Hello !
I would like the ability for the administrator to change the name of the sensitive files, such as register.php, login.php, post.php.
The spamming bots learns that when they meet a PunBB forum, they can send automatic registration requests with register.php. If they do not find this file immediately, the bot may quit the site and never come back. Moreover, if the administrator modified the file's name, a request for register.php can be only a spam from a bot and could be automatically banned by the forum.
I am no coder, but I have used such technics in other CMS. Please be so kind as to explain me if such an idea is stupid or dangerous or impossible or if such a feature already exists in PunBB or an extension.
Thanks for taking the time to read me.
PS : I know about captcha features to prevent spamming, it is not what I am inquiring about today.