Happened to me in former times but not anymore since I got my own machine.
It's usually happening when shared hosting clients don't know ho to optimize queries and the db just collapses.
Say there are 200 users on the system, and 5 decide to write heavy database apps without knowing what they are doing and - voila, mysqld decides to quit from time to time.
I had this mostly on BSD systems where only one instance of mysqld is running.
This is most probably not the fault of punBB.
Yes, contact your provider and if it doesn't change then go somewhere else.
426 2005-07-20 10:15
Re: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
427 2005-07-19 18:44
Re: moving to another location/domain... (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
What do you mean by "moving"?
If the database stays in place all you have to do is go (with phpMyAdmin or the likes)
to your MYBOARDconfig table and change the value of "o_base_url" to the new url you want to use.
What a "danish d2 board" is - I do not know....
428 2005-07-19 16:59
Re: What happened to our posts?! (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I am quite sure this is not a database problem.
To me it looks like somebody used an old backup to "restore" your website including the database.
If you are sure you didn't do it then it must have been the host.
Can happen if a server crashes but it is not very professional not to tell the clients, so:
Do what Elzar suggested.
429 2005-07-19 13:10
Re: links in new window (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
You might want to read this thread:
or check out this mod:
430 2005-07-17 22:26
Re: My punBB was hacked!!! (34 replies, posted in General discussion)
how do you make your forum read only?
Excuse me?
What is the sense of making a forum read only???
431 2005-07-17 13:30
Re: My punBB was hacked!!! (34 replies, posted in General discussion)
same here, what is going on ?
What is going on is that most probably some bored schoolkids read about a flaw in a BB system, then they find as amany sites as posible using this system. This is just a google search away. Then they play around on your board and think they are real hackers.
That's the same thing that became known as the santy worm, Google even had to block the search for related terms at thhat time because the "hackers" were at least intelligent enough to use robots for the search.
It affected phpBB and was one good reason not to go with phpBB...
Mind you - there is no board without a flaw, punBB 1.2.6. will have its share as well (no offense meant, just experience ).
There is something really basic things that you can do.
It will not prevent real hackers from doning damage, it is by no means a serious protection, but it does help against bored teenies finding your site through google:
Rename viewtopic.php & viewforum.php (as that's what most idiots will be looking for) to something else like foo.php and bar.php, then change the links in all other pages accordingly.
It's a bit of a hassle because you have to do that every time you mod or update but when the next robot (or some really desperate clown doing it manually) searches for punbb boards they will probably not find you.
I know it sounds like a joke and as I said it is really nothing that gives you *real* security, just a bit of obfuscation that doesn't hurt your users.
What really *is* a great security tool is the apache module mod_security so if you have your own server I highly recommend that one.
Amongst a lot of other things it filters out requests that are likely to be malicious.
There is a very good article on that one here
432 2005-07-16 19:09
Re: PunCMS (146 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
That would work exactly the same way?
Fine. Even better 'cause I don't think I'll need the dokuWiki...
But where do I find the plugin?
Searched for it but....
433 2005-07-16 18:11
Re: PunCMS (146 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
a) No offense taken. I'm the only one adding content to my site, users sign up on the forum to leave comments. Each of the sections on hcgtv are independednt blogs, each one can have a different skin associated with it. I use each blog differently, the front page blog displays only one story, a song lyric. The blog I'm on determines what gets placed on the side menu. There is a media manager that I use to upload images and include them in my stories.
Sounds indeed a lot like what I want...
b) Typo3 is a real CMS, with it comes quite a lot of complexity and the learning curve is huge. I just wanted an easy way to posts stories and not bring my server to it's knees when the traffic started to soar. I like light apps, that's why I chose Nucleus and PunBB. The best way to determine light apps is to view the amount of SQL queries used to create a simple front page.
100% ACK
c) Rather than build something yourself, I recommend starting off with something and tailor it to your needs. Why re-invent the wheel?
another 100% ACK
It's just that in the past I often ended up writing apps myself because I found it easier to code from scratch than dive into mountains of poorly written documentation and try to make sense of them. I suppose you know what I mean...
However, nucleus/nupusi definitely look easy enough to give them a try.
Does your latest build include PunBB 1.2.6?
434 2005-07-16 18:04
Re: PunCMS (146 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
That's what I thought you were about.
So my idea was to take that and expand it to fit my needs.
On the other hand I understand you have better things to do so maybe I'll start something myself but then again
the time working on it is not writing loads of code but working out the best way to do things
this is exactly the problem I came across as well
Well, hcgtv is still absolutely right.. maybe it's best just not to mix these two together at all....
435 2005-07-16 17:41
Re: PunCMS (146 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
As for a Blog not being a CMS, I beg to differ, I can make Nucleus look like anything I want.
Didn't mean to offend you or what you did with nucleus.
I like the looks and the functionality, and maybe it can do what I want, it's just not obvious to me.
I do not want a system where anybody can post, just something that makes it easier for me building a complete, and maybe even complex, website.
With file management, a gallery (only available to the authors to chose images for their articles) and different layout schemes for different purposes.
I could not find these features mentioned in the nucleus or on your site but of course that doesn't mean a thing.
A CMS or Blog is made to post stories on your front page
A content management system is surely a lot more than that.
Full blown CMS systems like Typo3 even integrate print and web content, have version control, let you chose different layouts for different parts of your website, build menus of any level depth and so on...
The least you can say is that a real CMS is for building a complete website and has the ability to show anything you like in the style that you like.
Rather than make Pun a CMS or a CMS into a forum, it's better to use the right tool for the job.
I totally agree with you that it's no good turning one into the other.
What Connor seemed to work on was to make a CMS that can integrate PunBB and that would take the engine, CSS, caching - well, all the great things of punBB. If I got him right.
And I am just interested if this can/has/should be done or if I have to go on searching or build something myself.
436 2005-07-16 16:51
Re: PunCMS (146 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
No PunCMS so far I suppose?
I am looking for one, I've been going all the way across the net and back, I've read all the posts here related to cms and now I am much more confused than I was before.
Now what I want is a cms and I want punBB and it would be nice if one integrates into the other to a certain extend.
I do not want a blog. People seem to mix that up. Even the vendors of some of the blog sites I visited by accident because they said it was a CMS do.
I do not want anybody to post articles and comments except for the very few who are known to me and supposed to do this.
For me it should be more a stylewise framework and the possibility to have the layouts flexible.
This is one of the things a CMS does.
I did something similar in the past, it was for the online version of a newspaper.
But it looked totally ugly because I am not blessed with great designing skills so I thought Connors idea of taking the excellent CSS/designwork of PunBB into a cms is great.
But then again - how much has punBB to do with a cms?
Isn't it a bit like, say, integrating an electric toothbrush into a coffe machine?
So, Connor, are you still working on it or planning to work on it one happy day?
Will it be more than a blog system?
I mean, will it be be possible to have several different looking templates to chose from for an article, file management (downloadsectionwise I mean ) and the likes?
Including maybe a gallery / image stock for the writers?
Or is this all going to far and one has to make/take a CMS and try to make it look like PunBB or vice versa?
Hell, as you can see, all these CMS posts realy confused me....
437 2005-07-15 08:28
Re: UserStats 1.0 (65 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Have a look at the table YOURBOARDstatviews_all with phpMyAdmin or the likes.
Are there entries to display for the period you are asking?
438 2005-07-12 12:22
Re: the forum looks bad under firefox after width changing. (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
How did you set the width?
And where?
439 2005-07-11 18:23
Re: UserStats 1.0 (65 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Hmmm... what exactly is your error message?
I went through the post and Atxy had 3 different errors at a certain stage
Can you enable debug mode and see what it says?
Then: Can you take out the Topic-read - mod and see if the problem is still there?
Then, can you take out the userstats mod and see if it's still there?
Some hassle I know but this way we might get closer to the solution
Oh - and first of all, try changing
$db->query('INSERT INTO '.$db->prefix.'statuser (user_id, user_ip) VALUES('.$pun_user['id'].',"'.$db->escape(get_remote_address()).'")') or error('Could not insert into statistics', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$db->query('INSERT INTO '.$db->prefix.'statuser (user_id, user_ip) VALUES('.$pun_user['id'].',\''.$db->escape(get_remote_address()).'\')') or error('Unable to insert into user statistics', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
440 2005-07-11 08:53
Re: UserStats 1.0 (65 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
If your code ends there then there is a closing bracket missing.
There is
and this bracket is not closed anywhere in your code snippet
So much at a first glance...
441 2005-07-11 08:50
Re: XHTML Strict 1.0 and "target" (16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Here's another, much simpler way of making this work
Yeah, that is much easier. It can be turned into a mod as well so that the admin can set if external urls are to be opened in a new window or not.
Nice, thanks.
442 2005-07-10 15:14
Re: PunBB 1.2.6 (71 replies, posted in News)
Features may not be PunBB's biggest strenght
Who cares?
The biggest strength of PunBB in my opinion is that you can add any feature that you like in an hour.
That's the magic of clean code, not the phpBB-help-I-got-lost-featuremania.
Back to the topic:
I think a feature list would also greatly help potential mod developers to see if their issue isn't already covered somehow
Second: The biggest part of the work I had when I switched to punBB was to find out if it fulfills at least the basic requirements and I think it would help spreading the word a good deal if everybody knew what PunBB can do.
443 2005-07-10 13:44
Re: Announcing: PunMod beta v0.9.2 (72 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Yes, you are right.
The reason why I thought about a centralised system though:
If you run PunMod on your machine it must run under the apache useraccount which means all files have to be writable by the webserver, or it has to run as a shell program.
The first is no option when it comes to security on a live system, the latter leaves out everybody who PunMod is designed for , or am I wrong there?
444 2005-07-10 13:25
Re: Announcing: PunMod beta v0.9.2 (72 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
I had an idea for something :
Wouldn't it be great to have a central "Mod-on-demand" System?
It would function like this:
You have the basic punBB install and now you want to add 3 mods to it.
However, you have no clue or no time to add all these mods by hand. Plus, after the first one probably the line numbers in the readme files of the other mods are not correct anymore so you spend a day searching... it's a hassle, even if you know how to mod.
instead, you enter the mod-on-demand-site where you will find some checkboxes that allow you to add this, that and the other mod to a base punBB.
Click on "Give it to me" and then the system will generate it for you and make it a downloadable file.
Now you can install this modded version and you're ready to go.
Best thing is:
If you decide you don't want mod #3 anymore but mod #5, #6 and #7 instead you just get a fresh pack with these mods installed.
This system can base on the PunMod I guess.
As I mentioned at the beginnig: I am not sure if this is realistic, I don't know how easy this can be implemented but if somebody thinks this is useful I'd like to help with it.
445 2005-07-09 10:12
Re: is it possible? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
simply make a new user group and restrict the forum you want to that user group.
and have the invitations mod install aswell.
This still does not solve the "invited only"-issue
The absolute easiest way is write some code into register.php that prevents user from registering who have no vaild invitation.
Motis has done it. Ask him
446 2005-07-09 08:57
Re: is it possible? (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
This mod adds the capability to send invitations, it doesn't restrict to invitation-only by itself.
However, I know that motis did it for his board, maybe you ask him or maybe he will share his extensions here.
I have an idea how it was done but not the complete picture.
447 2005-07-08 20:42
Re: Use chmod in install.php (6 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I had someone I know install PunBB, the folders were there but weren't writable by the webserver. I think you're right, that chmod didn't work for him, but in that case isn't mkdir for those folders a good idea?
No, don't think so, because if the web server wants to do a mkdir() then the directory where it wants do this must be world writable as well.
I mean if your layout is like this
myboardroot user group drwx-r-x-r-x
Then the apache running as "nobody" can not do a mkdir() inside this directory.
And we don't want that, do we?
I really think the way it is done now is the best possible.
448 2005-07-08 18:11
Re: "Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated." (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
yes, but it seems like Rikard fixed that for 1.2.6.
No, he hasn't, he said he would do it tonight (whatever that is in your timezone )
So I recommend you change the file yourself, it's only one line, really.
Look at the link coaster gave you, it's easy!
Good luck
449 2005-07-08 16:19
Re: XHTML Strict 1.0 and "target" (16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
so this is a workaround to play the XHTML strict game, right?
Wow.... quite a lot of code to replace [i]target="_blank"[i].
I still think it is better to stay with transitional then.
I changed my board to target="_blank" and it works fine.... I think sometimes rules that are set up to simplify things just reach the opposite...like in this case.
450 2005-07-08 16:14
Re: UserStats 1.0 (65 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Looks like you eliminated this "else" when you copied over the mod.
Hope that will solve your issue!!
Btw: To be totally correct the "else" belongs under the line
Otherwise you will miss it again once you decide to remove this mod.
If you ever do....