When someone develops one.

Do you have a link to your forums? Then I can have a look wink

Aksimet should filter out most of it smile


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

You can try using JavaScript. The innerWindow property or something like that...

The file

Put it in your upload folder. Run it.

In the extras folder there should be a file that needs to be put inside the root folder of your forum. Run it and you're out of maintenance mode.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh dear, no.

Is it called 'The cane fight' or something?



You'd have to make a cronjob for it I think.


(62 replies, posted in News)

Paul wrote:

Its truly wonderful. Instead of 2 people waiting for me, now there are 7.

LOL tongue


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Oooh, shiny tongue


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

I really want to test out Sybase, but I never got it to work either with the dev version on Windows or the free version on Linux... sad

*goes off to try again*


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Went for MySQL, as I still haven't really tested out many others...

That code only works in IE.

Ah, I see the problem:

<form action="search" />

That's invalid, and will make every post submit to "search" tongue

This is correct:

<form action="search">
Search our shop: <input name="query" type="text" size="15" />
<input type="submit" value="Go" name="search" class="button" />

Well, just look at the link...


I'm led to believe that your server has some sort of mod_security thingy on that blocks something in the register form.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Try enabling debug mode.

I don't know of any converters though, so your best bet would be to make your old database work with PunBB tongue

I can go to register.php...

Well, due to my very positive review it's now first ^^


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I doubt the database will be much different, as XennoBB is just something branched off PunBB. Try connecting PunBB to your XennoBB database tongue


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That's the fault of PunBB's clearer divs.

Only way to get around that is to start modifying everything so it works perfectly without them... and that's alot of work.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

If I'd get a 3rd gen console, it'd be a XBox 360. Definately.

I've always been happy with my XBox and I wouldn't mind having a 360.

But  I still want a car in a year or two tongue


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm sure the Dutch speak English like that, but us Belgians can actually speak tongue


(55 replies, posted in Feature requests)

$text = preg_replace("#(?<=.\W|\W.|^\W)".preg_quote($smiley_text[$i], '#')."(?=.\W|\W.|\W$)#m", '$1<img src="img/smilies/'.$smiley_img[$i].'" alt="'.substr($smiley_img[$i], 0, strrpos($smiley_img[$i], '.')).'" />$2', $text);


(55 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Just remove the

width="15" height="15"

and it'll be fine. Leave the alt="