(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok people...

Which would you choose and why?

If anyone knows a good site with detailed information for choosing either one it would be appreciated.

I understand that it may depend on what you want to run on it... but still would be interested in your thoughts.

Depends if you change the style in


I am guessing that if you change it in user:style then it will use the default_style if it cannot find the one you requested.

Many thanks

druvans wrote:


if you run into any issues with it, let me know

Will do...

Will try it out tonight. Its a good feature, surprised I had not found it before. Any reason its not on punres.org? (Apologies if it is and I missed it)

Anyway thanks again mate.


(0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


Anything wrong with using this? and if not... why does it not put <CR> in my source code...

Any easy way for this...


Can I make it so that the above will include members?

So that not only group id 3 will be used but also 4.

I know I can add a || but was hoping to do it this way as my code is based around the is_guest.

Thanks people.

Oh yeah! It may be damn easy, but I am at work and cant go looking through code... sad So would be appreciated. Thanks again.


Can you make this available again please?


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)


    <div class="block">
        <h2><span>Latest news</span></h2>
                <div class="box">
<div class="inbox">
                    <pun_include "active_topics.php">

Added a 'inbox' div. Should sort it for you.

Thanks for quick reply...

Will test it on my forum... Can always take it away if I get complaints. wink

Anyone have this kicking about? Link for download not working anymore.

Any difference in speed with this???

Elzar wrote:

www.photographytalk.net uses a 'Similar Threads' feature, you'd have to ask them how they did it.

I couldnt find it on the site? being used not the script.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Free bump... what...

Oh yeah... wink

Paul wrote:

Almost right. The green part is also the left border of postleft.

Cheers Paul... wink

Can you comment here please paul... cheers.

but anyone can comment.. wink
How do you test 1.3? in the sense of it working in many browsers? other than installing many browsers?

Any info would help...
I ask because I have changed the way the viewtopic.php shows the post completely but want to be sure that it would look the same in the vast majority of browsers. It works fine in my IE and FF.... but maybe not everything.


Ok... the post is made out of the following...

The red is 'H2' be careful when changing this as it will change everything that uses H2, which is nearly every page.

The geeen top half is 'postleft' and  the bottom half is 'postfootleft'. I say half, but the postfootleft only contains the Offline/Online bit.

The white top half is 'postright' and  the bottom half is 'postfootright'.

Does that make sense??


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Check out PunRes projects... I am pretty sure they have a pre-installed avatar selection mod. Check it out.

These may help...
Pre-installed Avatar Gallery
CPG avatar gallery

Rickard wrote:

Thanks. This might be fixed in 1.3 already, but I'll make a note of it to make sure.

You make 1.3 sound close.... or would that just be me. wink


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Erm... But you have one post. How do you mean 'my forums are usually well-rounded and pretty much cover everything'?

I think of it from a personal point of view. What keeps me going back to certain sites......

For me...
Simple Navigation
oh and good content.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Erm... no.

IE looks fine, mozilla looks ok... Opera dont have a clue.

Will check these later for ya. Me finish work now... wink

The div 'right' that you have in main.tpl needs to be renamed to 'punright' then you need to create the CSS for that.

So something like

#punright {float: right; width: 635px; border: solid 1px #ffffff;}

Stop right now....

Put it back to what it was.... sad

and if your thinking why... check your home page.

I know the answer but hard to explain.

<!-- Wordpress Template Footer -->

    <div class="clear"></div>

Delete the last </div> its not supposed to be there...


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Much better...

Even makes the bottom look better... wink