Do you want my French file ?
Yes, put it here and we'll add it to expand. Thank you
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PunBB Forums → Posts by PanBB.Ru
Do you want my French file ?
Yes, put it here and we'll add it to expand. Thank you
well , we will try to check the work on the SQLite3 , but it may take some time.
The results you will see in this thread...
MaraKat, your forum working on SQLite or SQLite3 ?
We did not test the extension on SQLite. But be sure to try to fix the problem.
Thank you.
I am pleased to add the French translation in the extension. Throw off to me in PM .
PanBB.Ru wrote:T
Dependencies :
pan framework
pun_bbcodeWhat does "dependancies" mean ? Are these add-ons compulsory and must be installed before Pan Uploader ?
Yes , it is obligatory. It's just a small library of versatile functions . It is also used , and other extensions .
Open header.php.
In Hook hd_head
if (in_array(FORUM_PAGE, array('viewtopic', 'viewforum', 'post', 'search'))
$forum_loader->add_js('your_path/script.js', array('type' => 'url', 'async' => true));
you have created a subdomain within the site . Create at the beginning of it in CPanel.
then open the htaccess file and add the line:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^developer\.panbb\.ru$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/developer/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /developer/$1 [L]
open file config.php in root
rename variable
$base_url = '';
$base_url = '';
PS: if your forum created as
you in config.php rename $base_url ??
Good luck to you.
What attracts you pun_attachment? He is no longer supported.
You work a little bit with php? If not, you may need a test to detect errors .
pun_wysiwyg only for 1.4.2 version punBB
Admn - Users - Searches - User group(select group) - Unverified = Submit
I suggest that join together to write a converter. I already wrote a UCOZ on punbb.
in principle, nothing complicated , which the scripts are already there. It can be done in aachestve expansion.
come to me on a forum , there 's talk . there is a special forum for developers only.
Two in one! This extension allows you to upload files and images to the PunBB forum. When you try to download large image , it will automatically be cut.
After installing the BB panel code reds will appear a button to upload files and images.
By pressing the pop-up to download the file dialog box .
To generate links using the new tag [ file ] Name [/ file ] Size (Num Loads)
In the admin panel, 3 page Settings Images ( lists all downloaded ) and files (the list as well ) .
Once installed, you can set up groups that are allowed to download files and images , and each separately .
You can also customize the types of files and images , and their maximum size to download .
All files and images are downloaded to the folder /uplpads/image/ or /uplpads/files/ , respectively.
Next, the path is formed from the year, month and date , which is logical in my opinion ...
Dependencies :
Tested and works in Opera , Mozilla, Google Chrome ... PaleMoon, Vivaldi, Opera, Edge (for Windows10) and even the native Android browser on my smartphone...
It does not work in IE8 and below .
Pan Uploader will in future be considered as a basis for plug-ins ( Gallery , Multimedia, Video and Audio )
It is important to know!
When installing the extension creates a table in the database to monitor the uploaded files . Try to make a backup copy of the table when reinstalling / extension removal.
To do this, you can use the Pen Backup DB tool , or you can create manually using phpMyAdmin.
Download the extension of Pan Uploader
PS: Thanks to all who participated in the aid : Sempai, Xakker's, MaraKat user for translation into French. And jQuery developers Sebastian Tschan and Anthony Terrien for provided scripts.
Could there come a feature, allowing users to embed avatars, instaid of uploading them to the server. Got a pretty small server and user count is rising.
I did not understand what the problem is?
Administration → Users → Ranks
there is no control panel to add emoticons . Find an array of emoticons and follow the analogy of adding to the array. then refresh the hooks .
as hashtags better to use words:
*SMILE* => smile.gif
TITLE I took as an example . To do all you need to open viewforum.php.
And to do the work according to the principle of
$forum_page['item_title']['link'] = '<a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['topic'], array($cur_topic['id'], sef_friendly($cur_topic['subject']))).'">'.forum_htmlencode($cur_topic['subject']).'</a>';
sef_friendly ( words_limit ( $ cur_topic [ 'субъект' ]), 5 )
you are sure that the version 1.2 of your forum?
$forum_url = array(
'topic' => 'texts$1-'.words_limit('$2','50').'.php'
within the array function can not be used .
Try to cut off the words before they fall into the array.
URL string does
for example
// Setup main heading
$forum_page['main_title'] = (($cur_topic['closed'] == '1') ? $lang_topic['Topic closed'].' ' : '').'<a class="permalink" href="'.forum_link($forum_url['topic'], array($id, sef_friendly($cur_topic['subject']))).'" rel="bookmark" title="'.$lang_topic['Permalink topic'].'">'.forum_htmlencode($cur_topic['subject']).'</a>';
sef_friendly(words_limit($cur_topic['subject']), 5)
Use Function:
// $input_text - исходная строка
// $limit = 50 - количество слов по умолчанию
// $end_str - символ/строка завершения. Вставляется в конце обрезанной строки
function words_limit($input_text, $limit = 50, $end_str = '') {
$input_text = strip_tags($input_text);
$words = explode(' ', $input_text); // создаём из строки массив слов
if ($limit < 1 || sizeof($words) <= $limit) { // если лимит указан не верно или количество слов меньше лимита, то возвращаем исходную строку
return $input_text;
$words = array_slice($words, 0, $limit); // укорачиваем массив до нужной длины
$out = implode(' ', $words);
return $out.$end_str; //возвращаем строку + символ/строка завершения
or regular expression..
Ок. Topic closed.
There are 2 ways to solve this problem:
1 - Do nothing, because in 2038 the problem will be solved in a natural way;
2 - Use the built-in class «DateTime».
The first way to completely exhaust itself and, despite its simplicity, is short-sighted.
The second method, by contrast, has a right to exist. About him, and will be discussed further.
Class «DateTime», introduced in PHP 5.2, is designed to solve the problem completely in 2038. However, programmers who are accustomed to the standard features the date and time of processing, working with this class will be uncomfortable.
use function is the interface to the class of «DateTime» To speed up the application development process is best.
To make life easier for developers, I wrote a few analogues frequently used functions to work with dates and times. It should be noted that the input parameters and the behavior of the functions is not the same built-in counterparts.
Function to get current Unix timestamp
function enhanced_time()
$DateTime_obj = new DateTime();
return $DateTime_obj->format("U");
date and time display function in a specific format
function enhanced_date($format_str, $timestamp = NULL, $timezone = NULL)
settype($format_str, "string");
if (is_null($timestamp))
$timestamp = "now";
$timestamp = "@" . number_format($timestamp, 0, ".", "");
if (!is_string($timezone))
$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
$DateTime_obj = new DateTime($timestamp);
$DateTime_obj->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
return $DateTime_obj->format($format_str);
// Enhanced «getdate»
// (Function formatnut system date / time in GMT)
function enhanced_gmdate($format_str, $timestamp = NULL)
return enhanced_date($format_str, $timestamp, "UTC");
The function information on a Unix timestamp
function enhanced_getdate($timestamp = NULL, $timezone = NULL)
$arr = explode("=", enhanced_date("s=i=H=d=w=m=Y=z=l=F=U", $timestamp, $timezone));
return array(
"seconds" => (int) $arr[0],
"minutes" => (int) $arr[1],
"hours" => (int) $arr[2],
"mday" => (int) $arr[3],
"wday" => (int) $arr[4],
"mon" => (int) $arr[5],
"year" => (int) $arr[6],
"yday" => (int) $arr[7],
"weekday" => $arr[8],
"month" => $arr[9],
0 => $arr[10]
Features of formation of Unix timestamp for a specified date and time
function enhanced_mktime($timezone = NULL, $hour = NULL, $minute = NULL, $second = NULL, $month = NULL, $day = NULL, $year = NULL)
if (!is_string($timezone))
$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
$default_datetime_arr = enhanced_getdate(NULL, $timezone);
if (is_null($hour)) { $hour = $default_datetime_arr["hours"]; }
if (is_null($minute)) { $minute = $default_datetime_arr["minutes"]; }
if (is_null($second)) { $second = $default_datetime_arr["seconds"]; }
if (is_null($month)) { $month = $default_datetime_arr["mon"]; }
if (is_null($day)) { $day = $default_datetime_arr["mday"]; }
if (is_null($year)) { $year = $default_datetime_arr["year"]; }
settype($hour, "integer");
settype($minute, "integer");
settype($second, "integer");
settype($month, "integer");
settype($day, "integer");
settype($year, "integer");
$DateTime_obj = new DateTime();
$DateTime_obj->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$DateTime_obj->setDate($year, $month, $day);
$DateTime_obj->setTime($hour, $minute, $second);
return $DateTime_obj->format("U");
function enhanced_gmmktime($hour = NULL, $minute = NULL, $second = NULL, $month = NULL, $day = NULL, $year = NULL)
return enhanced_mktime("UTC", $hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
Do not forget that now, with typical functions, without fail, should specify the default time zone. This should be done as follows:
Also, here are a few options for the use of these functions:
$timestamp_now = time();
echo $timestamp_now . "
$timestamp_now_e = enhanced_time();
echo $timestamp_now_e . "
// Get and display information about the current Unix timestamp
echo "<pre>";
echo "
// Display the current date and time in a specified format
echo date(«Y-m-d H:i:s», $timestamp_now). "
echo enhanced_date(«Y-m-d H:i:s», $timestamp_now_e). "
// Get and bring Unix timestamp for a distant future date and time
$year = 2050;
$month = 3;
$day = 18;
$hour = 22;
$minute = 56;
$second = 53;
$timestamp_future = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
echo $timestamp_future. "
$timestamp_future_e = enhanced_mktime(NULL, $hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
echo $timestamp_future_e. "
// Print a future date and time in a specified format
echo date(«Y-m-d H:i:s», «2531257013»). "
echo enhanced_date(«Y-m-d H:i:s», «2531257013»). "
PunBB Forums → Posts by PanBB.Ru
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