
(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Personally I would cheat. If you don't need the the members "Location" which might be the case for a school you could use that. Just change the relevant entries in the language files. By using an existing field and just renaming the output you avoid making any major changes.

In lang_profile.php change "Location" to point to the word "Class" and in lang_topic.php change "From" to point to the word "Class"

Except, if somebody has little knowledge and little time and doesn't want all the functionality they are going to find it harder to use because they have to wade through all the stuff they don't want.

Question is why would guests need to see emails. If they are that desperate to contact somebody they can register.


(14 replies, posted in Programming)

I have to be honest. I have never looked in a log file but thats probably because I'm not running my own server. Maybe I should have a quick peek.

Rickard: You have email and a message at the other place.


(14 replies, posted in Programming)

This is what he says, and its news to me

"Favicons are definitely not critical. However, if they are not present, they can cause 404 errors in your logs (site statistics). Browsers like IE will request them from the server when a site is bookmarked. If a favicon isn't available, a 404 error may be generated. Therefore, having a favicon could cut down on favicon specific 404 errors. The same is true of a 'robots.txt' file. "

I think worrying about the contents of ones log file is probably taking things a bit far. I don't like them much either.

Myran wrote:

Change font-size to larger and the column to the right will move to the bottom of the page.

Which it does in IE5 at medium size.

hcgtv: now you know why 1.2 is taking so long. Thou toils all night and in the light of day it rendereth funky.


(14 replies, posted in Programming)

For those using XHTML/CSS this is a useful checklist

While you are at it take a look at the "Presentations" section on the same site for a lot of useful tutorials/articles

Rod wrote:

Try this for your 3 columns, really better
http://webhost.bridgew.edu/etribou/layo … index.html

Thats a nice layout if you need three variable content columns with three full height different colours. There are much simpler layouts if the background is all one colour (white in this case.). All it needs is fixed width right and left floats with equivelent right and left margins on the content column; unless of course you want source ordered columns.

hcgtv wrote:

Well after a late night coding session between myself and a fellow Nucleus developer, we have a skin to show as proof of concept.

Tested in Firefox 0.9.3, 1.0pr and IE 6 on WinXP. Fellow Mac users, let me know if there are any issues.

The PunBB cloned skin: http://hcgtv.org

You are using Douglas Livingstones negative margin technique. I tried this with viewtopic.php for PunBB 1.2 and found it suffers from a fatal flaw in internet explorer.  Try dragging the browser width and watch the left column.

Other than that, really cool.

Could file upload functionality be faked. What I mean is have an entirely seperate file upload script which looks and feels like PunBB and even shares the styles and login. It would have it's own admin system which would be linked to via a menu item in PunBB admin. This script then gets linked to via redirect forums in an upload category on the index page. Done properly it could be made to appear as if there were internal upload forums when in fact it was an entirely different application.

I know thats actually a lot more code but I figure a lightweight forum plus a lightweight file upload script is better and faster than trying to combine all sorts of functionality into one script even if there is a lot of duplication between them.

On the code highlighting thing, there are alternatives to textarea which are really more like mini text editiors. Take a look at this http://www.interactivetools.com/products/htmlarea/
Such a system would bloat the code and degrade performance. However, there is nothing wrong with somebody creating a modded version of post.php/edit.php to use an advanced editor (I say this from a position of total ignorance when it comes to php).


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Another example would be if you were running two forums, say in two different languages, you can use the redirect to link them.


(26 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Just to cheer you up. I know you have already seen this

That works. It's tableless but the way index and viewforum are designed tables wouldn't be appropriate. IMHO if you want a tableless design thats the way to go.

Some of the user permissions stuff is making it into v1.2. (at least it was last time I looked at the to do list)

I don't get the highlighting bbcode. If you mean highlighting it as your writing how are you going to get a textarea to cooperate with that? Or were you thinking of replacing a textarea with something more flashy?


(26 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Rod wrote:

See the great stuff realized

Code is properly, dedrages well ... no ?

Actually I think it's awful.

1. How do you associate headers with data cells so they can be understood by screen reading devices. Basically it would fail most accessibility standards. You can see this if you view it with stylesheets turned off.

2. It's fixed width. I am willing to bet it would be a right mess if it were fluid width.

3. It's not semantically correct. Semantic markup is far more important than getting rid of tables.

4. There is no advantage in it. The markup for a table would be about the same and the page would take the same length of time to load.

5. It doesn't work very well in IE 5.

I've got nothing against a totally tableless bbs system but if you go that way you really have to change the design totally to do it. The only ones I have seen are actually rather more difficult to use than the traditional tabled designs.


(26 replies, posted in Feature requests)


There is a common misunderstanding that tableless design means no tables. It doesn't. It means not using tables for page layout. The most important thing is to use the right tag for the job. When displaying tabular data in a tabular format the correct tag is <table>.

Replacing correctly marked up and semantically correct data tables with a semantically inncorrect mess of lists is extremely bad design and contravenes the W3C guidelines. You can do it with divs but thats even worse because the divs have no semantic meaning at all. That means putting content in <p>'s so now you have a lot of paragraphs displayed next to each with headings over each so you still have a table; you've just created it using all the wrong tags and whats more you can't make it accessible to screenreaders etc.

If you want a completely table free design that would involve redesigning index and viewforum to display data in something other than a tabular format. Since the tabular format is the most usable you would be a swapping a usable design for a less usable one. Again thats just bad design.

BTW: all is not possible with display:inline. It's fine on a fixed width layout but can wrap very badly with a fluid width design.

I would certainly wait for 1.2 unless you have a burning desire to do everything twice smile


(26 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Incidentally, PunBB 1.2 will validate as XHTML 1.1 save for the use of named achors which would have to be replaced with id's and then dynamic id's would have to be renamed so as not to start with a digit e.g. post numbers in viewtopic.


(26 replies, posted in Feature requests)

The next version is 1.0 Strict not 1.1. I'm not sure I would call XHTML 1.1 basic. I thought the core module was equivelant to 1.0 strict.

On the CSS side PunBB 1.2 uses enough id's for you to select just about any element on the board with descendant selectors so, for example, you could use #vf .tc3 {display: none} to remove the replies column on the viewforum page..

Incidentally, if it were XHTML 1.1 that would allow the use of target="_blank" for people who think it important. You just incorporate the 1.1 targets module and write you own doctype. That though is probably using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.

One problem though with a modular approach is to work properly it would almost certainly require templating. There is a limit to what you can do with css. If you go the display:none route it means the markup still gets output, it just doesn't get displayed. The result is oversized pages with a lot of redundant markup.


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

ShawnBrown wrote:

Right now, the "Open links in new window" setting adds target="_blank" attributes in the code  but that won't validate as Strict.

I'm curious: if v1.2 is going to be XHTML Strict, how will "Open links in new window" be implemented?

(I have a JavaScript add-on at my site for this and so I'm interested in how others are doing it.)

Hi Shawn and welcome.

A very simple solution to problem has been implemented; the option to open links in a new window has been removed smile

In those cases where the functionality of target="_blank" is really needed like bbcode help then a bit of inline javascript has been used.


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Myran wrote:

Its a rip-off of hdiffs layout and colors, layout-wise i am not sure what could be changed since that is pretty much how it should be..  the colors are easily changed in the css at the top of the page

I think I would do the same layout but do all the formatting e.g. borders, padding, cell widths with CSS. That leaves nothing in the markup apart from the table structure and makes it easier to come up with a print specific layout.

Gizzmo wrote:

did you try with my way, cuz im not havein a probem my way

Yes. I tried exactly as per your instructions. Looking at it there is no reason I can think of for it not to work.

Just tested it. Everything works perfectly here.

Wouldn't this be better

// Generate the "navigator" that appears at the top of every page
function generate_navlinks()
    global $pun_config, $lang_common, $cookie, $cur_user;

    // Home and Userlist should always be displayed
    $links[] = '<a href="index.php">'.$lang_common['Home'].'</a> | <a href="userlist.php">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a> | <a href="calendar.php">Calendar</a>';


(300 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yann wrote:

Paul: maybe because some people are parsing each page of their website in xslt to add templates (header, menu, footer), and because that only works with valid xhtml? big_smile

Congratulations. That is a valid reason.

Do a search. There are a number of threads on this already.