very nice mod! is this a full version or trial version?
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PunBB Forums → Posts by quaker
very nice mod! is this a full version or trial version?
how does the side images look different from the index.php and the forum.php in FF?
is the home page apart of punbb?
this is the code for lastest topics
drop this in the include/user folder/latesttopics.php
do a
<pun_include "latesttopics.php">
in the main.tpl where you want this to show up ...
<div class="block">
<h2><span>latest Topics</span></h2>
<div class="box">
<div class="inbox">
$result = $db->query('SELECT subject, id FROM '.$db_prefix.'topics ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT 10') or error('Unable to fetch post info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
while($cur_topic = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
<li><a href="viewtopic.php?id=<?php echo $cur_topic['id']; ?>"><?php echo $cur_topic['subject']; ?></a> </li>
look sweet.. keep it up...
what i did on my site was take the affiliates mod and split it into.
one where it displays the name and link. and the second one where it displays the banner with link
im working on a banner.php that going to rotate the banners on refresh.
with the affiliates mod it keeps up with the in and out impressions. click on sponsor list to see the banners
search yahoo groups...there one near u i bet lol..
Dr J. u know i got that hosting services so let me know what we can do to make it work!
im looking at making a video mod either you can embedd video or post it from google or youtube to a block or even it own page.
better yet put them in the wiki that would be a great place for them...
add them to google video or youtube
so people can view them...
and post the bbcode they give you in each forum.. for there topic.
youtube or google video....
that what nexted..haha...
sorta like
i put a css template in the portal.tpl that what the index.php pulls
and the rest of the site pulls from the main.tpl
if you need left and right blocks use the portal.tpl system. i have did that before where the frontpage uses the left block and main area.
but once you click on the forum,gallery,blogs,calendar and etc.
that how to install punbb on a localhost.
that true.. about the cpanel.. bu ti dont feel like doing alot of editing to the video to block the url username apassword... etc.
i tried to upload to youtube but they told me it was to
ummm 22megs in size. from start to finish.
Broadcast Email. Created by trel1023. The Broadcast Email plugin allows administrators to broadcast e-mail to all registered users via the administration interface.
will broadcast email handle html?
can i create a html email to all the members?
looks very good... it load fast for me...
nat+firewall= use sometime a network monitor to see what all using traffic...
and i can block stuff... but it doesnt get on ur nerves like ZA..... i got a copy from my old corp job..... hehe..
u got an example?
how do i hid certain menu links from guest ?
dude, i dont see my banner? free online community for swinger only!?
im working on something... so when you get a chance im me on msn.....
ummmm.. a simply fix.. uninstall that pc of junk software ! you know they collect infotmation about ur pc and stuff .....
if you got a router with nat and a simple windows firewall.. why do u want to slow down ur pc......
i dont get spammed or hack because i keep things simple enough it dont matter .......
umm.. well have you looked at some mods that is offered for punbb..
captcha mod is out
bad behavior
list goes on and on..
it is up to the user to add these mods to there punbb..
PunBB Forums → Posts by quaker
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