hmm, all the dropdowns aren't flat in Firefox, so you just got some inconsistency
(and IMO inconsistency doesn't look professional )
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Frank H
hmm, all the dropdowns aren't flat in Firefox, so you just got some inconsistency
(and IMO inconsistency doesn't look professional )
every thread has links to the profiles, doesn't google rank 'linked to' pages higher than those not linked to?
you also have Sierra Online, DC, etc. ... but they really doesn't fit either ... and they are in my eyes like IRC...
I'm happy with the current amount
still getting that 'unabl to connect' ... hmm... I suppose you already has tweaked the persistent connections?
been sick for a couple of weeks... and haven't been able to think straight, and that's not good for when one want to make bugfree code
but, I think it's working 100% on 1.2 now, I have set up a clean 1.2.1 forum and I'll add it into that at the same time as writing the readme.txt file ... and that I need to write an extra plugin for converting the old attachment mod database into this new one, but, as I've been sick I have fallen behind on univ stuff aswell ... so I'm choked with work ... but I try to make it as fast as I can...
You say colour, I say color, lets just call it a day
I've got a favorite out of those where you say/spell same word different ... "You say tomato, I say fuck you" ... can't remember the first place I saw it at, but I just find it outstanding
just got this
An error was encountered
Error: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (61).
I've been unable to reach the last 1hour and 20 minutes (trouble started at 18:40, now at 20:00 I could reach it again)
I wrote a forum a while back, that used the browsers own history to know if the user has read it or not (and I appended "&replies=4" to the url, and when someone replied I upped the value, and browsers hadn't seen that url ).
Worked fairly ok, but people looking at the forum on different locations, say at work and at home, had very hard to track what they had read and not, so, it's really not a great solution IMHO...and features like "mark all as read" is also harder to do
I get the feeling you don't know what PHP is.
PHP is a programming/scripting language, that can generate more or less any output you want. You can generate images, html documents, or any other file.
To output stuff you often use echo ""; or printf(""); functions in PHP
I suggest you do a few simple "Hello World" scripts to get a basic understanding of how PHP works, and what it does.
Here's a couple of links … quirements
Got this when trying to mark the posts as read
An error was encountered
Error: Unable to update user last visit data.
just now ... just someone fiddling, or something not ok?
This plugin is what you're looking for
radnummer kan bli olika, så det gäller att klistra in raderna på rätt ställen, och har man otur att två moddar påverkar samma rad, så kanske de inte fungerar tilsammans direkt, men säkert med lite omskrivning så kommer det fungera ...
(ett exempel, min attachment mod, fastän den är 'enormt stor', så byter jag bara ut ett par rader, och det är att jag lägger till en liten sak till varje FORM för posterna ... så, det måste vara en annan mod som även modiferar den för att de skall haverera, annars är det som sagt troligtvis bara radnummer som skiljer...)
isn't "leet" really badmouthing those that think they are "elite"?
+ sometimes stuff aint ready as packages, and then ppl need to mess with sources etc and compile/config themselves ... or take a gamle that another compiled version might work for your distrobution ...
well, not really, I usually try to limit the input as much as possible, if I'm taking in an integer value, I use the intval() function to make sure it won't be a string or something, and also, on strings where I know I won't use certain letters, I make sure to remove them, and sometimes refuse to accept the variables if some 'illegal' characters are found, all depends on how safe I want to try to make it ... and then there's the escape function aswell, that will escape out char that can break queries ...
you should try to avoid taking things from a form and put it directly into a query, and you shouldn't use register globals on either (PHP recommends it to be off), much much better to know where the variables come from (there are examples where ppl have made cookies that enter malicious data, instead of actual form field) ... so $_POST['variablename'] is a good way to limit input aswell ...
but, the most important thing is to try to limit what's taken into the script (but sometimes it's hard to do safe functions ...)... and replace stuff that's not to be there, and escape text (and putting them to htmlentities might work aswell, depending on what's done)
But, do note, that I'm no security guru... there's probably others here that have more knowledge on what is insecure and whatnot ... Above is more or less only how I try to keep my code as safe as possible
I downloaded it, looked at it briefly, and figured out that I rather write my own functions, that I know what they do.
(and considering how bugs has been used in several attacks lately (awstat etc.), I rather use my own functions than well spread things...)
redhat has given me more trouble than windows ... there's a reason I run debian now (I even restarted the redhat server more often than when I had windows on it, so I had to remove it)
so ... different linux distros behave different aswell, one more factor that might put ppl off, even if the software is free, and based off the same stuff ... so comparing 'linux' vs. 'windows' isn't 100% comparable ... IMHO ... better compare distro vs windows version ...
(my redhat box slowed down until it stopped responding at all, with debian nothing like it has happened even once, so I take it as a pure redhat issue)
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
Actually I find that that quote fits better with linux wannabees, that first find linux, and deletes everything related to windows (ignore), then they say everything is better and that shitty thing M$ did was just rubbish, how can they do that funny OS, stealing everything etc. (laugh at), then they start putting forward all sort of information, not always true, or at least from questionable sources, just to prove they have the best OS (fight)...
To me, every OS has it's points (ok, not HP's unix )... first figure out what to do, then later figure out what to use... I actually only started using linux after I felt the webserver needed it...
that explains this time, but I have it a bit now and then ... I can bump this if I notice anything ...
Is it only me with timeout troubles here at
All other sites I go to seems to work fine, but now and then I get timeouts for punbb (and sometimes it's blistering fast) ... now I have tried for about 13-15 minutes to get to post new topic ...
now, 25 minutes later, everything is blistering fast...
might be, perhaps in my mod release threads, wher eI have copy/pasted the mod info
actually ... I've got no idea where they can have found my email adress either ....
PunBB Forums → Posts by Frank H
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