(7 replies, posted in Programming)

I'm using numeric entities exclusively in PunBB 1.3. There are 6 (or is it 5) character entities that can safetly be used cross browser but I just find it more consistent to always use the numeric entities.


(7 replies, posted in Programming)

Nothing wrong with an input inside a td. Could it have been that the validator was reading > as the end of the input tag before getting to the /> and therefore it appeared the tag was not closed properly.

In other words, its saying <input> cannot appear in a td but <input /> can.

I'm confused. The topic asks about putting a break in the breadcrumbs and now you seem to be talking about the main menu. Which is it?


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Tested in Opera 9, Safari 3 (Win) and FeedDemon. Works fine.


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I would expect the atom feed to open a page in IE which shows the xml output and not prompt me for a file download which is what the rss feed on your site does. Have you had a look at the PunBB 1.3's atom feed, that works exactly the same as the rss feed.


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

In IE it just prompts me to download the file atom.php.

Have you tried removing the doctype to see if that make a difference?

Which are all good reasons why graphic designers should not be allowed to design websites.

Isn't it possible that what graphic designers want is the same as everybody else i.e. something fast and easy to use so they can get in and out as quickly as possible.


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

You can't use the body tag. PunBB is a site component so it might have to fit into an existing page which already has an id.

You can't use the outer wrapper because that already has an id which is the page identifier. It also has the class .pun which is used for sandboxing. That means adding extra wrapping divs.


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

You are not babbling. I've been thinking about this stuff for months. The problem is its not going to be possible to cover every possible situation therefore I have to come up with something which is flexible enough to please most of the people most of the time. In the end all of this is actually an argument in favour of templates which of course can be coded for a specific purpose.

I did think about group id's on posts as well as various other things but ended up with seven classes on the same div. Thats another problem. There are tons of useful things that can be done but you have to know when to stop. Again it comes down to what is going to be most useful to most people.

I always want to hear what difficutlies people are having though because my idea of what users might want to do is purely my own opinion and it might not accurately reflect what people really want or need.

One addition that would certainly be useful is either class="external" or rel="external" on links which would allow for javascript to open a new window for external links.


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

This is one of those where I agree and disagree. Having an id for each forum makes sense and is already there in 1.3. However, I don't quite see the point of the class as surely javascript can locate an <tr> without it having a class. It also doesn't help from a css point of view as you can just style the <tr> via a descendant selector.

More classes and id's whilst not harmful is not as simple as it sounds for the basic reason that the placement of id's and classes will rather depend on what you want to use them for. For example, lets say you have a board dedicated to discussing football. You decide you want each forum to reflect team colour. Easy enough to style the index page via a different id on each row. But what happens when you get to viewforum. Do you want the id on the main table which makes semantic sense or do you want it on the page wrapper so the whole page can be styled in the teams colours. And what happens when you get to viewtopic, should it have the forum id, the topic id or both and where do you put them?

Don't assume screen readers work in a particularl way and more importantly don't assume accessibility is only about blind people.  All in all title attributes would seem to be at best a waste of space and at worst positively harmful. I also tend to think tooltips are ugly but thats just a personal preference.

For more information
http://www.rnib.org.uk/wacblog/articles … ttributes/

If anything, I would rather put this type of functionality in a span within the link which means you could control its display with css. Either that or a javascript expander which would actually show/hide the information in the table cell as normal text. However, all in all I don't like the idea. If I were using vbulletin I think its something I would want to disable.

I use FeedDemon and I am very happy with it. Actually happy enough to actually pay for it.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

That the CMS was either GPL itself or that PunBB was distributed as a separate module and that the CMS did not require PunBB in order to work. As I understand it thats whats required to comply with the GPL.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

You can use PunBB in a commercial website and are actually encouraged to do so. You can even charge for it, nothing in the GPL prevents you from making money. Problems only really arise with the GPL if you want to incorporate it into a commercial application e.g. you were designing your own cms for sale to multiple clients but even then the probelms can usually be sorted out.

You can use MySQL and in fact you should. Basically just install a standard LAMP setup unless you have a burning desire to run lighty or litespeed etc.

1. The target attribute is not valid xhtml

2. Browser behaviour is the job of the behaviour layer i.e. javascript and not markup.

3. It deprives users of the choice. Some people might want links opened in the same window.

4. It causes accessibility problems as it is not the standard behaviour and kills the functionality of the back button.

5. It causes confusion to people surfing with IE maximized as they might not even realise a new window has opened (since it completely covers the window underneath).

Just to make sure its not some weird display problem, if you view the output source is stuff still missing.

Moved from Bug Reports.

Slightly longer answer. You can use it for whatever you like. The GPL only really becomes relevant if you want to distribute PunBB to others either on its own or more likely combined with your own software. Using PunBB on commercial sites is actually something we would like to see more of.

matt1298 wrote:

yes you can.

Admin > options > Reports, here you can select what type of way you get contacted, and what email

No, he wants to be notified of new posts not reports which is a totally different thing.

div.rss_box ul.rss_items li.rss_item {padding-bottom: 0.5em}

Like I said, use the id of the page
#somepage .rss-item {margin: whatever}

If that doesn't work, ramp up the specificity
div#punwrap div#somepage .rss-item {etc}

Without seeing the markup I can't be any more help because I dont know whether the news items are lists, paragraphs or what.

Assuming the custom page has an id then just use that to create a css declaration with a higher specificity.