I got an email about punbb.org not in searchengines ... lol ... hey, I've got a hint for ya, I'm not the OWNER ... lol ... pathetic spambot owners big_smile

I singleclick , and shift+singleclick ...

(lol, if I hold down shift and doubleclick my FF removes that text (that paragraph?) big_smile)


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

Talikar wrote:

Eh? 1 GB? Could I please have an invite (For free if possible? I'd pay but I honestly have no money, kind of sucks being 17 and unemployed hmm)
email: shadowx@postaccesslite.com

you're invited smile


(76 replies, posted in News)

bubach wrote:

But is there even any info on which mods are currently being worked on? Thats the
downside of how it is now, i  don't even now if someone is working on it, or if i have
to do it myself..

/ Christoffer

I have edited the first post in the attachment mod release, that I have started to rewrite it. I cannot tell how much longer it will take until the new attachment mod is ready (and as a 'bonus' I just got sick with some common cold, rendering thinking to a standstill... sigh) ... As of now about 1600 lines of code has been written, but it's getting near to releasing it (I'll do everything I can during the weekend if I get better) ... the conversion from the old attachment mod will be the big thing needed before release. But I have tried to iron out bugs from it, so hopefully there won't be much patching once released wink ...

I don't think you should waste time rewriting the attachment mod though, as groups etc has made the old version really out of date. And this new mod is rewritten from scratch, and has a much better interface, so just bear with me and that mod will hopefully be released soon smile

About the other mods, check if the author have said anything about it (search, and look at the release threads), and if they haven't send them a mail or something, and you'll probably get to know what the current status is.


(76 replies, posted in News)

bubach wrote:

Why not use/make "official" mods for things like PM?
What i mean is that Rickard or any other peron willing could make mods for
some basic things like PM, and follow the version numbering/releases of punBB.
That way users could be sure to get updated mods instantly at every release.

/ Christoffer

It's not as easy as it sounds, the larger mods require quite abit of programming, so that would mean that one must delay the release of PunBB because the 'official' mods needs to be rewritten, if they're going to be released at the same time.

What's wrong with the current situation?

sigh, figured it out just after posting it wink
it was my while statement that was producing this error ... replaced it with:


... added extra paranthesis around the list()=$db->fetch_row() thing smile

(I think file deletions work fine now, install script here I come wink)

I'm doing a query in phpmyadmin, and it works, but somehow the PHP doesn't ....
What I manually gave to phpmyadmin, returned two id's 24 & 25

SELECT af.id FROM attach_12_attach_2_files AS af, attach_12_posts AS p WHERE af.post_id=p.id AND p.topic_id='3'

But this code returns an empty value!

        $result_attach = $db->query('SELECT af.id FROM '.$db->prefix.'attach_2_files AS af, '.$db->prefix.'posts AS p WHERE af.post_id=p.id AND p.topic_id=\''.intval($id).'\'') or error('Error when searching for all attachments in this thread',__FILE__,__LINE__);
            //fetch all attachment id's
                // loop though and delete attachment after attachment (this can take a loooong time)
                error("Test 4: $attach_id <br />\n"); // just for DEBUGGING... 
                $ok = attach_delete_attachment($attach_id);
                // break if attachment failed (then rest will become orphans, but better than a zillion of errors...

$ok is set to true at the beginning of the function, but it might be obsolete as I have replaced return false with error()'s instead...

But that error() I put there returns "Test 4:  <br />"  not any id's like I get in phpmyadmin hmm

Either way ... can anyone spot the error?

tja, inte i modden, men det går att ange en bild i texten som:


Så skall den bilden synas (men man måste komma ihåg att skriva den där "&download=1", annars blir det inte en bild), i 'bildvisaren' kopierar man bara download länken, så får man hela bildlänken smile

Så, modden blandar inte sig in i meddelandetexten, utan ligger som en liten extra del till varje post.

Edit: märkte att man behöver hela url:en för att det skall fungera
Kan även nämna att ajg har lite sådär med tid just nu, så moddens omskrivnign har avtagit lite i fart, samt att de är de jobbiga delarna kvar, testning, och sista funktionerna och installation/konverteringsscripten ...


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Paul wrote:

Frank H. There is nothing wrong with H4, H5 and H6 as headers. Semantically they are still headings and superior to a <p>.

It may very well be semantically correct, but that doesn't matter cause it look like ---- if the headers are smaller than the text ... thus they are unusable for that use ... but I'll go with inline styles...

if you have firefox an extension you must have is the "Edit CSS" ... you can interactively edit css ... but I don't think it handles images so good(?), but all the other stuff works like a charm smile

too much "fluff" to add to the attachment mod (I want to keep it fairly basic)

but I've written a documentation for the mod, so another person should be able to write mods that are relying on the attachment mod for storage and rights handling ... (I wrote the documentation mainly if someone would want to create a gallery, but that's another example of use aswell)

Thanks! smile

Tested it in myphpadmin, and it seems to work smile

SELECT af.id FROM `attach_12_attach_2_files` AS af LEFT JOIN `attach_12_posts` AS p ON p.id=af.post_id WHERE p.id IS NULL

returned 3 attachment id's ... and IIRC that's how many attachments I made to be orphans smile

I want to fetch all id's of the attachments from where the post_id cell references to a post that no longer exist.

I have earlier done this in php and several queries, but I'm wondering if it's possible to write one SQL query to do this?

(I figured it'll probably be an extreme gain in processign speed if SQL will be able to handle it entierly)

(i.e. I want to fetch af.id where af.post_id isn't in any post.id)


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

The attachment mod ... explains everything about the mod ... (why it functions as it does, how to make backups the most efficient way, how to add more icons, howto set rules, what orphans are, and also some stuff on what's in the database, what functions exist etc.)

H2 is occupied by the block headers, so only h3 'free', as the h4-h6 are more subscripts than headlines ... (I haven't replaced H1 yet out of it, but will, unfortunately I'll probably need to add some divs with style='' to be able to get decent formatting of that document, as someone could use h1 other than the default ... and I won't start modding the CSS files, I rather skip the documentation than to need to alter at least 4 more files (have tried to keep edits in files to a minimum))

(oh, and to me nothing is as clear as black and white, everything are always in a shade of grey wink)


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Paul wrote:

3. The example you gave, there is no reason why you would need an id or class on the h1 since there is only one instance of it. If you want to style the nested span then you just use a descendant selector - H1 SPAN {}. However, there is a potential conflict if your page already has an H1 so you are probably right that this particular example needs changing.

I have a similar thing in my documentation for my mod, (using the plugin interface, but there's no 'appropiate' headers except h1,h3 and h3+strong for headers of each 'chapter/section ... (h4,h5,h6 are also so tiny it's unusable for that)) ... so, keeping h1, h2, h3 etc. for headers perhaps is a good idea, and instead use div's or something? (but otoh, then those running without css won't get the larger texts etc, but ... ah well... it's not just black and white ...:))


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

you cannot allow html, use BBCode on messages and signatures instead.


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have installed the gmail notifier extension to firefox ... and It'll popup a little thing whenever I get a mail ... (and, as said, it supports pop, so you can use thunderbird or whatever to look on your gmail account)


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

I put together a page for myself (that I have bookmarked on the univ aswell)

has everything I need, links to the local busses, my current shedule, current temperature at campus (generated png from an url) etc. ...

but I doubt anyone else will find it useful big_smile


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

eh, gmail has pop and smtp ...


(1 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Click on Profile, and on the "User activity" field on that page, you have a "show all posts" after the postcount


(200 replies, posted in General discussion)

nice :up:


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

stevek1977 wrote:
Frank H wrote:

lol, just had to say I'm still at 3.23.49  (the mysql in woody) big_smile

but the 4.1 seems to be the latest GA ... so I guess it should work ... perhaps wait a little while to see if the debian package get updated first?

if you are interested, you can upgrade to 4.1 with the packages from www.dotdeb.org

Thanks, but everything is working, so I don't feel the need to change, but thanks anyway smile

a multiple select list perhaps?
Then I suppose all tables can be showed, and that the default punbb tables are pre-selected?

hmm.. I see the problem ... but if ppl can select what other tables they want, then I suppose it will work fine with the attachment mod smile

going to take a look on it when I'm done on my mod (it kind of takes up most of my free time wink)

will it use alll tables in the database with the $db->prefix ?