lol, that was weird big_smile

hmm, I suppose you're using gzipped output on the page?

(if you rename the unpacked file to be a zip, you can unzip that one and get all the files ... anyhow, I need to test on my forum to see if it's the same ... I'll report back later today)

Crap, happens on my forum aswell if I use gzipped output sad
As a temporary fix, disable the gzipped output in Admin-Options

I'm going to look further into this and hopefully be able to come up with a fix later (oddly enough it is ok with firefox, so I'll see what I need to do ... hopefully just make a small change inside attachment.php smile


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

you must remember to run those installscripts where the database changes (at least between 1.1 and 1.2), Rickard should have a fairly good idea on where the databasechanges are.


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

hcgtv wrote:

have you tried PHP Designer?

yep wink

Frank H wrote:

php designer hasn't auto completion of variables, (I'm actually using it atm, but I'm messing up my variables too much wink)

but ... I'll keep my eyes open for alternatives ... I guess I have to use another file just to keep track of all variables so that I will be consistent ... auto completion of variables is pretty neat to have ... wink

what fails?


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

hcgtv wrote:
Frank H wrote:
hcgtv wrote:

It's not free but for $29.95 for the personal version

but not allowed for commercial use ...

If you're making money from a tool, why not pay the $295 price tag then?

It's a lot cheaper than other tools in it's class and if you charge the going rate for your programming services, it's about a day's pay.

I knew you were going to say that wink

If I pay for something I don't like to be limited on how I choose to use it in the future, I rather spend the $99 for Zend Studio Standard than $29 for a 'learning' edition of a software. Lots of companies has free for personal use, for the simple reason they want lots of people to know their software and therefore beeing in a position later where they might sell licenses. (Microsoft sent me a Educational DVD with the full Visual Studio package (including MSDN etc.), for free)

Either way, the project I'm going to use it on is a very uncertain thing if I will make it or not, mostly due to free time, and I don't want to throw away $300 on something I might not use ... I rather spend those on other things ... that's the reason why I asked if there was anything around .... (and I would probably donate a bunch if I would ever use something comercially, at least similar to what other tools costs ... but that's after I've made the money, if any)


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

fast då är det inte längre korrekt xhtml

(det skall finnas något javascript som fixar det någonstans på forumet, alternativt på, så att man fortfarandet har korrekt xhtml)


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

hcgtv wrote:

It's not free but for $29.95 for the personal version

but not allowed for commercial use ...


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

Zend Studio does it, but it costs money


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

php designer hasn't auto completion of variables, (I'm actually using it atm, but I'm messing up my variables too much wink)


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

dw isn't something for me ... it seems to cause more trouble than it solves in my eyes (and yes I've tested it earlier, and don't want to use it again...)


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

hmm ... I'm bringing up this one to the surface again ... smile

I think I've downloaded and tested all of those free ones above (well not really installed all of them, but at least looked at the screenshots & featurelist and figured it wasn't for me)

I'm looking for a few key items:
* Some sort of project feature (so I easily can keep track on 3-4 directories, and all the files+subdirs within)
* Auto completion (not only for functions, but also for variables I've used in the 'project')
* Runs on Windows and is free

(and a wish, not neccessary a requirement if the other is met ... and that's that the editor/ide use windows functions to render the text, so that cleartype is used ...)

Anyone have a clue if there is such a thing around?

width="" height=""

probably that's the reason for the trouble

you either need to remove all of the width and height tag, or add special stuff to keep track of width and height of the smilies ...
(but removing them will make it not to follow the w3c standard)

I'll update my mods that Jansson listed  (and give them an overhaul aswell ...)

doh, missed that one wink

use the hdiffs and add the changes manually … 1.2.6.html … 1.2.7.html … 1.2.8.html … 1.2.9.html … .2.10.html … .2.11.html

I made it specially not to direct link to teh attachment directory (unsafe to fetch directly from the directory, as one can figure out the location and distrobute it to people who aren't allowed to view it & also that it's messy to fiddle with temporary files)

But, I suppose it would be possible to make a special page where you can download all those that you're allowed to view, but it feels more like a mod for this mod
(all what's needed is more or less a link in the menu, and a new page that scans through all attachments and checks some permissions for the forums, and that it links to attachment.php to fetch the files)

there's a couple of upload mods aswell, perhaps those are better suited for your needs?

either way, I haven't the time at the moment, as you can see in the sig wink


(39 replies, posted in General discussion)

Avast, it's free, just like the viruses and trojans wink

mods will probably be much easier to install with hooks, as you won't need to make as many edits in the files ...

well, lots of mods will probably be rewritten to the hooks system (the attachment mod is one of them), so you probably will start with a clean install and add mods again ...


(71 replies, posted in News)

updated smile
(within 24 hours as usual ... although I almost missed it as I was so used with the notice for 1.2.10 tongue)


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

forumet ligger itne på samma ställe, utan hämtas från en annan server, IE måste säkert ha adressen till den andra servern (där forumet hämtas ifrån) i någon typ av 'trusted sites'-lista

fast jag använder inte IE, så vad vet jag big_smile


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

perhaps also [#] for numbered list?


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

© 2005

Rickard wrote:

Q: May I remove the copyright from the page footer?

Yes, but please don't. If you must, please try to keep at least "Powered by PunBB" with the link to this site intact.

Q: May I add my own copyright to the page footer?

Yes, but you may not alter the original copyright in such a way that it loses it's original "meaning". It must, in other words, still be absolutely clear who is the copyright holder of PunBB. Adding an additional line with your copyright notice is ok.

other than that it seems to fit quite nicely into the page

my mod on 1.1.* didn't use files on disk, perhaps it was the upload mod you used?

either way, you can probably use the php chmod function to chmod folders of your liking...

chmod("upload/somefile", 0777);  // octal; correct value of mode

there's also some recursive stuff at the php manual page, if you look at the comments

(in the next version of my mod I'll let people choose during install what chmod to set, 750 seems not to be good enough for a bunch of people ... )

(or you could use chown() to chage user, or unlink() to remove files, all those have good instructions in the PHP Manual pages)