Ok...I have yet to read this whole post, but I have a question.  Maybe this will be worked and updated in 1.3 or something. If so, that's great and it's just yet another reason why 1.3 needs to come out big_smile

Currently, it's a real pain in the ass trying to delete messages out of the inbox or sent items. You have to click on the message, hit delete and then hit delete a second time before it's gone. Anyone hacked it up to make check boxes and a delete all checked button or anything similar to that? Is this something that will be changed in 1.3?

So are there any guides or helpful things someone could point me too if I wanted to add more boxes?  I've looked at some of the other miniportal systems and I like them, but they have more options for more boxes and content/information to display on the portal page. I really like how easy this one is to setup and get going...but I wish there were more options or something to code in.

Thanks...worked like a charm.

Will that work?  I wasn't sure...I will need to make two changes to it for my mods...but I'll try that after I get my boys to bed.  Thanks...I'll let you know if it worked.

What would the odds be of taking the header.php file out of a fresh punbb download and then modding it with the changes made from the Private Messaging and Mark as Read mods...

Do you all think that would work?

I was looking at this little mod here: PunBB News System

I goofed up and accidentally uploaded the header.php before I could make a backup of my current header.php file.  I have already done some mods...how would you suggest I go about getting my header.php back in working order?

The mods I have installed are:
Private Messaging (ConnorHD)
PunArcade Mod
Mark as Read 1.1.3 (most recent version)
BBCode easy

As far as I remember/tell, those are the only mods installed.  I haven't noticed any issues really with my forums not working or something...but I would like my board description to come back.

Any help or ideas?

Ugh...I uploaded the header.php on accident before I saved the original header.php...

How can I restore my original header.php so it will display my board description properly again?

hhmm...frustrating to say the least. Specially since I have already modded the header.php once or twice.

Anyone have any ideas?

Mr Puto wrote:

Thats because you have to add it to: lang/YOURLANGUAGE/common.php

hhmm...mind explaining that one just a bit more for php impaired? wink

Sweet!  Just what I was looking for...amazing how some things can be so easy yet so hard to see.  Bleh smile

At top of these forums it says, "PunBB.org Forums" and it has the little motto below it. I've seen some PunBB sites that do not have that and instead there is an image. How would one go about that?

Did someone make a mod to do it for them or are they just coding it in to one of the php files?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Looks like a nice site to me.  I can say though that you have some text bleeding issues in FireFox 1.5 as well. Your subscribe and Unsubscribe buttons are also off. Other than that though, it looks pretty sharp.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Question...but that mp3player you have on there...how did you do that???


(52 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

CableGuy wrote:

Check out the Smilie section of the pogenwurst FAQ.
How do I ?..

Thank to FredrikK for the excellent smilie collection!


I have a question here, but I followed the Pogenwurst FAQ and installed the Easy Smilies mod. It allows you to add in any smiley you want...which is awesome.

I want to add in the smiles that are in this pack, but I have one question. Where can I find the "logic" behind it?  You know...you type in this little colon - parenthesis and it displays the happy face smiley. Is there anywhere that lists what someone is supposed to type in to list each of those smilies?  I didn't install the parser.php file that is in the smiley pack because the Easy Smilies mod changes it from the parser to the database which is awesome, but I need to know what the specific thing is to type in to make it display the smilies...

Did that make sense?

Well, just as a side note in case anybody else tries this or wonders if it will work...but it did.  I changed the install_mod file to reflect the most current version of PunBB and ran through the mod installation.

Everything seems to be working fine after some testing this morning.  This topic can be closed unless someone else needs it.

If it's alright, I do have a quick question.  The install file for this mod is....interesting to say the least.

Most install files will tell you to find a specific line and tell you what text you are looking for. The very first line to look for in this install file reads like this:

#---------[ 4. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------------


#---------[ 5. FIND (line: 176) ]---------------------------------------------


#---------[ 6. BEFORE, ADD ]--------------------------------------------------

    else if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'viewforum.php')
        $tpl_temp .= '</ul>'."\n\t\t\t".'<p class="conr"><a href="misc.php?action=markforumread&id='.$id.'">'.$lang_common['Mark forum as read'].'</a></p>'."\n\t\t\t".'<div class="clearer"></div>'."\n\t\t".'</div>';


That's great, but line 176 is supposed to just read, "else"?  There's a lot of places that could just say else.  My line 176 does not say else...line 173 does, but without any other clues as to what text this is supposed to go in front of, it does not help much. Just like elbekko said, some of line numbers will be different.

I'm not a php guru so I am a little hesitant to start dropping this code in and seeing what happens. I guess I shouldn't worry too much about it though and just try it out...but you all know what it's like to have mistakes happen and lose information on accident.

elbekko wrote:

I will most likely work, although line numbers could be different wink

Just add '1.2.12' in the versions array in install_mod.php smile

It should most likely work....alright smile   I don't have time to try and install it right now, but I will tonight or tomorrow and post back if it did or not. I'm just crossing my fingers and make my database backups before I do anything.

I've asked this on the Pun/Res forums and have not received much of a response...but here is my question.

I have PunBB 1.2.12 installed. When you try to run the install_mod.php file for the Mark as Read mod, it tells me that I have to be running PunBB 1.2.5.

According to everything I can see....1.2.12 is the most recent version of punbb. Exactly what is 1.2.5?
Can I use the AP Changer plugin and just change my punbb version long enough to install this mod?  If I do this...will the mod even work correctly?
I read somewhere else that you can change the version in the install_mod.php file. Easy enough, but I have the same questions. If I get it to install and do what it's supposed to do, will it work on my current install of 1.2.12 (the most recent version)?

I just need to know if I am going to have any problems after I install this mod to my site.

Thank you in advance guys.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I keep seeing these cool front page mods or what not...but I don't know how to do it.  I'm not a php guru by any means so if it does require some straight coding, then I got some work to do.  But is there a mod or something somewhere that adds the front page part?

Sweet.  Thanks guys.

This isn't really a troubleshooting things persay, but I can't figure out where to change this.

Currently, any links inside a punbb forum open the link in the current window.  I want them to open in a seperate window.  Where can I make this change?


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Paul wrote:

Why on earth would you want somebody to be able to post topics and then not see the replies to them. That defeats the whole purpose of the forum.

I know you're a mod and all...but read the first post.  He gives a good explanation as to why he would want this in the first post.

It's certainly not anything that should be weighed heavily in the next PunBB release...but it is a viable question.

I don't think anyone has done it before. From what I can tell, many have tried, but it just never works properly. I'm not technical enough to tell you why, but I wish there was a way to do it as I use Drupal for my websites and I love working in it.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I like some of things you have done here...

So those modifications you listed can be found in the module sections I am guessing?  I really do like how you did that...I could escape a CMS with something like that.

Rickard wrote:

What I mean by "proper" mark as read functionality is that when you read a topic that has been posted to since your last visit, it will no longer be marked as containing new posts (for that session!). It does not mean that you're "unread" topics are marked as such forever. I can't really think of a situation where you want to save that data for that long. When you are away from a forum for some time and then come back, you're interested in which topics have been posted to. You're not interested in which topics had been posted to the last time you were there.

In short. The only difference between the way it works now and the way it will work in 1.3 is that in 1.3, when you read a topic that was marked as containing "new posts", that indicator will turn off.

There is to my knowledge no fast and elegant way of implementing a long term read/unread posts marking system. Thus, it won't be in PunBB.

Really, that's about the only thing I can think of or want to add to PunBB.  I'm very pleased with the way everything else works except for the way it handles "Mark as Read".  If I can log in to a forum, see the new stuff since the last time I was there and as I read that post, it then gets marked as read, then you got me very excited indeed.

Personally, I do and have used it.  I'm used to it because at work we use Microsoft Outlook. When you are done with the email, just hit Alt-S and it sends automatically...don't have to touch the mouse.  Pretty nice and I've transferred it over to PunBB boards as well.

With that said, I really wouldn't miss it too much. A tab or tab - tab can often get you to the submit button and then you just hit enter. Still not touching the mouse.