
(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Sorry, I was still sleepy tongue


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Pretty nice smile Although I don't like how you chopped a part off the logo...

How do you mean? Just a post that displays the information they entered when signing up?


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

To solve this problem: if you are getting this error when calling a function, make sure you put

global $db;

at the beginning of it.
Also, be sure to load common.php at the start of your script.


(99 replies, posted in Programming)

Sounds promising, downloading it now ^^


(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Mad-Wolfie wrote:
elbekko wrote:

I think coppermine integration has been done, seach for it smile

And for your other question: I think that will be in PunBB 1.3

glad to hear it... i'm just a bit concerned about the risks with coppermine coming from the phpBB family.  I have a phpBB forum on one of my sites already - biggest mistake i made!!  i spend more time dealing with hackers & spammers than i do posting messages on the damn thing!

Use the migration tool to switch to PunBB then tongue

Now, I don't know how unsafe Coppermine is...


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I wouldn't be doing it in em =/ Change em to px and you're a tad safer.


(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I think coppermine integration has been done, seach for it smile

And for your other question: I think that will be in PunBB 1.3


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

You can limit the admin section to admins with existing forum features wink
Go to Administration > Forums > Edit and use the checkboxes at the bottom.


(76 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Those t-shirts look pretty nice tongue


(76 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I played around with the logo a bit:
http://icstrategy.midgetforhire.com/Images/PunBB/punbb_medium_metal.png (use firefox, png transparent)

.pun #brdmenu #navsearch a { color: #FF0000; }

That works for me big_smile

What Paul said should work smile

li#navsearch maybe?

Try putting .pun before it.

#navsearch { color: #FF0000; }


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Something like that I suppose tongue
Oh, and I just see an error in the first one... you can't click on it tongue So I advise to put the link back...

$post_link = "\t\t".'<p class="postlink conr"><a href="post.php?fid='.$id.'"><img src="http://www.ginkworld.sakamuyo.net/Themes/gink/images/new_topic.gif" alt="'.$lang_forum['Post topic'].'" /></a></p>'."\n";

viewtopic.php: (both lines)

$post_link = '<a href="post.php?tid='.$id.'"><img src="http://www.ginkworld.sakamuyo.net/Themes/gink/images/reply.gif" alt="'.$lang_topic['Post reply'].'" /></a>';


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Change lines ~115 and ~124 in viewtopic.php smile If you have some basic HTML knowlegde, I suppose you can do it tongue


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Find, ~line 64 in viewforum.php:

$post_link = "\t\t".'<p class="postlink conr"><a href="post.php?fid='.$id.'">'.$lang_forum['Post topic'].'</a></p>'."\n";

Replace it with:

$post_link = "\t\t".'<p class="postlink conr"><img src="http://www.ginkworld.sakamuyo.net/Themes/gink/images/new_topic.gif" alt="'.$lang_forum['Post topic'].'" /></p>'."\n";

nice skin Jeckyl yikes


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jansson: I have that one with Copper and Aluminium tongue


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)



(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

tongue Indeed, hardware gives alot problems these days...  You new setup looks nice though ^^

Here's the code:

define('PUN_ROOT', './');
include "include/common.php";

$result = $db->query("SELECT poster, subject FROM ".$db->prefix."topics WHERE forum_id=".intval($_GET['fid']));

while($row = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
    echo $row['subject']." by ".$row['poster']."<br />\n";

It outputs something like this:

code wrote:

Test post by elbekko
Testing... by elbekko

You use it with listthreads.php?fid=1

Not any more, I suppose the search cache has been deleted. Anyways, do you want it is an existing feature or wouldn't you mind creating a new page with a separate query?
I'll write a bit of code that will do it for you tongue