The second attribute is for displaying smilies yes or no wink So just put 1 or 0


<h3><?php echo (pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['subject']) ?></h3>


<h3><?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_topic['subject']) ?></h3>

Ah, I see now. Well, you have to select another DB when doing this. But don't forget to switch back to your forum DB or everything will be messed up.

Well, that's clear enough, no? >=/


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

StevenBullen wrote:

At the end of the day if you dont agree with people respecting anothers death. Then probably best you dont post at all.

I agree with people respecing another's death, but I just can't stand the fact that they're always making a big deal of it if the person who died was somewhat known.
It sucks for the family and all, but frankly I don't give a damn about 1 out of, what, 3-4 billion people who dies >=/

No disrespect and all, but there is no need to see multiple threads about it on each forum where they go on about "damn he's so great" while they never knew him.

Oh, and to the people being sad about them not broadcasting his death, how would you feel if a family member of you dies and his/her death is shown everywhere on the world?

In the end you'll be jealous for the dead people when you look at the world.

guardian34 wrote:

<menu> isn't valid XHTML, nor is the <li> when it isn't closed.

<menu> isn't? Hrmm. Well, without it lists won't work tongue

And yes, I know about the <li>, I'll remakethis mod in 1.3 to use Regular Expressions wink


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes I am.


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

All this fuss about a dead guy... >=/

Put it in front of your navlinks and make it float: right.


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

It has been added for 1.3 a few days ago tongue

The subforum mod is probably the cause, both are known to have problems wink


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Pssychoz wrote:

Hello! I have a error whith this code.
when login
I have

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: unescape() in /var/www/html/l/lesbizounours/forums/login.php on line 40

In login.php, I have

(ligne 38) if (isset($_REQUEST['form_sent']) && $action == 'in')
(ligne 39) {
(ligne 40) $form_username = unescape(trim($_REQUEST['req_username']));
(ligne 41) $form_password = unescape(trim($_REQUEST['req_password']));

Thank you in advance

I have no idea what unescape() does, but try replacing it with $db->escape()


(114 replies, posted in Programming)

MadHatter wrote:
elbekko wrote:
MadHatter wrote:

the only thing that annoys me about dreamweaver is their intellisense/code insite/code complete (whatever you want to call it).  when I type something, the hint list drops down, and I always use the wheel mouse to scroll up and down the list.  w/ dw, it scrolls the page and leaves the drop down list at the original x/y location on the screen (doesnt scroll the list at all)

You can turn that off tho. And just call it with CTRL+Space when you need it. I just love the function tooltips etc, as I tend to forget the order of the arguments =/ It's syntax highlight is lovely too, but that might just be me being used to it, no idea...

yea control+space is how most code completion lists are brought up (and the reason why most of my code is misspelled:D), but where do I modify the setting for wheel mouse scrolling (so that it scrolls the list not the window)?

I have no idea =/ I usually just use the arrow keys or type untill I'm in the area of the correct function.

You return to install.php to copy the information needed in config.php

I doubt this is possible wink That ini directive is there to limit such things, not to be bypassed...

This is very, very nice yikes
*drools a bit*


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Quite nice, but not valid.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very nice, except for that annoying yellow bar at the top and that there is horizontal scrolling for nothing...

nathank wrote:

When I echo $pun_user['is_guest'] I get a 3
What does that mean?

That's odd...

You'll have to change register.php for that I believe.

When using in a function you have to make the variable global wink

And checking for loggedin: $pun_user['is_guest']

Well, just set the forum's permissions to disallow guest posting. Somewhere else you can use $pun_user['is_guest'], which returns a boolean.


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

That's probably doable by checking the referer, but I doubt it'll be implemented in PunBB wink


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

I've attempted to do a chatbox in AJAX and PHP once. It only worked decently in FF, IE screwed up quite a bit and it didn't work at all in Opera =/

Making it work for FF is easy enough... for the others is a pain in the arse sad

Well, for the access only for administrators, do something like this:

if($pun_user['g_id'] != PUN_ADMIN)
exit('You aren't allowed to be here! :o');

Or use message() instead of exit, doesn't matter much.