(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

if a user have made 1000 posts, will it really be 1 row added in the users table then?


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

if you have 2 users, perhaps not that hard, but if you have 200, you most likely need a backup to use(soo much manual work to figure out everything), and by your question I guess you haven't made a backup ...

(that reminds me, time to do a backup on all my webstuff)


(24 replies, posted in Feature requests)

just modify your index.php

at line 179 youll find this
        if ($cur_user_online['user_id'] > 0)

just make is say
        if ($cur_user_online['user_id'] > 0&&$cur_user_online['user_id'] != your_idnumber)

and make sure to replace your_idnumber with your id number, you will then be identified as guest instad ... and not visible in the list


(277 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

lol, that was indeed a strange bug ... resizing the window results in the page getting longer and longer ... big_smile


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

ah sorry for that, didn't know MSIE would identify as Mozilla...
(guess Rickards logs is different from mine, or a setting in webalizer perhaps, this is my output)

1     19444     63.46%     MSIE 6.0
2     7967     26.00%     Mozilla/5.0
3     81     0.26%     Mozilla/4.7
4     67     0.22%     Indy Library)"
5     60     0.20%     PHP/4.1.2
6     23     0.08%     Yahoo! Slurp
7     14     0.05%     Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x (mms dash mmcrawler dash support at yahoo


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

lol, the only MS product there is their searchbot big_smile

too bad it separates all the mozillas so much, loads of "Mozilla/5.0 (something) Gecko" hmm

it's not included in the searchindex, so with the normal search you cannot find such short words.
And in versions before 1.2 you cannot use AND with short searchwords either.

To be able to search those short words, one would need to modify the whole search-indexing-code.


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Rickard wrote:

followed by post.php (which surprised me).

wow, not that much lurking going on then wink

got any useless facts on the broswers? big_smile


(23 replies, posted in Feature requests)

maggu wrote:

Besides, it's distributed, meaning that anyone can set up a Jabber server and anyone registered on that server can communicate with any other Jabber user in the world. Sort of like e-mail. (That was one of the IETF requirements.)

hmm, only get one thought about this... spam ... how is spam stopped, if anyone can set up a server?
(just think of all mailservers that aren't secure enough, causing millions and milions of spam emails sent all over the world)


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Nice, looks like linear increase, but could be logaritmic aswell(if we 'adjust' 3 of the months), we will know in a couple of months wink
I'm guessing viewtopic is the page with most hits? smile

how much longer will your connection handle it? big_smile

(My lousy stats, only beat you in KB transfer, in one month (hosting a few movieclips that a friend had taken ... really kills bandwidth wink))


(277 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Rickard wrote:

Allowing users to belong to more than one group is out of the question. It complicates the group system _a lot_. Firstly, you need yet another table (since it's then a many-to-many relationship between users and groups) and secondly, you need to sort out how permissions are to be inherited when a user is a member of groups of conflicting permissions.

Yep, that's really increasing load on server to let the user belong to more than one group. I did an ACL thingie for my little project (non PunBB related, but I needed an advanced ACL securitycheck...)...and even for a very simple check it still needs to do some computing(still can do some optimizing, but I save that for when I'm closer to finished), and for what I'm going to do, making 100-200 ACL checks to show one page isn't totally out of the question, perhaps even more, and then it starts to crawl into a couple of tenths, who knows, for big lists perhaps even into seconds, only for the ACL checks! ...

So, if the mod+admin is possible to assign separate/per group, making a few groups more should be alot smoother than a "complete ACL system" (that's probably needed for multiple group belongings)...

haven't had time to look at this group system yet, but, after thursday I guess I will perhaps have a tiny bit spare time big_smile
(sigh, and start to make the plans for the complete rewrite of the attachment system, groups was what I waited for wink big_smile)


(9 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Flavius wrote:

and make all the smilies appear in the left

I've got like 50 or so smilies, that would be a huge list, that I wouldn't like to have there wink

Clicking the "Smilies link" will jump to the help page where all the smilies are listed, I like that solution of it.

why do one need that?

sounds like an excellent mod/hack though, and shouldn't be hard to do,as you said wink

in admin-options  is the default number of topics per page 0?
if not, check the affected persons profiles to see if they have 0 on their topics per page setting.

line 119 does a division:   number of topics / topics per page
so if the displayed topics per page is 0, that will make a div by zero... If I recall correctly ... the default is 25


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

The rightclick "disabler" is possible to go around aswell, so it's not a disabler in it's true sense, more like a thing to make it alittle harder, so a CSS that mess up everything like Connorhd said, would probably do about the same in 'disabling' ... remember, everything you can see you can save ... if it requires looking in the cache, disable certain scripts (adblock functions and such can block java and stuff) or something else ... it's really a thing that will make it a bit more work for someone ... but in the end, far from really disable the possibility to save images, or other things.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

well ... you can use some of it's free ones ... where you have something.shacknet.nu  or  something.dyndns.org etc. ... no fee at all ... I use my 5 free accounts for different sites on my servers ... makes life easier than to have one url (the one given by the ISP), and a load of odd urls smile

and if you have dynamic ip, it's still possible to use one of those dns adresses, as you then use a little tool that will tell what ip you currently have.


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Try some of these, looks like when people forget to edit config.php this happens.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

I was going to search for some stuff, and used alot of AND to make sure I get the exact phrase ... but it turned out that search didn't find anything ...

Unable AND to AND connect AND to AND MySQL AND server

" Your search returned no hits."

(and there are posts with that stuff) ... so then I started to think... and removed all 'short things' or such things that could be in the common words list... and then I got my findings ... (only the "to" words I stripped out)

Unable AND connect AND MySQL AND server

Resulting in numerous hits

perhaps it's best to make sure the search function either tell the user that some words were too short(same for common words?) and that the search could not be performed.
Edit: and perhaps do a search with the words not 'ignored', with a message in page top, that words this and that wasn't used due to ... etc. ?

IIS users!
Important! If you're installing this on an IIS machine, there has once been a problem where the admins are the only ones allowed to post files. So you therefore may ge tthis problem aswell. I have no idea what's wrong, and why it does this. So I haven't come up with a fix for this.
The files that work fully on an apache machine fail on an IIS machine. I'm sorry to say this, but I haven't a clue what's wrong. When I write the new version I'll try to figure out what may have caused it and how to bypass it.
Either way, uploads and downloads still work for administrators.

I'm too choked with work atm to figure this out, but I would actually be happier if the mod would fail more, as now I haven't a clue what might be wrong ... security checks works on some parts (as the file upload field comes), but only administrators files is saved into the database, that's really odd... but something I need to look into when rewriting the mod for 1.2 (and it's new group system, the big piece in the rewrite wink)


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

hmm.... I obviosly have a problem with my mod that have occurred on one IIS+PHP+mysql combination ... and I haven't a clue what's wrong (admin works, but not the other userlevels...) ... just htought I would say it here aswell, when there were discussions about the different attachment mods... (will edit my post on the mod releases thread aswell)


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

what mod do you mean?   ... if mine ... then you can set allowed fileextentions for each forum, then that forum will only allow those files, rejecting all other
(if it's left empty, it will allow all files except those specified to always block)

and you can set who can do what with checkboxes (upload/download), and also max filesize for each forum aswell ...

Controlling these things are done from Admin-Forums (and then you click "Forum Attachment Rules" for the forum you want to change rules on.) (here's an example from when I made the mod, think it still looks the same)


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

np, just make sure you follow all the info on that first post in that thread, there's a couple of things that must be tweaked since I first fixed 1.0.1 wink


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

No idea, as I don't use those, but they will probably work, just that you might need to be more careful when replacing things, so you don't overwrite something a previous mod has altered.

I suggest you first try on a forum not used(but with the same mods etc installed)... and if everything works ok, do it on the used forum ...


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

My mod also use the database for binary storage (to be sure noone can direct link and get stuff they aren't alowed to), so if you have a small dbspace, it might not be the best option?

When 1.2 is released, I'll rewrite it, and add features for storage in files etc. But I'll make a "converter/upgrader" so that no data are lost.

But that's put forward in time, and it will probably need some time for the rewrite aswell...

looks like that other image attachment is easier to install, or, I really don't know (as I haven't tried), but it seems smallser so I'm guessing it is big_smile

perhaps someone that have used both have best input about the matter big_smile


(36 replies, posted in General discussion)

I wouldn't recommend anyone to use win98 as a server though ... win2k and later have better memory handling, so you shouldn't need to restart the server every now and then, like you need with win98
(and wasn't it win98 that only could run for like 54 days or something before the clock 'flipped', or was that win95?)

but if you plan on using the server as a dedicated server for games, then there's usually not that much of a choise what OS to run wink