:: Information and features
Highlights Newpost link if there is are some new posts using jQuery.
:: Dependencies
- pun_jquery
:: Screenshoots
:: Download
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/82283017/punbb … ost_hl.zip
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Kushi
:: Information and features
Highlights Newpost link if there is are some new posts using jQuery.
:: Dependencies
- pun_jquery
:: Screenshoots
:: Download
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/82283017/punbb … ost_hl.zip
Hello, I've got this on my mind. I'll fix all errors which I have got written somewhere and add Midnight support to my popular extensions ASAP. Maybe next weekend.
Btw. version 0.8 relased.
- added Hydrogen support
- abandoned Roboto support ( it has been loading too long on EDGE ).
Please, search here until I'll make some download page.
Please, search here until I'll make some download page.
Please, search here until I'll make some download page.
Copy the Oxygen folder in your /style/, name it eg. Mytheme.
Next rename files Oxygen.php and Oxygen.min.css, to eg. Mytheme.php and Mytheme.min.css.
Now You should have structure like this
Last thing, you have to edit Mytheme.php
$forum_loader->add_css($base_url.'/style/Oxygen/Oxygen.min.css', array('type' => 'url', 'group' => FORUM_CSS_GROUP_SYSTEM, 'media' => 'screen'));
$forum_loader->add_css($base_url.'/style/Mytheme/Mytheme.min.css', array('type' => 'url', 'group' => FORUM_CSS_GROUP_SYSTEM, 'media' => 'screen'));
Now you can choose Mytheme in your profile as your style. Last thing is to edit CSS of course .
Just put to extensions and turn it on in administration panel ;-).
It has been told many times before, images can be turned on by user in profile > settings.
Version 0.65 released
- fixed newpost error
- many CSS fixes
- support Urban and Hydrogen added
- changed icons
- added hiding addressbar javascript
- hi resolution font 'Roboto' added
See screenshoots in the first post, or visit http://kushithemes.t15.org using mobile device.
Whoa, didn't know there's such nice extension. Therefore I abandon mine.
Known issues, should be fixed by tomorrow:
Moderate topic/forum background has to be changed.
Turned off extensions in administration panel background has to be changed.
Posts font color should be #c8c8c8
Theme Midnight, ver. 1.5
Finally fixed Midnight with few restyled elements!
I've used Iconic icon set ( under CC license ).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
login: Midnight
password: demo
Well, strange idea, and I have no idea how to make extension for that. But you can edit around line 567 in viewtopic.php
<div class="entry-content">
<?php echo implode("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t", $forum_page['message'])."\n" ?>
<div class="entry-content"><span class="group_color_<?php echo $cur_post['g_id']; ?>">
<?php echo implode("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t", $forum_page['message'])."\n" ?>
colors of post would be the same as You set in pun_colored_usergroups.
Project abandoned.
v0.6 integrates with pun_colored_usergroups editing CSS is needless.
:: Information and features
Group legend on forum index.
It integrates with pun colored usergroups
:: Screenshoots
*sigh* I've lost patience, sorry. It's too hard to conclude anything from your post waterfall. Just watch how are extensions made and learn.
I don't understand. It's also centering images.
I made an extension for You
2. Link for groups..
I mean.. to can see users in groups.. Admins.. Moderators..
Im in group Moderators.. and anywhere this is seen from other member and can click on "Moderators" group and see all mebers of these group..
I made an extension for You
here is effect:
Group colors can be edited in css file, hope You would understand how it works. Quite simple, really:
ID name should be Group_title_legendcolor next is a means you're referring to link and for mouseover action there's separate class with :hover pseudoclass.
Where can i find this "Logged in as Username." ??
To make it with link to user profile..
There's a line in header.php
$visit_elements['<!-- forum_welcome -->'] = '<p id="welcome"><span>'.sprintf($lang_common['Logged in as'], '<strong>'.forum_htmlencode($forum_user['username']).'</strong>').'</span></p>';
which should be edited to
$visit_elements['<!-- forum_welcome -->'] = '<p id="welcome"><span>'.sprintf($lang_common['Logged in as'], '<strong><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['user'], $forum_user['id']).'">'.forum_htmlencode($forum_user['username']).'</a></strong>').'</span></p>';
However the best way is to write extension, enter hook id hd_visit_elements and put whole conditional there.
So create folder eg. linked_visitlink and put there this manifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE extension SYSTEM "ext-1.0.dtd">
<extension engine="1.0">
<title>Linked visitlink</title>
<description>Linked username on visitlinks.</description>
<hook id="hd_visit_elements"><![CDATA[
if ($forum_user['is_guest'])
$visit_elements['<!-- forum_welcome -->'] = '<p id="welcome"><span>'.$lang_common['Not logged in'].'</span> <span>'.$lang_common['Login nag'].'</span></p>';
$visit_elements['<!-- forum_welcome -->'] = '<p id="welcome"><span>'.sprintf($lang_common['Logged in as'], '<strong><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['user'], $forum_user['id']).'">'.forum_htmlencode($forum_user['username']).'</a></strong>').'</span></p>';
Next, turn on extension in Administration panel. Should work .
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.4 troubleshooting → How can i edit something ...
To create thread name (How can i edit something ...) to link ??
I don't know if I have understand you well, but it actually is a link. However it's styled to look as it is not. Add this at the end of your style ( eg. Oxygen.min.css in styles/Oxygen for Oxygen style ):
#brd-crumbs-top .crumblast {
font-size: 1em;
#brd-crumbs-top .crumblast a{
color: #00579C !important;
#brd-crumbs-top .crumblast a:hover{
color: #CD0021 !important;
That should do the trick.
To see how it works you may open http://www.airagh.linuxpl.info using your handheld device. Unfortuneatly eastern break is over so i would have much less time so I'll release only important fixes of bugs which I've found recently ( eg. using New posts, etc feature seems to doesn't work properly ). For some bigger update including support of Hydrogen and perhaps some configuration options avalaible in administration panel anyone intrested would have to wait for May, perhaps.
Of course it does :-).
:: Information and features
It adds mobile version of your forum.
Urban and Hydrogen also supported.
Please report bugs and add screens to them in this topic. It has been tested only on one device .
:: Authors
Browser detection preg was made by this guys.
http://blog.twg.ca/2009/09/free-iphone-toolbar-icons/ - icons
http://24ways.org/2011/raising-the-bar-on-mobile - hiding bar
:: Screenshoots
:: Demo
:: Instructions
If you don't wish to display footer text you can change:
'Using' => 'You\'re currently browsing <strong>mobile version</strong> of this forum. You can go back to default in your profile settings',
'Using' => '',
in lang/your_language/kt_mobile.php
PunBB Forums → Posts by Kushi
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