Thanks for the update. Useful information.

I have no idea what an affliates box is, its not part of PunBB.

You can use bulleted lists anywhere you want. The stylesheet sets a default for no bullets but you can override it for any element on the board with an appropriate css declaration. Just give the lists in your rules an id and style them however you wish.

I just tried it. The answer is yes it does convert the urls to standard .htm files and all the links seem to work. Took about 20 seconds for a small forum. I think you need to set it to go 4 levels deep from the index page (or maybe 3 levels) and then just export it to a folder which you can burn to cd. The software even seems to have a burn to autorun cd option.

The urls are in the form "search.php@action=show_user&user_id=3.htm"

The only drawback of course is that searching doesn't work. I think if you just want an archive of posts to use as a knowledgebase then I would delete all the forms and other irrelevant stuff together with related menu items.

I tend to agree with pogenwurst. Forum functionality is really geared to organising topics with the details of posters being somewhat secondary and even, where guest posting is enbabled, totally irrelevant. When you think about it a forum will function perfectly without user profiles at all. Social Networking is a different thing alltogether with the system being centered around user identity. I'm not sure its a good idea to try and turn one into the other.

I haven't decided how it is going to be in 1.3 yet. I keep changing my mind.

The example given and the requested change is not really much better than it is now. The correct structure is the online status should simply be the final item on the list in postleft and postfootleft should be removed alltogether. The web and email links should then be moved to the footer menu because they are actually action links rather than information. That however causes real problems in IE if you try to position the online status at the bottom of the post using absolute positioning. It tends to bounce up and down like a yoyo and you also have to overcome the problem of needing to make postleft position: relative though that can be sorted.


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

This is getting a bit off topic. To clarify; I changed the description because most people seeing a topic entitled "Majour security issue" would assume it was some kind of exploit being reported and not a topic about spam prevention.


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I've edited the topic description because spam is not really a security issue, its a nuisance but it won't result in you being hacked.

The trouble with randomly generated images is that some human users can't read them because of some level of visual impairment. In fact, some can't be read even by human users with perfectly good eyesight.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

pogenwurst wrote:
simsportsworld wrote:

ok what about sorting the messages by the latest post rather than the time and date of the first post of each topic.  How is this done?

That's how PunBB sorts topics already, and it appears to be working fine on your forum.

The way PunBB sorts topics is pretty much standard for forums, and blogs for that matter. Putting the latest post first would move the topic to the end which kind of makes the thread meaningless. However, I think it is simply a matter of altering one of the queries and I'm sure somebody will be along in a minute to tell you how.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Because part of the script is targeted only at IE and thats the bit thats causing the problem. In fact, the javascript is completely pointless. All it does is text rollovers for the menu which could be done with css.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I've tested again. Fine in Firefox, Opera and Safari. In IE scrolling using the scrollbar is a little jerky. If I block javascript then everything works fine in IE.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

1. I don't see it on your forum either though the pages are take too long to load which can give the same impression if you try to scroll before the page is fully loaded. There are two reasons your pages loads slowly. First, you have 32kb of images, second, you don't seem to have file compression active on that server.

The file compression issue is the one to concentrate on as it would speed up the load of all the pages on your site and would also make the page loading much smoother in IE.

Bumped because I just deleted the spam in this thread and the replies to it.

Have you tried http://


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Please repeat in French. There are French members who can translate your question better than Google.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

And if its just IE users having a problem, take a look here


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Actually, to be really strictly accurate, the situation with   is a bit more complicated. Its valid html and should be valid xhtml. If you are serving xhtml as html then there should be no problem. If you are serving xhtml as xml then the xml parser may well only allow the 5 named entities which are valid xml. The reason for the problem is that an xml parser trying to parse xhtml would have to query the xhtml doctype to ascertain what entites were defined there. If it doesn't do that then it will only regard the allowed xml entities as valid. Since the approach is different from browser to browser it is safer to treat xhtml as if it were xml and only use the 5 named entities permitted by xml which are <, >, &, " and &apos. It should however be noted that &apos; it not valid html.

MattF is probably partly right about the validator. They recently updated it so it could check documents served as xml and it probably needs some fine tuning.

The short answer is if you treat xhtml as if it were xml and use numeric references then you will never have a problem. The alternative is to use utf-8 and enter the real character.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You seem to be missing the closing </div> for punbottom at the end of the template.

EDIT: you fixed it.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

main.tpl does stand for main template. You could have made it work without changing main.tpl but it involved some rather advanced css which would have needed a lot of tinkering to work properly. The problem is the style author didn't design the css to work with transparent backgrounds. Had he done so the css would have been different in the first place.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You didn't follow steps 1 and 3.  What I meant was you main.tpl file should now look like this

<div id="punwrap">
<div id="pun-inner">
<div id="pun<pun_page>" class="pun">

<div id="brdheader" class="block">
    <div class="box">
        <div id="brdtitle" class="inbox">





You then give the div with id="pun-inner" 30px bottom padding and set the bottom graphic as a background to that div with a position of bottom left and no-repeat.

The idea is that the side graphic is now inside the top and bottom graphics so there is no possibility of it overlapping them.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

a {margin-right: 10px}

You should also put an ordinary space between them as well. If you want fine grained control of the spacing then float them left which will collapse the white space and make the margin setting completely accurate. You will of course have to add appropriate css to clear the floats to make the container shrink wrap the links.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Strictly speaking   isn't valid xhtml. It only works because the browsers are error tolerant particularly when the page is not being served as xml. It should actually be  & # 160 ;

elbekko wrote:

Well, it's certainly possible. You can just copy the outputted source into an empty HTML file. If you include the CSS in the correct folder, it should work fine.

That will work fine. In fact its a good way of playing with the css on your own machine if you don't want to install a server. Only problem is if you want a complete copy e.g. all topics rather than just examples of each page it could get rather tedious.

header.php and footer.php are not being included.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

I would have thought that padding and margins would be sufficient for most purposes. Failing that text-indent. I don't see why doing it via css is a problem, its much less work than having to alter the markup. For example, most of those non breaking spaces inside table cells are completely pointless. Use four lines of css to adjust the padding of table cells and you are done. If you want all the cells to have the same padding then only one line of css.