(33 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

The output page seems to be using upper case for tag names and attributes which is wrong.


(33 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

There is supposed to be a space before the slash.


(33 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You have unclosed meta tags.


(17 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Fine, just don't make any modifications yourself, apply any extensions or spend any time playing with the stylesheet because updates might come along which will trash all your work.

Turn images into links and use the same bit of javascript that help links do to ensure they open in a new window.

It isn't necessary. The only reason for posting a long line of unbroken text is a text link in which case the code tags can be used.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

If it comes down to it jQuery gets my vote.

This is a beta stylesheet which will be completely changed by the time a release candidate comes along so I'm not going to be fixing individual problems in the meantime.

SuperMAG wrote:
Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

TO ALL: This is just a suggestion. The staff have not endorsed this. For all I know Paul has other plans for the default styles.

where did paul mensioned that ...

Consider it mentioned. There is no officially endorsed competition and my only plans for the official styles is to finish them and then take a very very long break.

Taimar wrote:
Paul wrote:

The only time  <b> or <i> would be appropriate is if you want bold or italic purely for random decoration which is somewhat pointless.

Why don't you write decorational-only styles via CSS?
It's better solution and doesn't require an extra element in HTML.

Generally you might but we are taking about markup not css. I still can't think of any good reason to make a few words in the middle of a sentence bold or italic othrer than to give than to suggest they are somehow different from the surrounding text.

I have considered it. Most of the time the reason for making something bold or italic is to emphasize it or at least set it apart from the surronding text. That means semantically an em or strong tag is appropriate. The only time  <b> or <i> would be appropriate is if you want bold or italic purely for random decoration which is somewhat pointless.  However, I agree that the best thing would be to have strong and em bbcode tags as well which would cover all possibilities.

While we are at it, I woulld also like a [del] tag for strikethrough text and an [ins] tag to go with it.

What makes you think official styles have to be graphics free?

If you mean we can delete all that image type/size fetching stuff from profile and viewtopic then I'm all for it.

I don't get it. The proper html code for an avatar is an img tag. What else is needed?

Not a bug, its intentional because the bottom is supposed to be a mirror of the top. However, I can see it might cause confusion/problems so I will get rid of it.

The trouble with this one is which way is better depends on the number and type of extensions. If somebody adds a couple of major extensions then the best way is probably extra submenu items. If somebody adds two or three extensions with a few options each then the best way is new sections on the settings page. If somebody adds a mixed bag of 20 extensions then it might be cleaner to manage the extensions seperately from the rest of the admin interface. The short answer is there is no right answer.

We have a long established tradition of not doing comparison threads.

That is the font-family for the Oxygen theme. There aren't any others except the monspace font for code/pre.

Please don't go fixing things in profile. I made some quite major alterations and I keep getting collisions.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

I just noticed the change. I will be reverting it to GMT in any forum I run. What the hell is UTC, never heard of it.

Your other pages have no doctype so are being rendered in quirks mode. PunBB pages are xhtml strict so are being rendered in standards compliant mode. Plus a lot of your code isn't standards compliant in the first place.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

.png should work fine in IE6 providing you use index transparency not alpha transparency. Its easy to do with Fireworks though I've never tried with any other software.

What if you want to use the "Check all" option to toggle say 25 checkboxes on and then uncheck a couple of them.  In some ways I have the feeling that the alternative where javascript is disabled is to not have any trace of a check all option. That fits in with progressive enhancement practice since its a non essential convenience feature which you only get if you allow js. The absence of check all where js is disabled just leaves users in the same position they are in now having to manually check all checkboxes.

Actually DEFCON 1 still persists. I'm the markup/css designer and I'm contemplating shoving the moderator controls to the left. So much for definitive answers smile

DavidONE wrote:

FFS.  What a dim argument - "if you don't like it, change it yourself".  Is that how applications are improved?  Is this forum not for discussing how PunBB *might* be improved?

You missed the point. The markup was written with flexibility in mind. The idea is that there is no default which is one of the main reasons for using css for positioning as well as for cosmetics. That way you end up with the forum you want rather than the forum somebody else thought you should have. This forum is indeed for discussing how PunBB could be improved but anything that is controlled solely by the stylesheet is not PunBB, its just that particular style. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with your suggestions and that is the whole point, there is nothing to disagree about because both are possible.

To illustrate the point. I could create a style based on the heatmap results and call it heatmap.css. That style could be bundled with the download package and be officially supported just like Oxygen.css. Which would you then regard as the PunBB default layout?