(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

Definitively a great browser.

I added new extensions as FoxPose (http://viamatic.com/firefox/) and FoxyTunes (http://www.iosart.com/foxytunes/firefox/)

For Adsense users, two nice tips :
- Adsense extension :http://code.mincus.com/?p=3

- possiblity to display ad for Firefox + Google bar. I received a few earns with it these days.
It's proposed into your adsense panel.


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Under BigBrother 's eye (and yours too)


(121 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Still less pain for installing / updating our PunBaBies ? No, seriously it rocks !

Great job, Connorhd. i just updated the mod and it works pretty well


(124 replies, posted in News)

Just send "a few bucks" but i must admit i'm not very found of these million dollars pages. maybe i start being too old ?


(45 replies, posted in News)

Thank you for this fast update , Rickard.
Patching is my will , just do it smile

One more time, thank you very much.

Long life to PunBB and his creator !

Thank you Rickard, i didn't noticed it.
I change it and see if it was the cause.

If you want an example of this :
http://abcdelasecurite.free.fr/forum-ab … php?id=325

I just noticed that a few messages are not well written on my forum.
Instead of well encode messages (in french) generally posted, it gives weird encoded text not easy to read.

The trouble seems to come from the "previsualiser / preview" option.
After a preview, encoding start being wrong (and mot in other cases)

Could you help me to find the bug ?


Anyway, i could manage to survive without this feature big_smile
It's been asked and i noticed it was often used by visitors.

Connorhd wrote:

but thats confusing since if i just clicked on a topic in the new topics list i would expect next topic to be the next new topic

I don't find it confusing. It's just another way to crawl the forum, not related to next new topic, just to next topic as "topic + 1 and topic -1".

Connorhd wrote:

what if you [...]click on the first topic, then click next?

to the second topic of this forum.

Connorhd wrote:

will it take you to the next new topic or the next topic in that forum?

It should send to the next topic into the forum you are (so subjects can easily have interest for visitors) .

Connorhd wrote:

one problem i see with this is what is the next topic? in the context of a search it is different to the next topic browsing through a forum

I imagine it as <older topic | newer topic> on top, just under the title of the actual topic (or not far).
It gives a nice way for visitors to surf and seems to be greatly appreciated by web search engines as Google and others.

seunosewa wrote:


I would like to have a feature on my forum that allows me to include a link to the "Previous Topic" and "Next Topic" in a Forum

As Seunosewa, i would be glad if this feature could be added. Additionally, it would be even greater if these links could contain the name of the previous and next topics.
