(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Yes. It's powered by the forum software called PunBB. This is the official website for that software, but it does not give the developers any super power to shut down peoples sites that happens to run it on their servers. The one that have the power to do that, is the server's administrator, therefor, contact their host if you are having problems with them.

To make it even more clear, you can download the source code for PunBB here and run it on whatever server you'd like. Nobody here will be able to stop you from doing that.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That site has nothing to do with this one. It only uses PunBB. Contact their host instead.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nice.. Perfect for debugging my javascripts, I hate to have the console in a separate window.


(8 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I think the problem in the past have been the features. Most PunBB forums are modded with customized features etc. So, creating such system with 1.2 means that the users won't be able to put in the features they want (see mypunbb.com). However, with 1.3, the extensions will be stored in the database so I guess it wouldn't be too much work for someone to do something like this and still keep it fairly flexible in terms of features.

Rickard wrote:

The latter is of course only true if you put your curly braces in the right place smile

QFT smile

But I agree with your blog Rickard, proper indentation and clean code makes a mistake like that very unlikely.


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I don't think so. The moderation tools are much easier to access in 1.3 that it would be no point of adding it to the post form.


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

TortoiseSVN is easy, just right click a folder, pick "Export...", fill in the info, watch the program download.


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

None of the styels or mods will work. The whole markup has been rewritten and 1.3 will have support for "extensions" meaning that mods will be one-click installs. Therefor, if you need those mods, you should stay with 1.2 until they have been ported over to the new system. 1.2 will probably be supported for a while and updated if there are any serious security issues found. Atleast until most people have gone over to 1.3 (I think the porting of mods will play an important role here).


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

What browser are you using? And are you absolutely sure it's correct?

The has been up before, but since it's a difficult topic to search on, I can't find it smile

play75010 wrote:

1) enhance code readability

Not really, just more clutter.

play75010 wrote:

2) mod insertion (for example, if you need to add a line for a mod after a "if" statement and want to keep the original as a comment, then it is much better to have a '{' before and '}' after, isn't it ?)

This hasn't been a problem before with any mod. Everybody that are making mods are experienced PHP coders so they should know how it works.

play75010 wrote:

I have been working as a programmer for more than 10 years and I can tell you that this is absolutely essential.

Heh.. um.. Everybody says that. And I can't agree with you, it's not essential at all.

play75010 wrote:

Also, please note that in most programming guides or code rules, you will find that the '{' is on the same line as the "if" or "else" statement. This is the de facto standard.

AFAIK (it's what I've heard, can be wrong) having the { on the same line as the if statement is more common in the java world, and having it on the second line is often seen in C/C++. PHP is neither and many people that comes from java tends to use place it on the same line. Personally, I think having it on a second line increses readability a lot. It also kind of eliminates the need to have { } on one-liners, since it makes it so obvious. Lastly, having the { on the same line as the statement is nowhere near a de facto standard, everyone does it differently, so just adapt to the project you're working on.

Maybe a user option for turning on accesskeys?


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yes. Try a few million tongue

It mostly depends on your server hardware though.

sparq wrote:

Ok, but if you keep the "Mark all topics as read"... it wouldn't require more data than the new system (if it will be like StevenBullen wrote that will say), right? Because the forum need to know which posts that haven't been read anyway...

I don't think it will work like that though, but it's just me guessing.

Not much different from original? Except it's polish so I can't understand a word tongue

sparq wrote:

The "Mark all topics as read" should be taken away, because you don't need it.

This one will probably still fill a function.

sparq wrote:

Also, that the unread posts disappear could be solved. There could be a "Show unread posts"-link under "Show new posts since last visit" that would show all unread posts ever, in chronological order..

I don't know how the system will work in detail, but I don't think this will be possible. Imagine how much data that would require to know exactly which post (of lets say a million) a user have read. Then multiply that with a few thousand users smile


(3 replies, posted in Programming)

I haven't worked with extension before, but I have an idea of an extension that I want to make. But before I waste my time, I want to know if it's possible to do smile

Is it possible to make URLs in a page that look a certain way open up a GUI window (not a browser window) and send the url to that window?

And if it's possible, anyone that know a good place to start read about extension development?


(121 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Paul wrote:

The next question is whether it will be possible to write an extension to extend the extension system i.e. an extension which inserts extra hooks for other extensions.

This is what I think:

In a way, yes. You could probably add the code for a hook in your extension, but it would just be located where the first hook is. However, you might want to include hooks into your extension for the ability to add extra functionality for the extension i.e build an extension on the extension, creating a dependancy on the first extension. Unclear? XD


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mark wrote:

i like mypunbb.com, but why all the downtime with it?

That's because it's free wink


(121 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

The hooks will be in there in the 1.3 release. However, you will be able to give requests on hooks that will be implemented if considered useful smile


(76 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

ASCII anyone?

.---.             .---. .---. 
: .; :            : .; :: .; :
:  _.'.-..-.,-.,-.:   .':   .'
: :   : :; :: ,. :: .; :: .; :
:_;   `.__.':_;:_;:___.':___.'

The most common problems are already covered in the FAQ.


If I were a moderator, I would stick and close this topic. I would also unstick the previous two topics since they are both covered in the FAQ smile


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)



(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

GPL means that the software is free for anyone to use and that anyone can make their own changes in the source code. The only "limitation" is that if you redistribute the package, with or without your changes, it has to be GPL and that means, your have to provide the source code (which doesn't really apply to scripts since they can't be compiled). Also, you can't charge someone for GPL licensed software, it has to be free. Of course, you can show your support by donating to the developer smile


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Brian wrote:
Jansson wrote:

Nope. Unless they have some anti-open-source policy smile

Do they usually have that?

Nope.. I don't think anyone have that.

You can download PunBB here: http://punbb.org/downloads.php


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Nope. Unless they have some anti-open-source policy smile