That's just hotmail's sucky spamfilter I bet =/

All indexes have auto_increment for me. What database and what version of it are you using?

Username and password is saved, but cookies are cleaned on exit wink


(68 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Just go the the folder where XAMPP saves your files. Can't be THAT hard.

Does anyone have it? I tried modifying the Gmail one, but blatantly failed sad


(68 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It's called Windows Explorer. Now really, how did you find the start button on your computer?


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yeah, it has been released for quite a while now. And I can say it's unstable as hell for me =/


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Are you sure all files are uploaded?


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Not quite zaher. He thinks it's unfair that the jews (israel) get away with bombing a UN post.And since Zend is ran by 2 jews, he quit. Silly reason, I know, but yah...


(68 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Could be.


(68 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Extract the zip file you download into your htdocs folder. Then go there vie your browser: http://localhost/punbb-1.2.12/upload/install.php
Also download phpMyADmin to create the database.


(68 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

or XAMPP smile


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ohmy sad


(68 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You need a web server that supports PHP and MySQL to install PunBB wink


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I was trying to find the thread about it, but I can't remember what it was called... only that it was in PunBB Discussions tongue


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Indeed, and we have PunRes to share modifications wink


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Well, if you really want to, you can always modify PunBB (quite easily even) for that. But in my eyes it's just silly to store the same thing twice =/


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

On large forums, yes.


(11 replies, posted in Feature requests)

This has been discussed earlier, not long ago. The main reason PunBB parses every message is because of the edit function and because it's space-saving wink

Download still works for me =/

I'll try doing the dutch language pack if you want smile


// Language definitions used in chatbox.php
$lang_chatbox = array(

'Page_title'                =>    'ChatBox',
'Chatbox'                    =>    'ChatBox',
'Posts'                        =>    ' Berichten in ChatBox',
'Sending'                    =>    'Aan het verzenden...',

'No Read Permission'        =>    'U hebt geen toelating om deze ChatBox te lezen.',
'No Post Permission'        =>    'U hebt geen toelating om berichten in deze ChatBox te versturen.',
'No Message'                =>    'Geen berichten in de ChatBox.',

'Message'                    =>    'Bericht',
'Btn Send'                    =>    'Zend',
'Autoscroll'                =>    'Automatisch Scrollen',

'Error Title'                =>    'Fout',
'Error No message'            =>    'U moet een bericht ingeven.',
'Error Too long message'    =>    'Uw bericht is te lang.',


There you go... did my best, but I always sucked at translating things from english to dutch tongue


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Bleh, I was just annoyed last night.

Hrmm, quite a good idea smile And it's even XHTML Strict valid smile


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

sirena wrote:

Report any 'warez' you find on the Internet to the global, centralized Internet Authority that has power over every network on the Internet and every website.

And yes, of course the developer of punBB is personally responsibile for everything anyone does with the punBB forum, including all the content provided in any punBB forum world-wide, so immediately contact Rickard the developer and he will, I am sure, intervene to fix the problem asap on your say-so. Just tell him what you want done and he will do it.

And, sure, ping is a great tool to find out everything you need to know about a website, including domain name ownership and hosting arrangements. Just fire it up from within a command prompt and it will tell you everything you need to file a report of the problem to the Internet Authority.

Jeeze, sometimes I think people should be required to pass a 'Internet 101' course before they are allowed access to the Internet and, for example, to post to forums such as this.

I agree on that one -.-

And to actually answer his question: you need to do a WHOIS or a DNS lookup.

EDIT: It looks like it's "evening of the n00bs". On this other forum there is a guy that thinks he has to make a directory INSIDE a script. Now really.