I'm not quite sure what your asking for. Maybe you should give an example of 'a fundamental redesign about how PunBB handles display'. Do you mean a more complete template system? Do you want the CSS to be more simple and not as much tweakable? Btw, I think a change to the CSS is coming for 1.3. Ask Paul for further details.

And for your upgrading problems, there is hdiff files to download and make the changes yourself. And after that, just run the upgrade scripts in order to update your database.


(7 replies, posted in Archive)

Problemet ligger nog inte hos PunBB utan snarare i den information du fyllt i vid installationen. "Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Access denied for user: 'abckrd@localhost' (Using password: YES)" betyder rätt och slätt att du har angett ett felaktigt användarnamn/lösenord.

In profile, and it might exist in other files, you can find this on line 1351:

substr($entry, strlen($entry)-4)

Why not simply use substr($entry, -4)? tongue

EDIT: And on the line under there is substr($entry, 0, strlen($entry)-4), where substr($entry, 0, -4) works just fine.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Open style/<style name>.css

Locate: .pun {FONT-SIZE: 11px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal}

Change FONT-SIZE to whatever you want.

Also, have a look at these:

/* 2.3 Font size for headers */

.pun H2, .pun H4 {FONT-SIZE: 1em}
.pun H3 {FONT-SIZE: 1.1em}
#brdtitle H1 {FONT-SIZE: 1.4em}

/* 2.4 Larger text for particular items */

DIV.postmsg P {LINE-HEIGHT: 1.4}
DIV.postleft DT {FONT-SIZE: 1.1em}
.pun PRE {FONT-SIZE: 1.2em}


(71 replies, posted in News)

Ok.. so then, what OS are you on? Webserver? And are you sure the webserver have write access to the cache directory?


(71 replies, posted in News)

It may be a cache problem. Try removing all files in the cache folder.

EDIT: Or reload the page to make sure its not a local cache problem wink


(7 replies, posted in Archive)

Har du provat ansluta till MySQL servern genom något annat program t.ex mysql eller mysqladmin i bin/?


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sounds good. Good quality and all that ^^

Im working with music too actually wink Mostly with midi. What are you using?

Can it be the BBCode parser?

Looking good smile

It's nice that it's starting to pop up som quality styles for PunBB and not only those spinkBB styles that kind of look the same.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

If you mean a header as a logo, here is how to add a logo via css: http://www.punres.org/doku.php?id=dev:s … go_via_css


(72 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Thats what the PunMod system will do except that you dont need to fetch a whole new forum package everytime you want a mod smile


(72 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Ok I've actually got time working on this. Still in planning stage but atleast there's some progress smile


(72 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I haven't been able to take a deep look into this yet. I have been really busy with school and now I've got to work for a few weeks. I will try to look into this as soon as I can.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Top 20 for PunRes this month so far:

# Hits   Files KBytes     Country 
1  93294 70027 441.55 Mb United States 
2  65468 48890 298.63 Mb France 
3  21911 14527 107.40 Mb Unresolved/Unknown 
4  18319 10814 48.78 Mb  Netherlands 
5  12379 8060  73.09 Mb  Great Britain (UK) 
6  12261 7977  72.49 Mb  Sweden 
7  9248  6117  53.63 Mb  Poland 
8  8402  6040  42.08 Mb  Canada 
9  8080  5558  38.84 Mb  Belgium 
10 8031  5753  47.72 Mb  Germany 
11 7847  5518  45.73 Mb  Russian Federation 
12 3659  2574  18.07 Mb  Switzerland 
13 3236  2362  22.74 Mb  Australia 
14 2666  2402  16.34 Mb  Hong Kong 
15 2624  1861  14.64 Mb  Spain 
16 1924  1532  10.64 Mb  Denmark 
17 1907  1404  9.66 Mb   Norway 
18 1835  1074  8.42 Mb   Taiwan 
19 1741  1232  7.63 Mb   China 
20 1684  1266  22.92 Mb  Hungary

You can find a list of every function in PunBB here: http://www.punres.org/doku.php?id=dev:functions

But I can't see any function that does what you want.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I was checking "Show new posts since last visit" and it said that there was 4 pages. This is what the 4:th page looked like:


Either it is the paging function (which I doubt) or it is something else ^^


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

almost_there wrote:

But with fixed width of 750 it looks okay on 800x600 but with higher res, it looks too narrow.

The content will look the same, therefor, there won't be any space in the content that will make it more difficult to navigate. And keep in mind also that many people with high resolution don't run their browser in fullscreen, that's why using 100% width is always better so the user can chose the width himself.


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)



(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

If your site doesn't use all space it should be a fixed width. If you're using fixed width you should make decide it upon the information on your site. Long text is easiest to read with a ~500px width. Then add onto that for menus and etc. If you don't use much text you should make it as wide as you need to make it easy to navigate. Not too narrow, but not too much space. So by asking us about what width you should use, we can just make wild guesses.

Hahaha "One of the steam forums best kept secrets is the search button" ^^


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Det går inte ställa in någonstans i orginal PunBB. Däremot finns det en mod! smile



(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

PunBB Resource 3.1 was just released. Refer to this thread for more info:



(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

There is a bug in the MDK/install_mod.php line 36:

            $db->query('ALTER TABLE ".$db->prefix."groups ADD g_wiki_level INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1') or error('Unable to add column "g_wiki_level" to table "groups"', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

Should be:

            $db->query("ALTER TABLE ".$db->prefix."groups ADD g_wiki_level INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1") or error('Unable to add column "g_wiki_level" to table "groups"', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

SQLite is based on files (not a server as MySQL).

The files path should be in your config.php.