im checking everything now with the host.

wait, its about 5 hours off

the time is correct, it just says the day wrong.

i set it to -8 and its still reporting time wrong.

it is set to 00 GMT


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

there is!?!?!?!?!?!?! *looks*

itsd not a timezone problem, as i have it set to -08 PST. as i live in washington state.

and the post thing doesn't seem to be resolved either. it was but now its not.

odd: now i ahve registered on monday and my others admins ahve registered today and some other users registered yesterday? im going to have to contact them and ask if they have this error.

it seems to be the same problem, but it is in a dif part, im not as worried about it as the post date thing, but its annoying because ti says i registered today, it says one of my admins did too but she registered the day i did.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

you need to go into php my admin and mess with the maintnance tables, i have had to do this twice o.o;;

on my forums, it says i registered today, which is wrong because i registered first as i was the first person.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

yay the 2nd one to register, can you post now XD

uhm, this problem seems to be fixed, i washed out my comp from all the cookies and such and it works right now.

yes i do. washington state

this forum has the same problem.

i have noticed that when i post today it says it was posted yesterday.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off) is running pun mb, i have edited the apearence a bit. please visit...and register big_smile

cool, thanks for replying

i tried to add banner advertisement in the main.tpl file but i could not. i had to open up header.php and place it where i did not want it. do you think you can include this option in future versions?

" 'webhotel' is not a valid database type. Please check settings in config.php" make sure your config file has correct names.