(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Google is your friend big_smile

1. hmm...såg att det verkar vara i princip bara forum options som cacheas (iaf som jag kommer vara i kontakt med) ... är det ok om jag använder a_ (eller ev attach_) i databasen (a_ blir lite smidigare tror jag, men du kanske har något du vill skall använda den? så det inte krockar)

2. hmm, sedan cache kontrollen, räcker det att man 'läser in' utan cache för att cachen skall rensas eller behöver man rensa cache 'manuellt'?
(eftersom jag kommer ha lite saker i admin delen som kommer fippla med värden där, och vissa saker är nog snabbast att fråga istället för att gå igenom okänd kod big_smile)

3. hmm, sedan, det enda man behöver bry sig om är $pun_user['group_id'] för identifiering (slipper en massa cookies o dyl), eller hur?
(kikat runt lite, och plocka arrayer ur querys när det är en massa inner joins etc, heh börjar gå runt i huvet när jag försöker förlja allt hit o dit, tror det är enklare att fråga big_smile)

4. För att hålla versionsnumreringen lik PunBB ... en total omskrivning av modden, blir det 2 eller 1.1 ?  (senaste släppta version var 1.0.1)
(tror endast att lite info i arrayen för 'filtyp' => 'mime' kommer vara samma, fast är inte helt säker, den kommer ev utökas wink)

Tja ... kommer väl fler frågor eftersom ... men har varit klok nog att skriva ett textdokument nu medan jag kodar ... så att folk skall kunna göra andra saker som använder den här modden ... typ galleri o dyl ... och textfilen har allt hur jag tänkt, varför, säkerhetstips, funktioner, konstanter, databasstrukturen, etc.
Det går framåt dock ... 200 rader dokumentation, o nästan lika mycket php skriven, datasen i princip spikad ... synd bara att administrationsdelen är det som kommer ta tiiiid wink


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

hmm ... I should stop reading code at 1am big_smile


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

err ... that if statement means you must be allowed to read the board and have set a key get variable ... if you dissalow that group from reading the board, it won't be possible to go around by just setting the "key" parameter to see profiles.

In my experience people put more personal stuff in the signatures than they do on profile pages, and dissalowing guests from reading the board, should make looking at the profiles dissalowed aswell


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

err ... now I know why my search didn't work in my signature ... I had "Frank" in the keywords field, and not "frank" ... that's why it doesn't return any hits

Doesn't work

I would write the $_GET variable as intval($_GET['go_back']) (force it to be an integer)  ... perhaps in this case it won't be a security leak (as it's a multiplier in there), but I'm not sure ... everytime I use SQL and using variables outside, I try to limit what I can get into the script ...


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

what I wrote at the top, it's not enough to open that page, one need to open all the unread threads before one can start reading them, as the link says action=new, and then the  time when the actual viewtopic.php is asked for is used, instead of when one opened the "show posts since last visit"-page ... just as msheets had noticed. Wrote about it here...

well, it will be 'old', but I guess that's the whole point people use it ... if not one can always use it again to get a fresh time? big_smile


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

err, jsut noticed this doesn't seem to work, as the "Show posts since last visit" thingie use links that doesn't say when, viewtopic.php then redirects to itself after figuring out when one was there the last time ...

so one need to open up all topics before the last visit time updates ... unfortunately...

When writing the attachment mod and reading through the code on viewtopic, I saw that one will get redirected ... and then I remember that the links on the spots since last visit page use links only as "action=new" ... this will in effect make that page not be able to jump to the last post if the user would read other posts and therefore spend so long time that the last visit time gets updated (similar to when the exclamationsmarks get removed)
Thus, it's not possible to open that page in a new window to make sure one will get to see the latest posts, but one also needs to click all the links on it before the online timeout gets updated

A solution would be that the "show posts since last visit"-page supplies another small tag, perhaps time=$currenttime, and that the viewtopic use that instead of $pun_user['last_visit']


(142 replies, posted in News)

Rightly so, and how many times have you used MSN to leave a message from someone who is offline lol.

One of the reasons I use ICQ instead of MSN, the possibility to send to offline people wink

Connorhd wrote:

oh btw if i click on your sig "Your search returned no hits."

Odd, it worked earlier ... but I cannot get the search to work at all, perhaps Rickard is doing some tests atm?
Edit: ok, I have fixed it ... This bugreport got me thinking, and I replaced the big letters in the keywords, now it works again...

Well there's that little issue called time ... and I haven't enough of that, that's the reason why I don't feel I can take on that project... better to say no now, than to say yes and not deliver something wink


(43 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

As rickard said, the attachment mod must alter form (altering enctype of the form transmission), and post files quite abit (at least in <1.1.X there were more than one thing that was sent to post, depending on what the post is), I try to keep it together, but it's not that easy ... one have to manually edit the files and replace/add stuff either way. It's impossible to just have an addon/module ... a mod is needed as modifications are needed in the actual files.
Considering I've already written the mod once, the new rewrite will be much better...but rewrites will always take som extra time...

All I can think of about the 'official'/'unofficial' mods, is that Rickard gives the mods some kind of 'featured' status ... but I suppose that he would need to check the code etc before wanting to give such a thing

Connorhd wrote:

nooooooo i can't think of what it could be tongue but i'm going to demand you finish it instantly tongue

lol, crap I should've kept my mouth closed big_smile


(43 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

What's wrong with mods for additional features not considered crucial?


(43 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I have done an extensive usergroup system (to another project of mine, non PunBB related) ... as I needed alot of control, but the php function to check permission gets quite large, instead of a couple of lines, one need alot more, to handle overrides, defaults etc. And if one would start doing many of these, performance will suffer... (for my thing I might do upwards to 200 separate checks for a single page, and even though I cache the results to speed things up, it use up quite alot of time figuring out what I can see and what's hidden)

hmm... sounds too fluffy for the attachment mod I make... but it should be possible to write some kind of gallery mod later, that use the attachment mod ... all files will be on disk, and references to them will be on database, but there will still be a php file that transfer the attachment, so rights etc shouldn't fail (and the modwriter wouldn't need to worry about those things)... it's probably similar to how it works 'from the outside' ...

So, what's needed in that gallery mod is something to check what attachments that's in that thread/forum, and then just spit them out on the gallery page ... a bit of coding needed, but I doubt it should be that hard to do, but I probably haven't time to do it. (after the attachment mod, I have another one that needs my attention... I don't want to say what that mod is just yet (think only Rickard knows atm) ... so I can work on it in my own pace, without too many demands ... lol smile)


(43 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

wouldn't a thing that limits the timeframe searches can do help speed things up?
(I mean, often people are either searching for stuff since the last week, last month, or perhaps last ½/1 year ... or really old stuff... on all forums I'm on the content usually is fresh at most for about 1 year, after that the things I found I don't consider valid (too much can have happened inbetween)

so having a small extra WHERE time>'.time()+$timeframe.' I guess could speed up most searches ...

Edit: oops, might have posted this in kind of the wrong place... ah well there was something about mysql fulltext searches up there wink


(142 replies, posted in News)

hotmail can fetch from pop, and so I guess many other free webmails can wink


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

also, the postcount shows the posts the user whas posted, not the posts that's in the database, so there could be fewer avaible during a search, a user with 10 posts could have only 2 posts in the database, if the other posts were deleted (manually or pruned)


(142 replies, posted in News)

well, I'm also thinking PM is bloated, With the email form, there's really no need for PM's IMHO, as the email is hidden, and it's just as easy to message a user wink

but ... that's my personal opinion wink


(5 replies, posted in Archive)

undrar om det inte har att göra med när användarnamn o dyl skrivs på arabiska etc? (blir väl typ 4-5ggr fler tecken per tecken?)


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jacq wrote:

Just another example of them (MS) buying another company (Giant) to get another title to sell.

That's how the whole world works, car industries, telecom, food, etc. they're all alike...


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

gör en backup först

Samt följ upgraderings instruktionerna i dokumentationen


(142 replies, posted in News)

Public Mathematical Derivate Messaging?  ... just a guess big_smile