(142 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Aha. Thanks.  Looks like it would be a good idea for me to install it then smile

Will 1.3 feature something similar, since as you say it is one of the less-efficient features of the current punBB?


(142 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

elbekko wrote:

Put a FULLTEXT search in there and it'll work like magic smile

Do you mean this?:


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Hey, you could have chosen a better default style than just Oxygen smile

Have a look at this PunBB footbal site for example:

PunBB can be styled up quite nicely indeed.

reviewum.com wrote:

So, with this uncertainty I begin to go down the path of installing the existing mods manually, but this brings up a bunch of other issues:

1)  We all know it is just a pain to manually hack the code to add mods
2)  I'm not php / PunBB savvy enough to know which mods will break / effect other mods  ...
3)  I'd be worried that ... the patch files that have worked flawlessly thus far (knock on wood) would stop working...
4)  What if one of the mods causes problems on my server (for example, hogging resources).  If you thought manually adding a mod was a pain, try hunting through code to remove it! ...
5)  Once 1.3 rolls out with all the cool extensions, how  difficult will it be to upgrade to 1.3 and then clean up all the hacked pages and integrate / load the cleaner extensions?

Just some thoughts on this:
(1) Indeed. It's a very primitive way of doing things. Tedious, risky, in-elegant. Very un-2007.
(2) and (3) and (4): The way I work through these issues is:

(a) even with my limited knowledge of PHP, I try and thoroughly understand what each new mod or patch is trying to do. Worryingly, you often don't have to know much to see that some punbb mods have significant problems that you can often catch before their code goes into your forum smile
(b) I thoroughly document every mod and code alteration that I make so I know what I did to what page and when, which mod modified the database  etc;
(c) I maintain a 'dev' punBB which I build any mods, security patches or tweaks into first, with all the 'reveal queries' config switches on, and then if they test out and work OK with the existing code, they then go into my production punBB codebase;
(d) I never use automated patchers or diff toools. I manually apply all updates using tools like WinMerge. Things will be guaranteed to break otherwise, and it gives me the chance to eyeball every proposed update.

As to (5) - good question. At least I am pretty confident that I know all of the mods and alterations I have done, so I expect that will help in stepping across (carefully) to 1.3.

As to VB - in some ways it faces the same problems as punBB here. If you make any hacks to it or apply non official VB mods/themes, you'd face may of the same issues in keeping it all working across VB version upgrades.

I guess where VB and other more fully featured forums save you some hassle though is that they have most of the features built-in that may punBB users have to rely on mods and hacks to achieve.

Dr.Jeckyl wrote:


Nice. Visually very smooth and polished. Very easy to read and navigate too.

It's also the only punBB I've seen with TWO different CAPTCHAS on the forum registration form.


Must've had bad spambot problems.

Oh, and nice to see Smartys involved in the site too.

Does this mean some of macthemes graphical goodness could find it's way into some of punbb 1.3's default styles smile


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I use WinMerge - http://winmerge.org - to find and help me review any file or code changes. I unzip the latest punBB version into a folder, then use WinMerge to find the changes between the current version of punBB and the latest, and then make any necessary updates.

This process can be a bit tedious, inevitably, but it works for me.

I also have a few mods installed and other code tweaks that need to be worked around, so any automated update will likely break things.

Ah, true. Sorry - I need a cofee.

But it still would do little harm to tune the query count, and examine your mods closely. Who knows how some of them are coded and are handling connections smile

The performance issues here may also be an issue with the MySQL connection timeout settings in my.cnf, viz: set-variable = wait_timeout=120 etc.

Connection limits to MySQL are under the hosts control. Unless you have access your self to editing MySQL's configuration, specifically the entry below:

# The maximum amount of concurrent sessions the MySQL server will
# allow. One of these connections will be reserved for a user with
# SUPER privileges to allow the administrator to login even if the
# connection limit has been reached.

HOWEVER it may not be all up to your host smile

You may be able to cut down on the number of connections your board generates by looking at the plugins you have loaded and also the options you have turned on on your forum.

I'd start by turning on via the setting in /include/common.php

// Enable DEBUG mode by removing // from the following line
define('PUN_DEBUG', 1);

to see how many queries each of your page views is generating.

Without registering to see your forums, it is possible that you may have installed plugins that are spawning excessive MySQL queries. This is certainly not unheard of - eg in the case of the various sub-forum mods, which are very inefficient and spawn *large* numbers of MySQL connections per page view.

Even some of the standard punBB features like the 'Users online' option that shows all the users currently online generate an extra MySQL load per page view. Perhaps you could review your use of some of those extra punBB options.

By optimizing how many queries your pages spawn per user page view, you may be able to cut down the number of simultaneous connections MySQL wants to open, and operate within the current limits set by your host to your usage of MySQL.

The news generator plugin is looking for a file that is probably there on the server, but in the wrong place.

When you see the word 'upload' in a punBB URL, it suggests that the forum hasn't been installed properly and therefore many punBB files may be in the wrong place. Check that you copied up all the punBB files into the right location.

In a normal punBB installation, there is NO upload folder. You copy the files FROM the 'upload' folder of your unzipped punBB file INTO the root of your proposed forum folder on your web site. You don't copy the 'upload' folder and its contents onto your web site. 

See: http://punbb.org/docs/install.html and http://punbb.org/docs/video_tutorials/ for more info on installation.

Also check the values you are using for the locations specified in the plugin, eg those like:

// The forum from which we'll pull the news bits
$forum_id = 3;

// Number of news posts to include in the index
$num_posts_index = 5;

// Path to news item template
$template_path = PUN_ROOT.'plugins/news_generator/news.tpl';

// Directories in which plugin will save generated markup (must end with slash)
$output_dir_latest = PUN_ROOT.'plugins/news_generator/';
$output_dir_archive = PUN_ROOT.'plugins/news_generator/archive/';

See the simple code to do this at:



(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Nice. Is it on punres yet?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Sounds like something a lot of people will find useful, myself included

A couple of questions:

Do you have a feature list?
What's your timetable for it to be available?


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Hey, congratulations on winning Sochi in 2014!

Good result for Russia.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Nice style. Polished, inviting, classy.

At 25 paragraphs long, I think it can also confidently claim the title of 'PunBB Site With the Most Rules'. smile



(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very nice.

Attractive, easy to use and fast-loading.


Nice CMS. Has a bridge <> punBB too, apparently.


Fixer wrote:

Allt om Helen forum, a fan forum of Swedish singer/actress Helen Sjöholm. Quite nice, I think.

Very nicely styled.

OK, so you have done the basics:

- gotten MySQL and PHP and Apache (if applicable) working OK;
- created a empty MySQL database to hold your forum, and given it a name;
- created a MySQl user to own and operate that database too, if needed.
- then decided on the location for your punBB files in the folder system on your server (usually something like /home/username/mysitename/www/mypunbbforum

Then you've followed the punBB docs:

Copy/upload all contents of the directory upload/ into the directory where you want to run your forums. 
Run install.php from the forum root directory (e.g. open http://mydomain/myforums/install.php in your browser). Follow the instructions.

Then you have setup your "Database type", "Database server hostname" "Database name" "Table prefix" "Administrator username" "Administrator password 1" "Administrator's e-mail" "Base URL" as instructed by install.php.

And then you have created a new file called 'config.php' which you have placed in the root of the directory  you want to run punbb in  -eg /home/username/mysitename/www/mypunbbforum.

So you now have a website folder hierarchy that looks like this:

/www - the standard root of your Apache (or whatever) website,

and within that your punbb forum folders:

-/mypunbbforum - the root of your forum, with PHP files like register.php, viewforum.php and config.php there

and the following folders:


That's all that is usually technically necessary to kick punBB into life. Do the basic config operations, then upload the files into the right place.

Please note that there is NO folder named 'upload' in the example above - that's just meant to be the name of the folder you upload your files FROM, into a folder like /www/mypunbbforum/ on your server.

If you have successfully done all the technical steps above, I suspect your problem may be as simple as having uploaded all your files in the wrong place. Maybe check that step again.

In particular, ditch the 'upload' folder and just unzip or move the main punBB files into your root punbb folder. In particular your config.php file. That's where punBB is looking for it.

Maybe I am confused.

What I am suggesting is that the pages that display the AdSense have to be the one that are read by the Googlebot.
Eg if you have a bunch of AdSense ads on /viewforum.php, then that page needs to be accessible to the Googlebot directly.

By blocking in robots.txt the Googlebot from accessing the 'normal' pages which the AdSense displays on, won't the AdSense die?

I mean the pages with the ads on them will still remotely load the jscript off google.com, naturally, but without the pages that host the AdSense being spidered, google won't know what ads would be correct to show on those pages.

The rewritten html sitemap pages may be successfully spidered, but you are then kind of saying to the googlebot: hey buddy, spider these (rewritten) pages over here, and then use the results of that to figure out what ads should be displayed on those (dynamic) pages in that pile over there, which you aren't allowed to see....

But pedrotuga, will putting those pages into robots.txt interfere with the operation of AdSense (if you have it on your pages)? The Googlebot needs to know what those pages are about in order to deliver appropriate context sensitive ads via AdSense. You might end up just getting public service messages displayed, which don't pay smile

Of course if you don't run AdSense, it won't be an issue.

Still, it will be an interesting experiment.

A good discussion of similar issue and solution is here:

http://www.aprelium.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10796 on the web site of the people who make the very nice Aprelium web server.

The issue is either that your php.ini config doesn't have 'allow_url_fopen = on' set.

Or (more likely) that you are trying to call the included URL via a http:/etc etc call, like


Try it as just a file path link instead - eg include("/extern.php?action=new&show=10");


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

It is nice. The forum style is pleasantly clean, simple and fast. It looks v. similar to the new default style of pun 1.3 in fact.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Even if the Zend Accelerator is installed, it may not be configured optimally. If it is already installed, the simplest option for your is to just make sure it is setup correctly for you and working as best as it can.

Alternatively, setup a test punbb somewhere, install an alternative cache like xcache, and see if it works for you, and then install that on your live site.

But identifying whether the Zend Accelerator is already there is important. Your life may get complicated if you have two caches fighting each other on the one server - they will negate each other.

Aside from caching, your users will also see a performance boost if you enable Gzip page compression within punBB or via whichever cache you go with. I notice that you don't seem to currently have that enabled. That might also be something to look at too.

I'd also certainly look at all of the mods you have installed - the sub-forums, the RSS/Atom feeds etc.

Do they need to be where they are on every page? Can the same task be done simpler somehow, perhaps with a different mod? Is the PHP code of these mods doing stuff 'under the hood' that you don't need? (and which you might therefore be able to cut or comment out of their code...). Etc

Site performance tuning is something you will probably find yourself doing every day on a big board. It's one of the down-sides of your success smile


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

See http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=15277 for some advice on caches. They are in general a good thing to setup and will improve the performance of your site from a users perspective. So install eAccellerator or xcache.

However it is a mistake to assume that database **size** is the performance bottleneck for you. A big database does not by itself equal a slow forum, unless the hosting environment is grotesquely under-specified (ie running on a machine with very little RAM and an old CPU), which is not often the case.

In looking at your homepage, the problem is clear - it is the number of database **queries** that are slowing down your page loads, not your database size. For example, I see that loading your home page generates 16 PHP and database queries, some of them no doubt quite complicated.

In contrast, a default punBB site loads the home page in typically only 6 or 7 queries. The extra queries on your site are generated by the extra mods you have applied - specifically the sub-forums mod, by the look of it.

Some - most smile - PunBB mods are not exactly written with performance or optimisation in mind, to say the least, so you are probably right to worry about the performance of your site as usage grows.

So I would suggest you do indeed install a cache, as well as perhaps review the way you have configured your board.

Eg make sure you have the latest version of the sub-forum mod. You may also find that, for example, you may be able to eliminate a few queries by disabling some of the optional items under the Administrative menu > Options, like the 'Users online', 'User has posted earlier', and other optional features that may apply to your mods.