(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Just added a forum to all projects on PunRes.

A few other changes were made too.

Check it out :)

There'll be a PunBB to PunBB++ converter in the next Alpha release

Haha.. yeah, Isn't swedish a wonderfull language? =)

What?! Rickard: I can't believe you didn't notice that problem before.. You suck at bug tracking.. roll wink

Antikrundan owns ;D

Nah.. Too cold outside :p

Btw. I'd never let those people into my room. It'd be like trash, trash, trash and.. trash ;)

Joey wrote:

I'd hate to be the mug who sold it for 10p :)

Hrm, that's like one of those "Joey-things" as we call them in sweden ;)


(5 replies, posted in Archive)

Nej, det använder META:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<?php echo $pun_config['o_redirect_delay'] ?>;URL=<?php echo $destination ?>">

<?php echo $pun_config['o_redirect_delay'] ?> är tiden i sekunder
<?php echo $destination ?> är vart besökaren skickas


(3 replies, posted in Programming)

MarcB wrote:

In general, the problem was finding providers that supported that protocol.

Well, there's a friend of mine running the server so that's not a problem :)

Btw, thanks ;)

MarcB wrote:

punBB-- let's work, for fun

Hahaha ;D


(5 replies, posted in Archive)

Tja, den visar en sida som skickar dig vidare efter en stund. Och eftersom resten av outputen kommer efter pga. output buffering så kommer inget med som skickats ut innan.


(39 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well.. If you want lots of features, try Mozilla.. Maybe you'll find some there

Why is everybody picking on me? :P

It'll work fine :)


(3 replies, posted in Programming)

Well.. I'm about to make a wap page or what it's called. Anyone knows where I can get some good information about this?

Have you checked that the database is right? Maybe the converter screwed up.


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

I would guess that the database is the part of the script that slows down.. Or, what you do with the data that you fetch


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Have you checked the permissions?

There is no way of attach files to your message, but there's a mod

Attachment Mod by Frank H

The thing is that you should download the updated profile.php.. (profile.php-fixed)

You'll find it here

The link is working now :)

This feature is one of those who probably never get into Pun. A mod is nice though

Exactly, we should make it easier to understand. Because as they look now, not everybody would understand by the first look, and it also needs a graphical webbrowser. But the current readme format is so simple that everybody understands.

Well.. Installing a mod from a ReadMe file isn't difficult at all. And with this tool it's even more easy. So why waste energy of doing it any easier and make rooms for hundreds of bugs and an unstable system that don't work in several cases?

My opinion is that we make a tool that generates a readme file from comparing the scripts with the original. That will make more people willing to release their mods.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I think the patch file is really good. Will make it much easier to update a modded version.. Like for me now when I need to update PunBB++ :)

A mod installer would work for a couple of mods, but when the mods are starting to change each others lines there will be problem, trust me, I've written one for PunBB for a long time ago.