2 2003-09-23 20:30
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
Now for version 2, configure it through admin, name the graphics files anythng you like, upload graphics files just like avatars
an I really do that trough admin? I dont have anything new on admin/ranking sektion!
Maybe uploaded the files incorrect, or something!
3 2003-09-22 22:28
Re: Om att använda delar av kod till egna projekt (2 replies, posted in Archive)
Han kommer antagligen lyncha dej, efter det så kommer han antagligen anlita en skruppelfri advokat, som kommer att få dej att betala 200 mille dollar i skadestånd...
äh, jag skoja!
om jag ska vara ärlig, så tror jag att det hela verkar OK så länge du ger Kennel all ära!
4 2003-09-22 22:24
Re: Smiley Set (25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Evil Fish wrote:
I'll do it for you
hows this?
Wow, i just got to tell to the smilie...
"you have been X'ed"
5 2003-09-22 22:19
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
Hey ps21!
Man, I just wanted to thankyou, u have done a great job helping me and everyone else! (im sure there are more people downloading ure mod than the people posting in this thread)
So I think I speak for everyone, when I say, dude, ure a skilled muthaf**!
thanks m8, apreciate ure help!
ps. Kennel, this should be included in ure next version of a forum (if there will be a new version that is)
its an awesome mod for an awesome forum!
6 2003-09-21 12:29
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
Oh yeah!
That looks even better!
7 2003-09-20 17:03
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
H**l yeah, that would sure spice things up!
Let me know if you are gonna work on it, maybe even a sneak peek at ure test forum later, lol!
great, really great!
8 2003-09-20 09:18
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
fly wrote:
i need this fix? can someone send me the new file?
Done m8!
And for ps21, m8, im gonna make ya dissapointed now, but i accidentally replaced the new zipfile (the updated one), and if it is possible just to change ranking.php back to as it was before the update!
(would like to have both versions, but only if it is possible,a dn u have the time)
But im happy happy, lol
thx for a great mod, im happy to get you're kind of help!
talk to ya later!
9 2003-09-20 01:43
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
OK. Fixed it. Download the zip again. The only file you have to replace is ranking.php.
...the file is no' working "carnal"...
10 2003-09-20 01:33
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
Oh, yeah, sorry m8!
I meant, the custom title, if i have the admin pic, and go to profile, and enter lets say "god", that wont appear, ok i got that!
But are the other members abel to put a name in custom title, besides having a rank-pic?
As i said before, i think its ok as it is!
By the way, heres the link: http://www.the-saint.se/forum/index.php
(its in swedish tho, but you'll notice the pics 'n stuff, i changed ure admin pic to 3 red stars, and mod to 2 red stars)
Anyway, about the admin img, its proportions is 126 pix wide, but can i cut it down to less?
11 2003-09-20 00:15
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
Man, im stunned!
The forum looks so much better with this!
The title dissapears tho, but this is a minor problem! It will sure be fixed somehow in the future!
For now, im freakin happy about showing some stars, lol!
12 2003-09-19 05:27
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
If you haven't edited your common.php or viewtopic.php files then I could just sent you the modified files. Let me know.
Nah, I have left the forum as it is, since its pretty good as it is!
So if u want to send me the files, then they are more than welcome.
I took a peek at ure testforum, and it looks really really nice!
This is exactly what I have in mind, and you made it even better, since you added different images for moderator, admin, member!
Cant wait to test it out!
talk to ya later!
13 2003-09-18 21:24
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
Wow, everything looks nicer, with the stars!
Its easier to keep track of who is active and who's not!
Nice work ps21, really nice!
Is it complicated? it doesent seem to mess up the tabels or anything like that!
I think 5 or 6 stars should do it! if i need higher rankings, the i just swap the original stars with lets say a "red" star!
And for the admin, maybe like a crown, or something!
I guess its not a problem since basically its just plain and simple images, so it could be a star or a crown, whatever, as long as its 12x12 pix!
14 2003-09-18 10:22
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
You should replace my test graphics with your own though if you want to it look good.
Why? my idea was to have little stars, but if u look closely, your test pics, look almost like a star...almost... lol
*kidding m8*
Sure, no problemo!
Ill wait patiently!
15 2003-09-18 07:00
Re: About RANKINGS (46 replies, posted in Programming)
Well, the example ps21 did is just EXACTLY what i am looking for!!
(i assume u got my "more detailed" mail, lol)
How do i incorporate these images in the rankings?