Take this out for starters...

<div id="left">    

The 'left' div is used twice.

A guess... is that you havent set your footer up properly. Maybe posting your main.tpl will help. But I cant promise anything... Plus this wont fix all aspects of it.

I dont think this is 100% CSS.
Code problem as well....

Sorry... I dont really like playing with others code...


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

No problem.. Found the same bug on mine lol
So thanx as well.

FIXED! I have updated WIKI.

Its a problem with the $rank_pips variable not clearing. Fix below and here...

Move this line

       $rank_pips = "";

to after this section of code in viewtopic.php

    $user_avatar = '';
    $user_info = array();
    $user_contacts = array();
    $post_actions = array();
    $is_online = '';
    $signature = '';

Good luck!


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Here is changed version...

    $user_avatar = '';
    $user_info = array();
    $user_contacts = array();
    $post_actions = array();
    $is_online = '';
    $signature = '';
    $rank_pips = "";

    // If the poster is a registered user.
    if ($cur_post['poster_id'] > 1)
        if($cur_post['num_posts'] > 1000) { $num_pips = 10; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 600) { $num_pips = 9; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 450) { $num_pips = 8; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 300) { $num_pips = 7; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 225) { $num_pips = 6; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 150) { $num_pips = 5; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 100) { $num_pips = 4; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 65) { $num_pips = 3; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 25) { $num_pips = 2; }
        elseif($cur_post['num_posts'] > 0)  { $num_pips = 1; }

        for($pip=0; $pip<$num_pips; $pip++) {
            $rank_pips .= '<img src="img/guiStar.png" alt="" />';
        $username = '<a href="profile.php?id='.$cur_post['poster_id'].'">'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_post['username']).'</a>';


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Erm... Common sense factor.

The variable is not clearing.... So that means the guest post will have the same amount of pips as the post above.

I would probably say that your if statement is not closed properly... or the

 for($pip=0; $pip<$num_pips; $pip++) { etc

is not in the if statement.

Make sense...


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Powered by who


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Jansson wrote:

vaporware wink

Good to know. And I agree.... just to stir it a bit more.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nice wink

Baghdad was named the least livable city.

Erm.... Really.


(29 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very nice...

I am currently working on something very simliar to this.

So what is different from your code and the code in that link?? then you will find the problem.

That download does exactly what you want and works great. I use a modified version on my site.

The link I gave you orignally


is exactly what your looking for but done properly. If it is not exact then you can change it slightly to your needs.

I commented on your code for your benefit, not to completely fix it.

Dont understand what your trying to accomplish.... But your problaby better off checking this out and see how it works.

Also.... I am not the best coder in the world by far. But one thing I learnt early on is to close my tags. You have 3 open font tags, and also bold tags.

Plus use ' inbetween your quotes instead of \" less confusing.
For example...

echo " <a href='forum/login.php'><font face='arial' color='white'><b><u>Login</u></b></a>";

Plus you have brackets round your second echo statement which is not needed.

Sorry to pick again... but also instead of using

if($pun_user['username'] == "Guest")

use this

if ($pun_user['is_guest'])

It works fine on my site when the code is fixed... Both home page and forum.

Good luck... and hope you learn some things when fixing it wink smile


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

dharmil wrote:



Do you know that you have a problem with your categorys that close and open. They dont sit right....


(109 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hows it coming along?

Gizzmo wrote:

ill transfer most of my mods over.


calendar first.



(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Ok my next question would be... how do I parse it and not restrict the amount of characters? So that would not make a difference. smile


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

So whats the difference between a search page and a normal viewtopic page?
I think I am missing something here.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Sorry... what do you mean by 'output is limited'?

Can I not just parse the colours and links?
Thanks in advance.

Always good to put in suggestions though... So fair play to you... smile

As for the english... mine is worse... and I am english. lol


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Am I missing something...

When I search for posts (NOT Topics) it does not parse the BBCode in the posts. Is their any particular reasons for this? Thanks.

This is a guess....
But I think he means instead of refreshing the whole page of chat just to refresh the new chat messages. Which I doubt would be possible.....

Cheers will have a look at this over the weekend.

Next question... What you working on next wink ?