(I know ... but I'm adding it as a feature request due to it's something I find a tiny bit unlogical to only have on index.php and not in forumview and such, I userstand it's away in profile, admin etc.   .... but thanks anyway smile)

Well ... I wouldn't mind seeing more pages to have the "Mark all as read" links up in the top right on more pages than just index.php ... as those having only one forum (public), will require people to go down to index.php to mark all threads as read ...

*  Show new posts since last visit
    * Mark all topics as read

IMHO it wouldn't hurt if also viewforum and viewtopic had them ...


(8 replies, posted in Programming)

debian woody (stable) is much funnier ... the packages it has is postgre 7.2 and pgadmin III ... that sounds nice ... but there's one catch ... pgadmin3 only supports postgresql 7.3+! big_smile


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

seby wrote:


I have a similar problem and I believe that it is dependent in fact. From 1000 messages the posts it is not taken any more into account.

It has been fixed, so adding changeset 194 to the 1.2.5 will solve it ...

sounds like there's still not correct ... I'm sending a mail, easiest to bughunt through that wink

hehe, heavily modded mod by now I guess, but I hope the documentation and comments all over the place helps big_smile

I might peak at it later, but a this moment I'm choked with stuff to do big_smile

P.S. (unless PunBB changes an incredible amount to 1.3 I think this mod will be fairly easy to upgrade, so just remember to make a diff on your mods and it will probably work fine to upgrade later smile)

create a new empty txt file, open it in notepad or write, paste the information and save it, then rename it to config.php and upload it to your webserver.

if you use dreamweaver (or such) it sometimes cause a real mess ... (as seen in this thread)

thnx, the quickest mod I've done sofar I think wink

(btw, about why I haven't added the mod to profile etc, I took this decision for two reasons: 1. Fewer files to edit=faster&easer to do(less problems big_smile) 2. I never use profile, and if someone deserves an award they surely has at least one post wink)

(the plugin might get updated as soon as my exams are over, so that it can list all avaible awards, and list what users that has one, it's the plan at least smile)

I suppose, but not by copy+paste from viewtopic, you'd have to write it properly ... but of course it's possible, just will need more code ... and more edited files ... and I haven't the time to look at it atm ... too busy with other stuff ...

ok, good to hear you've solved your needs smile

(*sigh* ... 60 sec post limit roll wink)

ah ok, sounds like it could be useful smile

hehe ... the manual wink

thanks smile

does the vacuum clean up 'old internal caches' and stuff?

sounds nice smile

thanks, lol, will alter that for next release (think you're the first on a few hundred downloads that has noticed it big_smile)

Edit: entered it under normal bugs in the first post smile

Found this page today, it somewhat gives a hint on why I'm trying to look for alternatives to mysql, been working on Oracle the last few weeks, and I've been questioning mysql on my system more and more ... http://openacs.org/philosophy/why-not-mysql.html

Well, after several years of MySQL I've come to the point that it no longer supports my demands ... and PostgreSQL seems to do it, so I've installed another database engine on my webserver to cope with a project I'm doing (non PunBB related, but there seems to be a good bunch of people in here)... (I need ACID, which at least has been a no priority for mysql, and also the fact that PostgreSQL has arrays in the columns, well it makes the move from mysql not that hard (I'm not comparing performance, I just need a stable thing where I can 'trust' the queries are done in a proper manner) ... and some things I can most probably do as functions in postgre instead of taking stuff out and then putting stuff back in, feels a bit more solid)

Either way, I'm just wondering if anyone here has good knowledge with PostgreSQL and if so, any nice tips/urls you have that can be useful? (mostly about stuff beeing made in a different way than mysql) ...

Thnx in advance

The simplified chinese is uploaded to punres.org

Frank H wrote:

7. To test that upload works, use a tiny textfile (make a new textfile and write test in it, and save it). If that one works, but not other files, you probably haven't set the max upload size in "Alter Settings", read Documentation chapter 1.6 to figure out what value to use. (Using this small value to force people to set the settings according to their server, as 'every' server has it's own config)

Test that, and if it still fails, email me (usually easier to hunt bugs through email).

nice smile

could you zip the language file and mail it to frank {dot} hagstrom {at} gmail {dot} com?
(if you do I can upload the languagefile to punres where the other lang files are already, + we know that there won't be anything odd with charsets if I cut and paste it)

Ah, IIRC there were a couple of people that wanted that, so thanks for creating it smile
(but I won't add it to the default mod, too much fluff in my eyes wink)

(Just remember to first test the mod before adding this, easier to hunt for errors with less modifications wink)

ah ok ... I misunderstood some ... hmm... looks odd ...

I searched for Rockford, and got a bunch of hits ...

did you try to search for something that's shorter than 3 letters, or something that's listed as a common word (and thus not indexed in the searchengine)?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

the ?> isn't needed ...


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Rickard has a function that fixes the caches already (at leat the config cache)

    // ok, add the stuff needed in the config cache
    $attach_config = array(    'attach_always_deny'    =>    'html"htm"php"php3"php4"exe"com"bat',
                            'attach_use_icon'        =>    '1');
    foreach($attach_config AS $key => $value)
        $db->query("INSERT INTO ".$db->prefix."config (conf_name, conf_value) VALUES ('$key', '".$db->escape($value)."')") or error('Unable to add column "'.$key.'" to config table', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

    // and now, update the cache...
    require_once PUN_ROOT.'include/cache.php';

This is what I used for the attachment mod ...

Edit: Checked the config.php file ... it has generate_****_cahce() for each cachefile ...


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

there is a problem though ... some mods use 'special' functions to remove cache ... instead of using Rickards cache functions ... so if there will be a change, those probably needs changing too (not that much work though, just wrote it as a reminder wink)