perhaps set up that if the forum is inactive(no posts) for 5 of it's first 7 days, it's removed (that way the testforums (that there seems to be a couple of already) will get removed after a week (and telling ppl to post there 3 times in the first week shouldn't be that hard?)
726 2004-12-17 16:34
Re: Free PunBB forum hosting at (19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
727 2004-12-15 16:41
Re: Simple question (7 replies, posted in Programming)
probably because it took you 7 minutes to edit it ... long enough for someone to start a reply ...
729 2004-12-13 01:00
Re: Grouper a new P2P (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
lol, lets compare apples and pears
730 2004-12-12 19:28
Re: Remove? "Logged in as Username" (2 replies, posted in Archive)
antar i include/template/main.tpl
plocka bort <pun_status>
så borde det inte vara synligt
731 2004-12-12 12:02
Re: Error: Unable to fetch search index word match (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
732 2004-12-11 22:20
Re: Error: Unable to fetch search index word match (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
A similar problem occurs when you try to search. My guess is that it's a crashed table though. Do you have phpMyAdmin or some other database administration tool? In that case, use it to repair the tables search_matches and search_words.
Edit: Yes. "MySQL error: 145 = Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired"
perhaps worth adding it(optimize + repair) into the "maintenence" admin interface? (and that mods can add tables to that list aswell)?
the PM mod probably need quite abit of optimize (as msgs are deleted) ... and the attachment mod will probably need it aswell if one delete alot of files ...
733 2004-12-11 15:30
Re: Downtime (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
ah, I wondered what had happened ... and did an nslookup ... and figured it was either of 2 things ... 1. you had forgot to pay the annual fee, or 2. that the DNS had screwed up ...
734 2004-12-10 17:15
Re: "Subjects cannot be longer than 70 characters." (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
hmm... lots of unused space in the table then (as it's a varchar(255)) ... as I remeber correct that the varchar reserve space in the topic, or do I remember wrong?
735 2004-12-10 09:42
Re: Integrating punbb into my site (13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
xumix: read this topic
To me your copyright notice in the footer implies that everything is copyright to you...(but PunBB isn't)
736 2004-12-09 11:37
Re: scripts from scratch (10 replies, posted in Programming)
Well ... I do something similar to this ... sometimes
1. Take a pen and a piece of paper (perhaps several ), sit down (away from the computer), start thinking on WHAT you want it to do . Start sketching up what parts you need, a basic layout how stuff should be viewed, and perhaps even start sketching on how you want to save the setuff (ie. basic database tables, what kind of values you want to store, what tables that communicate with each others etc.)
2. Start the computer, and make a test about the layout, is it what you want it to be (just use phony values and stuff, dreamweaver etc is usually quite fast to make some basic design... just to test ideas). It's usually now one will find out if the ideas one had in the beginning might work or not, if something has been forgotten etc.. When the layout etc is ok enought, I go on to the next step (Note: the layout will probably be different in the last version either way, but it will help to structure the rest of the work to have something to aim for)
3. Start writing basic functions, like database connections, login system etc. (and structure how stuff should be saved on disk), start creating databases etc. (for me they go through quite a few revisions, always small columns added now and then ... so I always write queries with SELECTS really defining what column and in what order I take them, as othervise it'll be a bitch to update database and scripts)
4. Well when basic login/database stuff etc is working, time to move on to actually starting to write the stuff needed. Page generation, upload/download things, etc.
5 - 20... New Code, bughunting, rewrites
21. Final touches
This is how I usually work on larger projects ... I'm mostly in steps 5-20
737 2004-12-09 11:21
Re: topics/posts entered twice (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
sounds like someone sends the stuff more than once ...
in Admin-options, find the "Flood interval" setting, and make it larger (if it's 0 now, add 20-30 sec, then people cannot post more often than that ...)
might solve it... might not ... but worth a try (if the host is slow, ppl sometimes try to submit more than once ... or they may correct spelling issues and press submit again ... I see this alot on another foum(not a PunBB forum) I'm on where the server is severly overloaded sometimes... and some people post 2-3 posts...)
738 2004-12-08 18:34
Re: PunBB @ (20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
hadn't thought of that ... I'm one hour behind aswell (did the server change timezone, or is it DST that does it?)
739 2004-12-08 16:51
Re: Länkarna längst upp (4 replies, posted in Archive)
endast om du vill använda språk-alternativ, vilket jag betvivlar om du kör 1.1.5 ... annars kan du ersätta hela den delen med den text du vill ha istället, så har jag gjort på ett av mina forum iaf.
(typ ta bort '.$lang_common['Namn'].' ... inkl '
741 2004-12-07 19:03
Re: Why I sometimes wish I had a Mac (99 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well .... then when you said that 130'000 had voted, it was a bit exaggerated
Either way, polls willl rarely be 'accurate' for statistics, not 'optional' stats either.
When professional statistic companies base the statistics on 1000 people, they often make alot of work to select the 1000 people representing the area that they will do statistics on. + coverage of different incomes, occupations, ages, carowners, petowners etc...
A poll is there for those that want to participate, and some people will probably be more eager to vote than others
(IMHO, minority groups in general seems to be more happy to advertise their opinions and choises, just look at the internet word of mouth on FF ... and compare it to the WOM of IE ... I guess you'll see my point)
742 2004-12-07 18:38
Re: Free PHP/HTML editor (99 replies, posted in Programming)
you can choose windows format (CR LF), mac format (CR), or unix format(LF)
nice ... hmm... you've got an url for notepad++? (I saw some earlier, but it was dead)
743 2004-12-07 18:18
Re: Why I sometimes wish I had a Mac (99 replies, posted in General discussion)
Concerning the os poll from the torrent-site: 130.000 ppl answering a poll is considered quite meaningful in the world of statistics. Most statistical surveys are done by asking only 1000 ppl or so.
lol, the poll image you refeered to says 24'366 votes, where on earth did you find 130'000?
but ... I don't want to get into the mac vs pc thing ... usually arguments are biased and sometimes quite exaggerated
744 2004-12-07 14:29
Re: Free PHP/HTML editor (99 replies, posted in Programming)
well mostly possible to set to a single linebreak char instead of 2 that windows usually have ... so the parsers shouldn't need to strip out double chars
("correct XML" was perhaps the wrong expression of mine ... ah well ... you know what I mean )
745 2004-12-07 13:47
Re: Free PHP/HTML editor (99 replies, posted in Programming)
how does it handle newlines? (ie. possible to do correct XML with it?)
746 2004-12-07 10:19
Re: Avatar Remote Linking (5 replies, posted in Feature requests)
(a sidenote, this viewtopic.php before my reply was just over 10kB ... compare that to Rickard and mine avatars, those are 2.8kB summed together, a small amount compared to the pages shown, + that the graphics usually are cached by the browser ... (and this topic is quite small, not much replies ... yet ))
(Edit: with my reply it passed 12kB ... so one reply was about the same as those two avatars)
747 2004-12-06 23:51
Re: Avatar Remote Linking (5 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I think he wants an option to allow remote linking of avatars aswell ...
748 2004-12-06 15:59
Re: You Know PHP Script? Plz Read this massage.. (7 replies, posted in Programming) (has changed interface and such ... but still possible to dig out examples)
those were my only sources to get a grip of php... (more or less)
749 2004-12-06 15:47
Re: PunBB @ (20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
is also moved, if so, update the about text (this is run on a PX 450Mhz...)
750 2004-12-06 15:42
Re: 10K! (25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
He have taken help from outside (like, Paul has worked on the css/output for 1.2), but I think it's good not to have too many chefs, as it easily turn into a mess ... where the 'creator' no longer has control over what happens with it...