När den är färdig, brukar Rickard säga ... och det är ju rätt sant
753 2004-12-03 15:37
Re: What a day! (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Rickard, you probably need to run something on the database ... the åäö char is totally screwed up on the Swedish subforum ... but new åäö seems to work fine ...
754 2004-12-02 22:36
Re: What a day! (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Considering it's Pentium 3 450Mhz, I can't say I will lose any sleep over it
Edit: oh, just noticed that my åäö looks rubbish in my profile ... going to update the profile to see if everything will be a-ok
Edit 2: yep it solved it ... so no biggie
755 2004-12-02 22:18
Re: What a day! (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
ouch, hate when that happens
(had a similar thing with my normal computer ... one day it just didn't start ... turned out to be the mainboard and one memorystick that had decided to stop working ... ) ... hope it's not that bad.
756 2004-12-01 16:53
Re: Forum width (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
Download the styleguide made by Paul, it's still good for 1.1.5, adn will probably help you (and it has an example how to center a forum with a certain width)
You find it on the download page
757 2004-12-01 11:20
Re: Php question (6 replies, posted in Programming)
I don't think you can remove stuff you have put out in php, not on HTML (perhaps on local scripts) ...
if you want something that counts up on a page, you probably need javascript or something ...
758 2004-11-30 19:32
Re: Admin's Plz read, Rickard Andersson also. (15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
The admin interface is not in any language files, to translate that you need to modify all the php files etc.
759 2004-11-29 03:16
Re: Private Message System (332 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Installed this mod on a new forum of mine ... and I had some hard time with it, but in the end figured what was wrong ... the usage of short tags for beginning a php section ... that is <? instead of "proper" <?php .... and I've got the short ones disabled, meaning the php parser never even tries to parse those in the short tags ...
I feel some inconsistency through out the mod, mostly normal <?php ... but on some places (also hidden on some small places ), <? is used instead ... so one had to use find and replace on all files to find them ...
But it's a heads up to those also having the short tags disabled, so you don't have to struggle to figure out what's making the script fail
(took a while until I figured out what was the problem )
looks and feels like a nice mod though :up:
760 2004-11-27 05:41
Re: Attachment Mod 1.0.1 by Frank H (150 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
haven't included that (as the new attachment mod for punbb 1.2 will allow multiple files(had that in the works for punbb 1.1.5 aswell, but kind of decided I hadn't enough time to add it), so it'll come in punbb 1.2 instead, I haven't considered quickposts to upload aswell, due to the multiple files)
you probably need to do the same changes as in the post file, that is: doing the check if one is allowed to upload a file, if so, altering the enctype and add the fields needed, ... not sure you need to fiddle with more things (if post.php will be called on in another way) ... and now I'm too tired to check
could be ok to do, could also require some more rewites in the post.php file aswell ...
761 2004-11-26 13:18
Re: Markera vilken del av forumet en användare är inne på (4 replies, posted in Archive)
aah ... jag missuppfattade vad osei hade skrivit ... lol ... jag trodde det var för att kunna 'följa' en användare vart han är för tillfället
762 2004-11-26 13:05
Re: Markera vilken del av forumet en användare är inne på (4 replies, posted in Archive)
tror inte det finns något sånt redan färdigt ...
tror det enklaste sättet är att addera något där inloggningschecken görs (eftersom man alltid kallar på den), som uppdaterar endera en ny tabell, eller at tman lägger till en kolumn i users tabellen ... iaf så jag skulle göra om jag skulle scripta till det ...
763 2004-11-26 11:38
Re: tutorial (1 replies, posted in Programming)
when I started out learning php, I got all info I needed from www.php.net (still use it very frequent, to know exactly how the functions work, and if there's some other function I don't know, that do the thing I want), and I also used weberdev.com, in the beginning to get an idea how stuff works ... lots and lots of code examples there...
764 2004-11-25 21:42
Re: Word Association Thread (1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)
765 2004-11-25 19:13
Re: Tabort oaktiva användare (6 replies, posted in Archive)
vad definerar du som 'oaktiv' ?
766 2004-11-25 10:52
Re: new local web server (36 replies, posted in General discussion)
make sure the firewall doesn't block out the ports you use for http etc (usually 80)
767 2004-11-24 22:04
Re: Pointing forms to an iframe (5 replies, posted in Programming)
have you tried more than one browser?
768 2004-11-24 14:38
Re: Assigning a mimetype (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
don't think so ... and if IE appends that .zip at the end, I doubt it will help to create a php downloadpage, that sends it's own header. Go ask Microsoft what to do (they usually have quite good support)
769 2004-11-24 03:34
Re: Pointing forms to an iframe (5 replies, posted in Programming)
have you checked at w3c?
and named the iframe, so you can use targetting?
770 2004-11-23 17:52
Re: Your 5 Favorite Movies (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
Always changes, so it's hard to say ... but these are the ones I kind of likes best ... Ronin ... not as clear as the others, but you wanted five
"The Transporter"
"Pulp Fiction"
(heh, I guess you'll discover that Luc Besson has been involved in a few of those top 4 )
771 2004-11-23 15:04
Re: Addition to BBCODE (3 replies, posted in Feature requests)
didn't someone make a code highlighter/formatter as a mod a while ago?
772 2004-11-23 14:30
Re: HOWTO: Add more smilies (55 replies, posted in Feature requests)
the bad thing about removing width and height is that you then no longer follow the w3c standard for valid html ... instead you hope that the browser will figure it out ...
better is to mod the code, and add two more arrays, one for height and one for width ... and pick the values from those ... then you won't break the html standard validity ....
773 2004-11-23 10:37
Re: bc_jackson? (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
intresting, ~25000 hits on google ... perhaps someone that constructed an 'auto joiner' ... or was just bored
the email seems to be the same all the time though ...
smells like a potential spam account to me ...
774 2004-11-17 21:44
Re: SQL, auto_increment issue... (4 replies, posted in Programming)
I was afraid of that ... heh
775 2004-11-17 17:31
Re: Link A post (3 replies, posted in Feature requests)
If you think your users will do that(why would they?), just disable the possibility to edit and delete posts, it's set in Admin-Permissions. A time value aswell sounds just too complex for my taste.