(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Thanks for the tip elroy.

So many mods, so little time to discover them all smile


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Looks professional and works well.

A question: how did you achieve the full SEF URL's for forums and topics? 

ie http://www.piwo.org/forum/t51-Kocioc-za … zelny.html
instead of something like

Paul wrote:

Isn't it possible that what graphic designers want is the same as everybody else i.e. something fast and easy to use so they can get in and out as quickly as possible.

Indeed. But you can still have that + a bit of pizazz too. smile

But if truth be told I have to say all the graphic designers I've worked with or come across are real eye-candy whores and style snobs. They wouldn't be seen dead on a site that didn't sparkle somehow.

They also never really worry if a site's visual impact comes at the expense of speed and usability, so most of their favorite sites are in fact performance pigs.

And they all use Macs. Say no more smile

Hmmm.  I don't mean to be too critical, but perhaps you may have a problem.

A flat, colour and essentially style-less forum design like the one you have built probably won't inspire many good graphic designers to join up, I think.  smile 

Design communities are a very fussy and critical lot and will be hard to attract unless you have a forum design that turns them on.

I suggest adding a bit more zing to your design if you want good designers to join. There are plenty of good styles on punres that, for example, would be a good jumping off point for developing a more funky look and feel for your forum.

Have a look at a punBB forum like http://macthemes2.net/forum to see what good graphic designers might like to see in a design-oriented punBB forum...

Or check out some of the other impressive punbb sites you can see in, for example:


The competition is tough but there sure is a lot to learn from some of those other forums re great typography, CSS, layout and graphics.

Perhaps have a look at this mod to register.php. You could probably adapt it to your needs.


Very well put together. Wow, lots of members too.

The  "/dev/null" forum - how did you set that up to auto-remove posts?

Plubyblop wrote:

I'm certainly open to making it look better, or completely changing it if I am actually the only one that thinks it looks good (has happened to me alot before), but I'd like to know what it is specifically that you think would make it look better.

A bit more vibrancy in your theme would be nice. The colour scheme is flat and rather dull - in fact very dull - and there is no attractive header either. The menu is also rather not-nice looking with its dark-blue hover effect set against a dark brown background.

You did ask smile

I would suggest a look through some of the punbb sites listed in the 'In the Wild' sightings thread here on punbb.org for inspiration, at http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=12691&p=2

PunBB sites like:

They have lots of great ideas in them - design, layout, colours, icons, fonts, CSS etc - anyone can learn from.

My humble 2c worth.

MattF wrote:

However, what happened to the etiquette regarding .com/.co.uk, i.e: all coutry/nation domains being business based, and the likes of .org/.info and suchlike being for completely different usage? Not everything in life should be construed as a cash cow. A domain name is important. Simple fact. This advertising links obsession these days is an extreme annoyance, out of accepted bounds, however.

True. This sort of usage of domain names is rather parasitic and most such sites (like phpbb.org) are just junk / click bait. And I agree that domain names can be important.

But there is such a huge galaxy out there in the Internet space formed by all the permutations of wrong clicks and typos and dumb search results and so on that really relate very little to anything specifically important - domain names or whatever - that it is hard to begrudge people capitalising on that stream of eyes and clicks. Especially when the rules allow it.

What I hate though is people who do it behind your back - ie those registrars who will sit trash ad-filled pages on your parked domains or domain related DNS errors, and make it look as if you've gotten down in the gutter with them...

Hmmm. I don't agree with you pedrotuga.

Just ask the people who own for example phpbb.org whether a domain name isn't important smile

Even if they linger for just 5 seconds before realising they are not where they wanted to be, that is enough time for many visitors to see an interesting ad link and click on it. And many people do.

It's a good business if you can find a domain lots of people visit that way: even if you make only $1/day, if the domain costs $10/ year to register and host, that's a pretty good ROI.

What was/is the traffic like to that domain? smile

Maybe your code got a bit mangled somehow.

In my version of the Calendar (v2.08a beta), the code block between lines 60 and 100 in header.php looks like this:

$date_format = $lang_calendar['Date_format'];
if ($date_format == 'US') {
   $datestring = $monthtext." ".$dayfull." ".$year;
} else {
   $datestring = $day." ".$lang_calendar[$monthtext]." ".$year;

/*=  date_str        =*/

function date_str($datestamp){
   global $lang_calendar;

   if ($lang_calendar['Date_format'] == 'US') {
      return date("M jS Y", $datestamp);
   } else {
      return (date("j ", $datestamp)).($lang_calendar[(date("M", $datestamp))]).(date(" Y", $datestamp));

/*= Change Start Day =*/
function start_date($date){
    global $CFG_start_day;

    if($CFG_start_day == "M"){
        switch($date) {
            case 0:
                $start = 6;
                $start = $date - 1;
    }elseif($CFG_start_day == "S")
        $start = $date;

    return $start;

Does yours look the same?


Nice and fast and yellow.

A few suggestions:

pick a groovier style for your forum - currently your style is pretty stock standard. Choose from one of the many at punres.org as a starting point - eg the popular SexyBlack and its many variants - and just tweak its header image and colours a bit.

forum spell check - 'Minsc And Boo disscussion' forum should be 'discussion'


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very attractive and well put together.

Could you list the mods/patches/hacks/add-ons you've used?

Personally I'd re-arrange the top tabbed menu in alphabetical order: Home | About | Blogs | Calendar | Gallery etc rather than random.

The fonts on the green pun top menu also don't match the rest of the site, so I'd suggest a change there for consistency.

I'd also suggest changing the colour of the green pun menu to a shade of blue, to better match the palette of the site.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

The style on the Russian arsamania site was home made by the guy who runs arsamania.ru. There's no direct link I know of to 'FC Internazionale styles'. You could just look at the source of the forum in question and study his CSS though. It's all there.

A vote for banning them from me too.

Also can I suggest that you may perhaps want to look at tightening up your registration requirements with a CAPTCHA or something similar, if you haven't already got something in place, otherwise you may find that your board could see a lot of bot badness in the future.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Sorry smartys.

But that 404 link at the bottom of dev.punbb.org should prob be fixed anyhow...


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Smartys wrote:

...There is no beta released right now, although it is possible to checkout a copy of the current code from the SVN repository.

Except that this is what you see when you try the SVN repository link:
at the bottom of:

Not Found
The requested URL /svn/punbb/branches/punbb-1.3-dev was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. 


Apache/1.3.37 Server at punbb.org Port 80


The current code for 1.3 dev is actually here:

Originally posted download location returns a 404 now.

Working download location: http://punbb.org/download/plugins/AP_Backup.zip

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:

SndBx (Sand Box) website for a WordPress theme contest.

Nice enough style.

The announcement on their forum says 'Guests now can read and post; however, guests are not allowed to post any URLs in posts. Registering removes this restriction.' Is there a punbb mod that strips the URL encoding out of guest posts or did they have to hack something up? That's a handy feature.

Very innovative tweaking of punBB's interface. I thought I'd landed on another forum aside from a punbb  - ie Vanilla.

I really like the speech balloon effect in viewtopic.php. Cute!! and very friendly.

I don't mean to be a grinch, but the downside is that the forum is very, very slow to browse, even the home page - before you open up a topic and start sucking down big photos.

When I did try to browse topics, I had to give up on trying to open up several topics as after for eg 5 minutes my browser had still only loaded about 20% of the page sad

Even the forum home page at http://photojojo.com/forum alone is about  320k, and with its

External Objects
External Object QTY
Total HTML: 1
Total HTML Images: 2
Total CSS Images: 12
Total Images: 14
Total Scripts: 8
Total CSS imports: 5
Total Frames: 0
Total Iframes: 0

you get:

Download Times*
Connection Rate Download Time
14.4K 253.60 seconds
28.8K 129.60 seconds
33.6K 111.88 seconds
56K 69.37 seconds
ISDN 128K 25.13 seconds
T1 1.44Mbps 7.30 seconds

I think some optimisation can take place, perhaps on the following elements:

2  96046  SCRIPT  http://photojojo.com/forum/include/prototype.js 
1  47603  SCRIPT  http://photojojo.com/includes/lightbox/js/prototype.js 
1  40362  HTML  http://photojojo.com/forum/viewforum.php?id=1 
2  38152  SCRIPT  http://photojojo.com/forum/include/effects.js 
1  20739  SCRIPT  http://photojojo.com/includes/lightbox/js/lightbox.js 
1  14740  CSS  http://photojojo.com/forum/style/Photojojo.css 
1  12372  CSS  http://www.photojojo.com/styles.css 

http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze is your friend smile

But yeah, I like.

Would like it more if I was on a T1 though... smile


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It did concern me. I read your original post topic thinking there was an urgent problem going down that maybe I could help with. But it wasn't urgent at all.

Point being one of netiquette.

If everyone marked their troubleshooting questions 'URGENT', no matter how trivial, then the word would lose its meaning, and so next time someone had a real urgent problem (maybe big database corruption, site been hacked,  last minute but serious glitch on launch of a big site etc), who would pay attention?

If you don't get it, I'm sorry for offending you. But I bet if you saw your own users doing the same thing on your own forum, you'd have the same feelings.


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Why is this 'VERY urgent' and the post subject marked 'URGENT:' ?

You make it seem like life and death, rather than a simple matter of web page layout, involving a delay of perhaps 30 minutes while you figured out how to get your AdSense ad aligned.

Why cry wolf about it.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

WAMP5 w. PHP 5 runs fine with me and multiple local copies of punBB.

To check your setup is OK, install a vanilla PunBB 1.2.15 into another directory on your WAMP server.

If that works, your mods are at fault with that particular PunBB instance you are working with...


(142 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yann wrote:

We successfully passed the million posts a couple of weeks ago smile

    Nombre total d'utilisateurs enregistrés: 44082
    Nombre total de sujets: 130128
    Nombre total de messages: 1025824

And no Google AdSense ads too, or anything. Amazing.

And how do you handle/backup a 1GB database? Any tips?