(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

quaker wrote:

So, does anyone have a photo of this hat?
does it have feathers in it.. fruit, details.. please..?



No but I can confirm it was a standards compliant and fully accessible hat.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

He's going to pay somebody to eat the next one. Anybody short of cash.

The essential thing about a cms is that it permits content and possibly design to be changed and updated by the site owner as opposed to a static site where the designer probably has to be called in to do the updates. Any kind of site can be driven by a cms.

A portal doesn't have to be a cms. I've never quite understood why some sites are called portals and others not. The essential feature of a portal is probably that the content updates to reflect content on internal pages or even other web sites e.g. latest forum posts etc. That doesn't mean it has to be cms driven though or even dynamic. If you had nothing better to do with your time you could have a static portal manually updated.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

No because its nothing to do with the signature, its just empty space below the signature. It would look strange if the right block was a different height than the left block.

Moved. The feature works the way it was intended to. The fact is doesn't do the job you want effectively doesn't make it a bug.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't get the problem. Surely all you have to do is to take the smallest sized favicon you've come across and make the background image that size. That way its certain to be covered.


(124 replies, posted in News)

oliversl wrote:

I think its ok for the authors to do with the code what they think is the best, but I also think that when a FOSS project sells its copyright, there is room for the current copyright owner to start asking for development that will never go to the free project.

I know that development in punbb will never stop, but I'm afraid that in the coming months more and more energy will go to the closed source, because it is pay for.

Whose energy, certainly not mine, this is just a hobby. I for one wouldn't be in the least bit interested in working on a closed source version of PunBB.

Nowhere. We don't want bug reports at all at the moment.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

lie2815 wrote:

Here is the css for making it invisible for normal visitors but visible to screen readers. The links just need a css class like .invisible:

.invisible {
 position: absolute;
 left: -1000px;
 top: -1000px;
 width: 0;
 height: 0;
 overflow: hidden;
 display: inline;

Maybe you could change it???

They are not particularly for screen reader users, they are for anybody who has to navigate using the keyboard instead of a mouse.

I tend to think either you care about accessibility in which case you leave them or you don't care in which case better to just remove the relevant item from main.tpl.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You don't need to worry about database tables/schema etc. All you have to do is create an empty database, PunBB will do the rest when you run install.

If you want to run php/mysql on windows you would be much better using xamp or wamp which have one click installs and widgets for controlling everything.

No workaround, just get the css right. You don't say what the widths are, pixels, em's etc. The widths of the two floats add up to more than the width of the container so they are bound to wrap.

tpl files are just plain text files saved with a tpl extenstion. Any text editor including notepad can be used.

Probably the most useful microformat at the moment is hcard. By adding a few classes to a user profile a vcard can be extracted without any other coding if the user agent is able to do it. Firefox has extensions which will pull information straight out of a profile marked as an hcard and export it to Outlook as a vcard.

At the moment you are certain to find problems but they will probably be things already known about or things which are only problems because something isn't finished.  If you want to play with it go ahead but don't expect it to work properly and don't post bug reports.

Don't use 1.3. Its still in development so we are not offering any support at the moment.

The only problem with using pixels for the width settings is that if the text is risized the links will eventually collide. Would have been better to use em's.

With regard to putting the links in the same list item, the answer to spacing was to set a right/left margin on the <a>

A quick fix which should work is to give the floated items a width.  Try 8em to start with and then jugle it.

If you don't want to bother working around css problems the other very simple solution is to put both links in the same list item.

PunBB doesn't use tables for viewtopic. The markup is actually quite similar to phpbb3 only we did it first. You can do the whole thing with a few lines of css.

I don't quite get the reference to users being trapped. A responsible admin will comply with requests to remove an account. Wouldn't a safer solution be to have a system for automating removal requests. The user account could then be flagged and an admin plugin could automatically remove user accounts that have been flagged.


It only works in IE6 because of the min-max javascript file which is used to auto size images in IE6. IE6 doesn't actually support max-width.

#punwrap {
    max-width: 100px;
    margin: 12px auto;

max-width works just fine for me. You aren't expecting it to work in IE6 are you?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dreamweaver is a WYSIWYG css editor.

I don't really understand the question. If PunBB was the most appropriate for my purposes thats what I would use. If vBulletin was the most appropriate I would buy a licence.


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

MattF wrote:
Meowmeow wrote:

You should use "strong", not "b". I think you should learn XHTML 1.0 Strict more.

Unless I am mistaken, <b> is perfectly valid both in Xhtml 1.0 and 1.1. Strong is suggested as preferential, but not required.

It all depends on the semantics you are trying to achieve. If you want emphasis use an appropriately styled <em>. If you want strong emphasis use <strong>. If all you want is a purely decorative visual effect which is not intended to indicate any additional emphasis then use <b>. Since in this case the <b> is purely a hook for css its perfectly correct since it has no semantic meaning whatsoever and is the shortest available tag.