I completely agree with you. i think that spam should be one of the main issue addressed and be added to the install version.
so that it will make the system safer for users and website owners.
what i also started doing is creating a user group called newbies. everyone who sign up is added to that group by default. and i personally upgrade there status to the next level. as a newbie.. they cant see post or do anything... at all.

that another way of fighting spam...


all over the USA...

thanks.. for another spam stopper..haha... now i think that i have about 5 mods for that.

side note.. this is starting to be a very good idea..


Ref: PBL114749 is listed on the Policy Block List (PBL)

Outbound Email Policy of Comcast for this IP range:

Email sent by Comcast subscribers using a mail program such as Outlook Express are required to send the email through Comcast. To insure your mail program is properly configured, please visit http://www.comcast.net/help/faq/index.jsp?faq=Email117481. If you are a Comcast Commercial Services customer and need support, please contact support_biz@cable.comcast.com

i used the sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org and now it works on my site.

ok i changed i to..


and now it allows me to register....

what i did was add another captcha mod time zone mod and rulez and now ur mod... i hope im save... ops and the bad behavior.....


this what i get when i try ur site...

Unfortunately, it would appear that your current IP address is listed in one of the spam databases we queried.
            Because of this, you will not be able to register a new account at this point in time. If you believe this to
            be a mistake, we urge you to read the FAQ over at The Spamhaus Project
            for more details, including actions you can take to resolve this issue.

codexp i added the code to my site and now it says my ip is listed when i try to register..lol.

I have a gallery script that im trying to integrate i have  the punbb config.php and the gallery config.php

i was wondering if i could add this to the punbb config.php file at the bottom


// db properties
$dbhost = 'dbhost';
$dbuser = 'dbuser'; 
$dbpass = 'pass';    
$dbname = 'dbname';

// an album can have an image used as thumbnail
// we save the album image here
define('ALBUM_IMG_DIR', '/kunden/homepages/40/d174088604/htdocs/model/images/album/');

// all images inside an album are stored here
define('GALLERY_IMG_DIR', '/kunden/homepages/40/d174088604/htdocs/model/images/gallery/'); 

// When we upload an image the thumbnail is created on the fly
// here we set the thumbnail width in pixel. The height will
// be adjusted proportionally
define('THUMBNAIL_WIDTH', 100);

// make a connection to mysql here
$conn = mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ("I cannot connect to the database because: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ("I cannot select the database '$dbname' because: " . mysql_error());

codexp, is that the only thing that required to add to the register.php?



(47 replies, posted in Programming)

maybe a email to the user your account about to expire in 30 then 15 days and a final notice. not sure about the moving of a user to member from subscriber... that would be a part of the crontab. to demote a user status.


(47 replies, posted in Programming)

actually punbb needs a script store... say 5.00 scripts like tufat. to generate money.... for the dev and support of punbb... this really gives me an idea for a first response support team for punbb...haha...



(47 replies, posted in Programming)

exactly what i was looking for! but also im looking for other payment companys. i have some adult stuff that i cant use paypal for. but ccbill. what would you charge for such a thing?
i know a little torrent mod this would be great for .... a private membership only stuff..haha


if you want the page to be inside of the punbb directory.... forum/yourpage.php
or /yourpage.php outside of punbb



(47 replies, posted in Programming)

i was thinking... this way...
a user sign up it sends them to a paypal page they pay and it redirects them to a confirmation page. where they put in there paypal transaction code or the password that punbb sends them..once the money has been received.

basically a paypal gateway system inside of punbb.

any theory or thoughts.... how to start?

i know it deals with the register.php first step in the action!



(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


try that!


something like this?




(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

do u got msn aim yahoo?


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

looks good.. but what i was talking about was a background inside the punbb


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i used my own gallery mod
affiliates mod
another captcha mod
frontpage mod- mod i help start.hehe...
calendar mod
i think that is it..
i have customized my cs.css and my _cs.css trying to place all the images links to my css and not in my files.

I dont mind sharing anything that i have done.
another site that i have did is http://hsv-netcom.com it is a css template with pun wraped inside it.



(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

that ok.. the punwrap area have a background img. but that ok...

a demo link for the google search engine http://modelcrowd.com search for photographer
and the results are displyed inside of my site instead of a google site plus it also shows my adsense in the results page.


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i seen that header and nav bar on
http://www.solucija.com/templates/demo/ … t_Sharing/
and it can be done using google search engine.
here the like.


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

also u can put the search block back in there . just google search engine.
i posted my search engine mod that i made from google... on
shedrock site.


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i mean within the pun tag in the main.tpl
sorta like a page bg.
hard to explain..
well like a body background of the template.

#punwrap {
    background-image: url('../../img/ifeeldirty/page.png');



(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

doki, i was thinking a white bg for the pun sorta make it look like a web template. with a footer image.


how can i make the rules page the index?
this i would like to do is have the rule page display first so people must agree before entering the site. and i want to add a custom tpl with no navbar or side bar.

and at the bottom the agree or cancel button..



(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

this will put a image in place of txt just make sure you designed the img. the right size for the navbar or sidebar.

<a href="login.php?action=out&id=<?php echo $pun_user['id'] ?>"><img src="yourimage.jpg"/></a>