try moving the img stuff after <pun_body>


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

ah... well I used firefox when checking .... so that might be the reason we see different problems ... wink


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Paul wrote:

Frank, he has the opposite problem i.e. the forum is not shrinking at all so it is causing a horizontal scrollbar.

Yes, and the input fields is forcing cells to be larger than the 'window' allows, thus making a scrollbar for the whole page (so that the rightmost 'bar' is pushed off screen.

This will also happen for those really long posts, or if an image is wide ... so even if the input fields are minimized so they won't affect it ... images in post or looong words can still push the rightmost stuff of the page off the browser...

With using frames, and putting the forum in that instead, what will happen is that the forum gets a scrollbar, and the rightmost 'bar' on the page design stays where it's supposed to be.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

The only thing I guess might be the trouble are the sizes on the input and textarea fields.  As they 'force' the cells to be larger.

What resolution do you normally use it with? (I need to shrink it to like 800x600 to start to experience problems, at my normal 1100 I didn't have any problems at all)

A tip is to disable the quickpost option, or shrink the textarea size. And I think it's these input fields that messes everything up for you. And going through all the input fields and shrink them is probably not that easy. (or are they CSS:ed? does CSS work with input tags?)

Perhaps using frames is an option? (as then the border on the right won't be moved, but the scrollbar will be in the frame for the forum instead)


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Documentation for modmakers how the mods should use it perhaps?


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Lustra wrote:

Those ' seem to cause a problem in the nick.

so I guess that the ][ works, but not the apostrophe ' signs ... (sp?!)


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

He probably means an 'award system' so people can get certain extra gfx. And thus an admin/moderator sign...

I guess wink

Perhaps this thread can shed some light ... I'd guess you need to use a <div>


(31 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Rickard wrote:

MAX_ROWS will limit the number of rows in a HEAP table long before that.


but I must say I dont' have any trouble with how it is now ... as it makes PunBB what it is (faster & smaller)

I don't have such a bad memory that I don't know that I have or haven't read a post, and if I accidently click one again ... it's no big deal wink
I jsut start from the 'bottom' of the unread messages .... and when I have replied to it ... then I know I have read it aswell wink


(31 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Paul wrote:

I think this is the idea FrankH had only it took me till now to realise it.

Heh, yep, store as little as possible wink

MarcB: memory isn't that expencive wink
nah, really, if you check into it... what this table would need to store, is like 30 bytes per read post for that session ... (user id = int(10), topic id = int(10), unix timestamp =int(10) == 30bytes) ... and if you would have a whooping 64MB table, that would give the possibility to have 2'236'962 read posts in store for that session, and considering that the cookie will default time out in like 10 minutes or so, you either should have a very quick hand or an extreme wide audience ... just over 3700 pageviews/s (Edit: forum pageviews that is)


(31 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Well if I would do a similar thing, I would have a 'heap' table (only stored in memory, not on disk, more speed, and if server goes down it's no biggie), where the users read posts are logged for this session (prolly an age thing with timestamp) ... and then load these 'read' ones into an array when looking on a forum, and if the topic would be labelled like unread, it checks in the array if this has been read in this session, in that case, skip the 'unread' notice... othervise show it ...

alot of scripting/testing to make it neat and slim ... but I would probably use that method if I would do something similar ... as it's the 'cleanest' method I so far have thought of wink

it's released in this thread


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Rickard wrote:

There are no database changes and most (if not all) changes in the scripts are "one-liners".

phew, sounds good, I need to fix my attachment mod due to the small security issue, so that was good timing ... lol wink

Well in that second example of yours, the line is most probably not 146 (if it was that for the first example and they are alike), but something lower. What, depends on the number of lines one have to add in the other places.

When writing a readme, the lines one put in the files will be the lines the code is at in the finished mod, then you don't need to backtrack how many lines you have added when doing the mod etc, to figure out the correct line to write down in the 'reversed' way ... writing a readme is pretty hard even now, and it takes quite a long time to do aswell, when the lines start to increase, and extra work for the modders, is probably not welcomed wink

Actually I don't see any advantage in adding mods backwards, what's so bad having it like it is now?

Edit: And also, when adding the mod, if you follow the readme, the line numbers should aswell be correct, as you have pasted the stuff earlier, and pushed down the rows abit ... if it starts to differ alot, one might have forgotten a step in the readme wink

nice smile

Ok here's the fix, Thanks JohnS for finding this bug!

will include it in the script later...

in viewtopic.php

 FIND (line 377) 

        if($cur_user['status'] < 1) // Normal users

        if($cur_user['status'] < 1 && !($cookie['is_guest'])) // Normal users

in attachment.php

FIND (line 68)

    if($cur_user['status'] < 1) // Normal users


    if($cur_user['status'] < 1 && !($cookie['is_guest'])) // Normal users

in edit.php

FIND (line 175)

            if($cur_user['status'] < 1) // Normal users


            if($cur_user['status'] < 1 && !($cookie['is_guest'])) // Normal users

FIND (line 268)

        if($cur_user['status'] < 1) // Normal users


        if($cur_user['status'] < 1 && !($cookie['is_guest'])) // Normal users

in post.php

FIND (line 333)

        if($cur_user['status'] < 1) // Normal users


        if($cur_user['status'] < 1 && !($cookie['is_guest'])) // Normal users

FIND (line 581)

    if($cur_user['status'] < 1) // Normal users


    if($cur_user['status'] < 1 && !($cookie['is_guest'])) // Normal users

Sorry for this ... hope it will work allright now   (a tip for you when searching, look for the string "$cur_user['status'] < 1" smile

Edit: have tested it now on my install, and everything seems to work as it should (I did set up forums for each of the things ... and now guests no longer can read the attachments they're not allowed to ... phew  ... sorry again for this ... and this was all my fault ... with too little beta testing smile

Crap ... I just noticed something ... the validation doesn't work as it should (set it to only allow admin + moderators to make sure guests cannot read, (guests are somehow identified as registered users))

This has top priority! sad

(and I had tested so much but must have missed this ... tongue   ... sorry! )

hmm... next, check include/attach.php ... so that the file is identical to the one in the zip I sent you ... (ecpecially the function for checking rights... )

nice, I guess it could have been something like that smile

hmm... do the guests see the attachment in viewtopic.php?
can they download the attachment through attachment.php?
even though they aren't allowed to?

if you feel like, you can check in the table 'forum_rules' that the columns for the forums haven been corrupt or something ... to manually check the rules, use this calculation smile


    This function is used to check if one is allowed to upload or
    download attachments.
    rules are like follows:    
    0 = no attachments allowed

    1 = download allowed by guests

    2 = download allowed by registered users

    4 = download allowed by moderators

    8 = download allowed by admins (obsolete!)

    16 = upload allowed by guests (oooh, dangerous, but someone perhaps want it? , defenetly not default)

    32 = upload allowed by registered users

    64 = upload allowed by moderators

    128 = upload allowed by admins (obsolete!)

    Example: 1+2+4+8+64+128 = 207, will allow moderators and admins to upload files in that forum
                               and let everyone download them.   


so ... check the boxes you've set and these values so they are correct, then we probably can rule out some stuff ...  smile

email sent, hope it will solve the problem, my guess is that some rows are missing in viewtopic.php

ok, then there's probably something that's missed in the installation or upload of scripts ... it's 50 steps, so the possibility for errors is not that small wink

in viewtopic.php
or that the securitycheck isn't functional as it should (include\attach.php)

if you want to I can zip the testforum I made for when I remade the script for PunBB 1.1.1, so you can compare (if you have modded the forum)

strange, and for you as admin you can up and download files without trouble?

Edit: sounds like there could be a step that has been missed, or a file that was uploaded incorrectly ... but I must look into it...

how are the attachment rules set?
(a guess is that you haven't set people to be allowed to download attachments)

go into Admin - Forums ... and for the forums you want attachments, make sure you click on the rules for that forum, and assign who may up/down load, and what files are allowed and what max size you allow.

Administrator always override these settings (except the max size defined in attach.php)


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Firebird is a trademark by some car company, could be that...


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

thekore wrote:

with this talk of overwritting mods, why dont punBB wait off, and add some of these mods such as Polls/Attachments into a completely new 1.2 release? Or possibly these large changes would give it reason to go to version 2?

Read this post and you'll understand why that probably won't happen.