MattF wrote:

Have you had chance to check that multiple question/answer code in operation yet? It's only had minimal testing here. big_smile I'll get a version of it put together. Do you want me to post it up in this thread?

Yes, pls post it up. I put it into my test punbb and it worked OK, but took it out again as I was trying something else with the mod, so I have nothing to post up that would be better than what's already up here.


Hi MattF.

That update I was planning isn't ready yet. I'm currently bogged down with tweaking the Calendar mod code smile

Pls feel free to post up your excellent code in the meantime. I think pkeod will find it of interest - great minds think alike etc...

It's always good to get some extra input into cooking up ways of improving the mod.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

50k spams in one month. Very impressive. We should hold a content - who has the most spam smile

The punbb integration is impressive.

But I have a general suggestion: why don't you have some of the usual niceties for ecommerce sites like:

(a) an About page that tells people more about the business, including its corporate ownership (if applicable)
(b) provide ANY contact information on the site, even a valid email address anywhere or
(c) have a privacy policy on site. Etc

Or indeed have anything on site that suggests you are reputable in any way.

And to top it all off, you registered the domain via a domains by proxy service.

Not to put too fine a point on it, I wouldn't (couldn't) trust you at all as a ecommerce partner, because you provide none of the above.

You don't need to cloak things like that. It inspires suspicion and distrust.

I suggest that before you go live, you get a little bit more transparent.

Thanks for that info.

pedrotuga wrote:

I don't think that's an issue. Vbulletin and invision have a low-fi version and that's the one that is iindexed by google all the time. I guess that's because of the fancy urls.
I don't think google will pull your page rank down because of duplicated content.

But if you have a look at: … &type=

forums with lo-fi versions are the first item on the list when Google's Help Center talks about duplicate content:)

Duplicate content generally refers to substantive blocks of content within or across domains that either completely match other content or are appreciably similar. Mostly, this is not deceptive in origin. Examples of non-malicious duplicate content could include:

Discussion forums that can generate both regular and stripped-down pages targeted at mobile devices..

So it pays to be careful in setting up mods like this. Google has some suggestions on how to address any issues if they arise on that link.

It sounds like it is working well for you though, which is great.

It's probably still a goood idea though IMHO to drop in some sort of PunBB anti-spam solution - even a simple one like the one here - - may still be useful.

This is very neat.

But a question: will using it incur you a pagerank penalty from Google for duplicate content?

If you run this on your site, alongside your vanilla punBB, you will be showing the same content to visitors and spiders, just with different re-written URLs.

The Google algo will be able to figure out that you are putting forward the same content in two places.

If you used it just as an archive, and not an alternative way of browsing active content, that would not present the same problem, of course.

Users concerned about this I guess could setup a robots.txt exclusion for this lo-fi version.

Any cache may cause problems with dynamic services like RSS feeds, I guess. Caches love relatively 'slow moving' pages, not pages that need to show changes all the time.

Anyway, clear your jpcache cache directory on your server of any old previously generated cache files, clear your browser cache, and try again.

Re those IE errors - perhaps have a look at your settings for jpcache too - you might want to check that your settings for output compression aren't conflicting with something that for example Apache may also be trying to do - ie jpcache may be trying to do compression whilst so too may be Apache. IE supports receiving GZIP compressed content very well, but not if it is mangled. Set the compression level to the lower end of the scale and see if that works better.

You also face the issue when using a php app like PunBB (which does come caching of its own) with jpcache that you may see caching upon caching, the results of which may not be OK. Wherever possible, I suggest always ensuring that just one caching/compression tool is at work.

But I am sure with just a bit of tuning, jpcache will probably settle down and start to work reliably.

In terms of other caches, as an alternative maybe check out xcache -

A guide to installing it is here: … fastapps1/

It seems on the way to becoming the cache of choice for a lot of PHP folks, and it certainly is more actively supported than jpcache smile

It could just be a troll.

But it pays to keep an open mind. SQL injections and the like are not unheard of with PHP apps.

Of course more information is needed though from the original poster on their diagnosis of the problem and the steps they took to address spam within punBB. The minimal information zap supplied doesn't make their post very useful at all.

If there is a problem, help the punBB folks fix it.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

No, I'm using an EN language version on Win2K.

I suspect the NYT issue may have something to do with ad blocking at work, if not directly in Safari, then perhaps thru some elements of my [rather Nazi] secure local config. For example, I filter Doubleclick ad sites, which the NYT home page has a few links to, inc a few sneaky invisible pixel links, it seems.

Nonetheless FF, Opera and my tightened up IE still handle the same site and issues much more gracefully, while Safari bungles the display completely.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Paul wrote:

At first glance I can't see anything wrong with the NY Times page apart from font rendering looking a little unpleasant.

All the errors appear 'above the fold'.
I get a big jumble of items (the Markets summary, the Times Select opinion links, the ads along the right hand side etc) running over the right hand boundary of the page, and a big 1 column indent under the 'Etrade' ad icon that runs from from the NYT masthead all the way down to the 'Inside' section.

Everything below the 'Inside' section renders fine.

IE, FF, Opera have none of these issues.

Safari also has some CSS quirks with font size rendering I have noticed on some of my own pages - not picking up inheritances in the same way the other browsers do, for example. It was OK though - fixing it for Safari didn't alter the way the other browsers displayed the fonts - so it doesn't appear to be too far off the mark in observing CSS standards on some issues.

But ughh. The idea of having to deal with yet another quirky browser is a nightmare. I hope this one quietly fades away.

Especially as nothing it does is special in any way, shape or form, including page load performance, or (as people have pointed out elsewhere) security.


(29 replies, posted in Programming)

Excellent. I'm sure that will be very handy for many people.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yeah, it's pretty neat.

But isn't it just based on the same Gecko engine as Firefox? Edit > Preferences says: default browser: Mozilla Firefox?

I also think it is crap when they claim it to be 'twice as fast as IE', and their chart that shows it to be about 3 times faster than Opera is also garbage. It ain't that fast at all.

It's font rendering/aliasing is also annoying, esp since it can't be disabled.

Still, it's nice to have about for compatibilty testing I guess.

Something to note: the beta says its for WinXP and Vista only, but it works just fine on Win 2000 too, thankfully smile

Hehe: it sure makes a nice mess of the New York Times home page.

Looks like a lot of developers will have to update their CSS or browser sniffing to cope with having 'Safari' and 'Windows' in the same UA.


(29 replies, posted in Programming)

Cool stuff. Will make it the original mod even easier to admin.

MattF: can you now post an authoritative version of your modifications?

It is a bit hard to track from all of the above (at least for a simple peasant like me) what goes where and when smile


(3 replies, posted in Programming)



(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

That's a relief.

Now I can sleep soundly again. smile


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Very nice.

I like the very simple forum display look - eg . Almost looks like a Vanilla forum. However it is a bit difficult to quickly scan the topic list and for eg see which topic has a lot of posts etc.

I like the topic display too, although having the user info display on the right is unconventional:


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yep. Nothing is faster than just having a browser window open on one half of the screen and a simple text editor in the other, and just refreshing your browser to see your CSS changes.

However StyleMaster - -  does do a nice live preview, as well as having some other nice editing features.

But in general - you can't beat the following 2 FF extensions: the webdeveloper toolbar, and the 'View Source Chart' CSS/HTML diagrammer. FireBug is OK too, but the webdev toolbar has most of Firebug's functions.

And I agree with you about Opera. Everytime I use it I am more and more impressed - a very elegant product, without the massive bloat and RAM hoggery you see in IE and FF.

If I didn't have to pay attention to the fact that so many web users use FF and IE, I think I would use Opera more.

You mean something like the TypeKey service?:

It may provide some useful clues about how to code something similar.

Or you could just use the TypeKey service per se, I guess, and integrate it into the punBBs register/login process.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Thanks for the update. Good to know he is still there, behind the scenes.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I notice that Rickard hasn't posted here in 3 weeks: since 2007-05-09 08:40:44.

Is he on holiday or hard at work elsewhere?

Obviously the forums are still in good hands in his absence smile, but I have to ask: where is our punBB Great Helmsman?

Good to hear it works.

Pls consider changing the default 'Columbus' test though if you go live with it.

If an antibot mod is on punbb or punres, the bot/script authors will find out about it pretty quickly, and the default test then won't be much good for long.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


What's the feedback been from users so far on things like usability and features?

This should work - let us know if it does or not, or if I have missed something important.

It is based on the timezone anti-spam mod of Iota, only slightly tweaked, and the 'VIP code' idea used in some mods for other forum packages.

It is very simple mainly because I don't know enough about PHP or punBB to make it complex smile

##        Mod title:  Simple Antispambot-code Mod  
##      Mod version:  0.8 
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.15 
##     Release date:  28 May 2007 
##           Author:  sirena (on
##      Description:  This is a *very* simple mod to help prevent forum 
##                    spambots from registering on a punBB forum. 
##       Affects DB:  No 
##   Affected files:  register.php 
##            Notes:  This mod simply adds an extra free-text form field into 
##                    the registration page for punBB (register.php) that 
##                    prospective users need to complete, and which the forum 
##                    administrator can easily customize. 
##                    Forum administrators can specify any sort of question 
##                    and the required (numeric or text) response.  
##                    Administrators are encouraged to: 
##                    (a) customize the question posed by this mod to suit their needs, and 
##                    (b) change their question periodically. 
##                    The more variation there is in the deployment of this mod, the more 
##                    effective it will be, particularly against automated spambots. 
##                    Questions can be simple - like "What year did Columbus discover America?"
##                     - or perhaps more complicated - like "What is the sum of 1000+100". 
##                    Questions may even be very specific if you are confident that the 
##                    people who you want to join your forum should know the answer. 
##                    For example if you have a forum about the Beatles the question may be 
##                    "What year did the Beatles break up?"  
##                    Or if you have a forum about Beverly Hills Calif., a good question may be 
##                    "What is the postcode of Beverly Hills?"  Etc. 
##                    Specific questions such as these will help prevent automated registrations 
##                    and may even cause difficulties for some human spammers too, 
##                    if local or esoteric knowledge is required.
##                    Questions may also be framed to require some exploration of the site. 
##                    Eg "Please enter the 4 digit VIP code visible at the top of the Support page". 
##                    This sort of question will block automated bots and slow down 
##                    and perhaps even deter human spammers too. 
##     Generated By:  Auto Read-Me(by Caleb Champlin) -
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that 'mods' are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.
#---------[ 1. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------


#---------[ 2. FIND (line:186) ]---------------------------------------------------
    $timezone = round($_POST['timezone'], 1);
#---------[ 3. BEFORE, ADD ]---------------------------------------------------
 // anti-spam code variable checked here. Customize to suit your needs.
 if ($_POST['spamcode'] <> "1492") 
  message('Please enter the correct 4 digit code for the year Columbus discovered America.');

#---------[ 4. FIND (lines: 305-309) ]---------------------------------------------------
<div class="inform">
<legend><?php echo $lang_prof_reg['Localisation legend'] ?></legend>

#---------[ 5. BEFORE, ADD ]---------------------------------------------------

<div class="inform">
<legend>Spambot prevention</legend>
<div class="infldset">
<p>Please enter the year in which Columbus discovered America in the box below.</p>
<p><b>Hint:</b> <i>In XXXX, Columbus sailed the ocean blue...</i></p>
<div class="rbox">
<input type="text" name="spamcode" size="4" maxlength="4" /><br />

#---------[ 6. SAVE/UPLOAD ]---------------------------------------------------


On punres at:


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Hi milesj.

You don't need big expensive programs like Photoshop or Fireworks to do simple stuff like JPG optimization!!!!.

If you use Windows, something like the wonderful freeware image viewer Irfanview - download it from - will do fine.

Irfanview does a great job saving/compressing JPG's, and it lets you specify lots of options in the process too. Just open your original JPG file, then go >File > Save As> then select JPG, then make sure the 'Show Options' dialog is ticked, and then in the Options dialog box next to 'Save quality' slide the compression scale down to something like 50% or 60%.

I just used IrfanView then to knock your background image down to 65kb @ 50% compression. Did a great job. I'd suggest you give it a go. It also does batch conversions quite well.