I'm back.

At the moment I have it set up as one css file which makes it easier for testing. Given the option I would use two, one structural and one cosmetic which would make it easy for people who just want to change color schemes, fonts etc and insulate the uninitiated from making a mess of things.

However, I see no reason why the structural stylesheet has to be common to all themes. I would prefer each theme to consist of two css files with links to both inserted by php. The stylesheets would be called something like oxygen_main and oxygen_theme. If somebody wants to alter something structural then they can do it directly in the _main stylesheet rather than using the cascade to override it. It also makes it easier to distribute complete skins and/or make an online skin generator. If you use a common stylesheet and rely on the cascade then making wholesale changes to structure will involve overriding large parts of the common stylesheet. The end result could be a cosmetic stylesheet which is as big and complicated as the common stylesheet.

Of course you could make things really interesting by making both the structural and cosmetic stylesheets selectable by the user. This means you could have say four structural stylesheets and 6 colour schemes each of which work with all of the structural stylesheets. This gives you a total of 24 possible themes from 10 files. A bit more complicated I know but the real advantage is it would make it easy to produce specialist/accessability skins e.g. large fonts, fixed width etc.

Now all I have to do is try to remember what I was doing before I left; three weeks in the sun has fried my brain.


(1,382 replies, posted in General discussion)


Nice Mod. There are two problems with using an underline to signify that a user is online. First, it is the generally accepted way of desingating a link so it is better not to use it to signify something else. Second, if somebody decides they want to underline all the links on their board it becomes useless.

Understood. I will email you the ftp details anyway. It's there if you want/need to use it.

Well I wouldn't object to you moving the whole thing until you get a new server organised but I suspect that it might be a lot of work for something temporary.

As a quick alternative what about at least uploading the mod files and then posting the links in a thread on this board.

Jansson wrote:

Well.. I don't really know what bamsefar is doing for the moment (he's hard to contact). I will change server, but theres at least 2 month to that. I hope you guys can wait that long. It's online most of the time at least.

But if anyone got any good suggestions on what to do until then, I'd happy to share them smile

I have set up a subdomain http://www.punres.post21.co.uk with ftp access and one mysql database. Its yours if you want somewhere to park punres. If you want it let me know and I will email you the ftp login etc.

Basically what I'm saying is I've got spare space on a commercial server and am quite willing to give the required level of access to Rickard and Cactuz if somebody can come up with a good idea. If you can find out what priviliges rsync requires let me know.

Rickard: one way of doing it would be to set up an online file manager and give the relevant people admin access that way at least it's a collaberative effort.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

See the last two posts of this thread

Rickard wrote:

I went to PunBB Resource to check if it was there, but lo and behold, it's down again. Cactuz and bamsefar, what are you doing?

Off topic but related. Do you think it would be a good idea to have a backup file store. Not a rival to Pun Resource but just an alternative download source. A simple page with a very brief description of the file and then a link. I could even register a domain e.g. punbbfiles.co.uk it it's a help.

Actually it was never on PunRes. I didn't update it after version 1.01 because nobody really seems interested. I will put a copy on a new link and email Maciek (he has already emailed me).

Forget the email. You can get it here

Check user permissions under Admin/Permissions
Try changing the post permissions for "all caps subject" to yes.

Being pedantic about it, as the phrase concerns permissions rather than abilities, it could be argued that the English version should be

You may post replies
You may not post replies

Sorry, I'm having an off topic kind of day.

If you want to introduce a graphic or some other online indicator, then line 228 of viewtopic.php is the place to look.

On the viewtopic page look down at the bottom left hand corner of the board and you will see mod/admin options which includes stick/unstick the topic you are viewing.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Rickard wrote:

True. It still troubles me though. There's only one thing that's worse than a bug and that's a bug that disappears by itself for no apparent reason big_smile

It never seemed to bother Bill Gates that much.


(21 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Php and mysql need to be installed by your host on their server. If they are not installed then there is very little you can do about it (unless you are paying them money). The first thing to do is find out whether php and mysql are available from your host. Do you know of any forums that are installed on your hosts servers and if so, which forum scripts are they using. As far as I am aware your host, free-webspace.biz does not provide php and mysql. If I'm right then you need a different host for your forum.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

The new post icon signifies messages posted since your last visited not messages that you have not read. The fact that you subsequently read them does not make any difference.

I did this and it worked fine

<td style="width: 65%"><textarea name="form[board_desc]" rows="5" cols="55"><?php echo pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_desc']) ?></textarea></td>

I think you misunderstood my reply. I was agreeing with you that one string would be better. What I was suggesting is that if you want to highlight parts of the string in bold tags they could be put in the language file. That way you get one string and at the same time you keep the option of formating parts of it.

Interesting. I wonder why this hasn't come up before. Perhaps somebody who has made a language pack, particularly in an Asian language, would like to comment. Having thought about it some more, if you are assembling a sentence from individual words or phrases in a particular order, isn't it bound to cause problems in translation.

One thing, it is possible (though not encouraged) to put mark-up in the language files. Adopting your solution and guessing at the Korean word order the entry in the language file would be
'Post replies you <strong>can</strong>'
The English version would be
'You <strong>can</strong> post replies'

I'm assuming you mean you want to be able to deal with the board description the same way you deal with the announcement box i.e. write html straight into a text box in admin/options which is then output as is to the screen. If so I think you need to look at lines 153 and 154 of admin_options.php and change it to a textarea. The bit that deals with the announcement is at line 448 if you want to use that as a guide.

Before doing this wait until somebody who knows more about the database end of PunBB posts just in case you need to adjust the field size/type to do this.

Very true John. The reason I did it that way is that in some colour schemes page numbers which are links will be difficult to see inside the header row. This way you can specify a different colour for the links as well.

SPAN.punpages A:link, SPAN.punpages A:visited {color:whatever}

Of course punhead could have been used for the same purpose but since this is a unique case I thought it better to have a unique class to deal with it. It also means you could specify a different colour for pages than the column labels which some people might like to do.


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I'm honoured and thrilled but could somebody please turn the lights back on.


(1 replies, posted in Feature requests)

You can inform the board Admin by using the "Report" option at the end of the topic you want to report.