does he mean he only want to be able to edit a users 'status' (mod/admin) through files on disk, instead of that info stored in the database, accessible from scripts (and thus open for any sqlinjections, if any more surface)?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

re-download the zip, and read readme.txt


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I 'never' delete any topics, I just move them to a trashforum I have in the moderator part ... if needed later wink

It doesn't look right on my Firefox 1.0.6 ... (pasting a screenshot soon)



(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alpha channel in PNG images

Finally! Perhaps that petition worked wink


(19 replies, posted in Feature requests)

fixed dimensions, yes it's possible, but the avatar could be 90MB, how would you limit that?


(8 replies, posted in Feature requests)

it works for 1.2.6, just edit install_mod.php to add 1.2.6 in the array

read the first post on the release for it at this forum, there's a step in readme.txt that's different ... but other than that, I don't htink there's anything that needs to be taken into account (perhaps some lines have different numbers, but not that much difference I'd guess) ... I also have a link to an installation guide ...


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

I use webalizer ... not that good, but at least it gives some info ... big_smile


(8 replies, posted in Feature requests)

no inline for movies (it does show jpg, gif and png in a viewer, you might be able to mod attachment.php to also show movies)

are the server out of memory? (if so, what's taking up most of the memory?) ... could be cured by limiting the number of mysql threads, and php threads allowed to start (and their respective memory usage could be lowered ... but it's really not a good way IMO)

also, on a vbulletin board I visit frequently, they had issues where the forum just died, it was due to bugs in php (and there wasn't any appropiate version to change to due to security issues) ... they just restarted it now and then ...

I also had an issue myself when I ran RedHat, after several days of running fine, it just slowed down and died (didn't respond to anything, not even when I plugged in the keyboard at the computer ... so I always had to restart it with the powerbutton ... after a while I got sick of trying to find the error and installed Debian Stable instead (as it took so long before any changes and the computer died))


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

put them in different usergroups, and then assign access accordingly ... but only to forums (not topics)


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Thanks! smile


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That would be very nice smile


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

1. update the forums as soon as there's security flaws discovered and patched.
2. don't allow searchengines to index your forum (can get rid of most through the robots.txt file)
3. turn off the versionnumber in the footer (I suppose it doesn't do that much harm, as people can try either way)

(myself, I'm goign to take a look at that mod_security for apache today ... looked promising at removing bad stuff smile)


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

and are you sure it wasn't just the 1.2.5 you updated to (as the announcements has been very similar at the top of this forum for a while)

np, happy to help


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


"M n" ... wouldn't that give like "Jan 01"(as Jan is month 1) ? ... shouldn't it be "M d" to get the current day of the month?

either way ... I copy and pasted your string "g:i a, M n, Y" and it worked on my 1.2.6 forum ... could be php settings (version) and/or your webserver that also interfer ...


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

The marker is there to show new posts since last visit (not read/unread)

but there is a mod that probably does the trick for you

and there's a bunch more mods as


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Grattis o du helige forummakare big_smile

I've started looking at smarty because ExponentCMS, I recently installed, use Smarty ... And ExponentCMS supports subthemes, and that would take care of that 2nd disadvantage, as then the subthemes could have ony css changes (or that's how I understood it would work, haven't tested, yet)

* A bunch of people know smarty already, so a wider userbase could 'help' with styling.
* Integration with other 'tools' also using smarty might be easier (like, PunBB and ExponentCMS would probably be fairly easy to look very similar, if they get themed in the same way)

* "Outside dependancy": If a serious flaw comes up, they would probably need to fix it first. If the group would split up and leave the project, it could become poor, and no control over compatibility for later versions. (as you might not have something to say about how it should look in the future)


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

whoever can update the fastest wins big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Archive)

ah, (fast är nog för din host användarnamnet blir så, hos mig är det vad jag matar in wink) ... kul att det löste sig så du kan använda PunBB nu smile


(7 replies, posted in Archive)

om det är phpMyAdmin du har tillgång till för att fixa ny användare, se till att du gett den nya användaren rättigheter till att i den databasen göra select, delete ...  osv.

Privelegies, edit på användaren, och där skall det finnas så att du kan addera rättigheter globalt, och där du kan addera för en specifik databas ...


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

making this forum member only won't stop people to hack forums (as the download for PunBB has nothing with the forum) ... and smart people use proxies when they go out to destroy other peoples things ... so IP's are useless (and you can also fake ips) ... and as they can inject stuff, they surely can inject some phony email and ips aswell ...

best thing is not to show what PunBB version you have, and to update quickly after each new release...

my guess is that the people doing these things are just some sad scriptkiddies ... that don't know how to do stuff themselves, but relies on other peoples findings and codesnippets to expoit flaws ...