea). What's so hard about pressing Shift?

When a link opens in a new window, I don't have a key I can press to open it in the same window. Leave that choice up to me, please.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I saw it. I'd probably prefer something server-side, though; I was referring to this mod.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

That's a good idea. Okay, I'm convinced that the lackluster unread/read posts tracking is acceptable. smile

Though I probably will still want to install that mod if I set up my own PunBB.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Okay, I see there's a mod that seems to do what I want... sorry, I hadn't thought to look in that section.

The problem I have with the current behavior is, well, imagine the following situation.

I visit the board. Topics A, B, C, D, and E all have new posts since my last visit. I go through reading them in order.

While I'm reading topic D, another user makes a post in topic C. When done, I hit "mark all topics as read" or just sign off the site. I completely miss the new post in topic C.

On a busy board this can make it incredibly difficult to catch up. I know because I visit a couple of vBulletins and it's such a huge pain to keep up to date on them I sometimes don't even bother.

Anyway, I guess I'll install the mod if I set up any PunBBs of my own. Thanks.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Hello, I've just learned of PunBB and it seems pretty cool. I don't like the tracking of unread posts, though. It seems that a topic continues to be marked as unread after I've seen the page with the last post in it.

I would like to be able to mark topics as unread just by viewing them (if they are multipage topics, by viewing the last page). I frequent several phpBBs and find this feature makes it much easier to catch up on new posts; I simply go from one forum to another loading the topics marked as new, and then when I'm done, reload the main index to see if I've missed any or anyone posted a new message while I was reading.

Also, I would like this to be the ONLY way - other than manually marking all topics as read - for topics to go to unread status.

I don't know of any other message board software that works this way, but it would be really nice.

Quite frequently, I load a message board index, then I get distracted or lose my connection and do something else for a little while. When I come back, it's impossible to track the new posts.

Many people probably don't have the same preferences I do, so would it be possible for a user option to match the above behaviors ("mark posts as read on viewing" and "don't mark posts as read when a new session starts")?

Finally, one small request to make it easier to ignore a forum I'm not interested in: I would like a "Mark all forum topics as read" link on each forum, in addition to being able to mark all topics read board-wide.

Thanks in advance for replies'n'stuff,

Gerv is hard at work devising solutions already:
http://www.gerv.net/security/phishing-b … ences.html

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